Now, truce, farewell! and ruth begone! — Yet think not that by thee alone, Proud Chief! can courtesy be shown; Though not from copse, or heath, or cairn, Start at my whistle clansmen stern, Of this small horn one feeble blast Would fearful odds against... Lady of the Lake - Página 113por Walter Scott - 1909 - 204 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Nelson Thomas and sons, ltd - 1873 - 408 páginas
...that warms thy vein. Now, truce, farewell ! and ruth begone ! — Yet think not that by thee alone, Proud Chief ! can courtesy be shown : Though not from...feeble blast Would fearful odds against thee cast. But fear not, doubt not, which thou wilt — We try this quarrel hilt to hilt." — Then each at once... | |
 | William Cullen Bryant - 1873 - 906 páginas
...vein. Now, truce, farewell ! and ruth, begone ! — Yet think not that by thee alone, Proud Cliief ! ndly ; And mouldering now in silent dust That heart...Highland Mary. ROBERT BURNS. THY BRAES WERE BONNY. THY But fear not — doubt not — which thou wilt — We try this quarrel hilt to hilt." Then each at... | |
 | Star reciter - 1873 - 330 páginas
...blood that warms thy vein. Now, truce, farewell ! and ruth begone ! Yet think not that by thee alone, Proud chief, can courtesy be shown ; Though not from...clansmen stern, • Of this small horn one feeble blast AVould fearful odds against thee cast : But fear not — doubt not — which thou wilt — We try this... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1873 - 614 páginas
...ruth, begone ! — Yet think not that by Ihee alone, Proud Chief! can courlesy be shown ; Though nol from copse, or heath, or cairn, Start at my whistle...feeble blast Would fearful odds against thee cast. But fear not — doubt not — which tliou wilt — We try this quarrel hilt to hilt." Then each at... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1874 - 398 páginas
...warms thy vein. Now, truce, farewell ! and, ruth, begone ! Yet think not that by thee alone, 1'roud Chief! can courtesy be shown ; Though not from copse, or heath, or caini. Start at my whistle clansmen stem, Of this small horn one feeble blast Would fearful odds against... | |
 | T W M - 1876 - 264 páginas
...that warms thy vein. Now, truce, farewell ! and, ruth, begone ! — Yet think not that by thee alone, Proud Chief ! can courtesy be shown ; Though not from...feeble blast Would fearful odds against thee cast. But fear not — doubt not — which thou wilt, We try this quarrel hilt to hilt." — Then each at... | |
 | Rossiter Johnson - 1876 - 828 páginas
...warms thy vein. Now, truce farewell ! and ruth begone !— Yet think not that by thee alone, Prond y boats, Wherein some joking and gome puking sit; Proudly Bat fear not — doubt not — which thou wilt— We try this quarrel hilt to hilt." — Then each... | |
 | 1876 - 732 páginas
...1 and ruth, begone 1 Yet think not that by thee alone, Proud chief! can courtesy bo shown. Though_ not from copse, or heath, or cairn, Start at my whistle...feeble blast Would fearful odds against thee cast. But fear not — doubt not — which thou wilt—- Wo try this quarrel hilt to hilt." Then each at... | |
 | Charles Walton Sanders - 1876 - 622 páginas
...farewell ! and ruth, begone ! — Yet think not that by thee alone, Proud chief ! can courtesy be shown. But fear not — doubt not — which thou wilt, We try this quarrel hilt to hilt." XXX. Then each, at once, his falchion drew, Each on the ground his scabbard threw, Each looked to sun,... | |
 | 1876 - 734 páginas
...blood that wfcrms thy vein. Now, truce, farewell ! and ruth, begone ! Yet think not that by thce alone, Proud chief ! can courtesy be shown. Though not from copse, or heath, or cairn, Stiirt ;it my whistle clansmen stern, Of tliis small horn one feeble blast Would fearful odds against... | |
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