Any colonial law which is or shall be in any respect repugnant to the provisions of any Act of Parliament extending to the colony to which such law may relate, or repugnant to any order or regulation made under... The Law of Legislative Power in Canada - Página 299por Augustus Henry Frazer Lefroy - 1898 - 825 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
| John Jane Smith Wharton, John Mounteney Lely - 1889 - 800 páginas
...of some act of parliament extending to the colony, or to any order made under authority of such act. or having in the colony the force and effect of such act. In the case of such repugnancy the colonial law shall be void to the extent thereof and not otherwise.... | |
| William Houston - 1891 - 370 páginas
...which is or shall be repugnant to when void for , . . , . _ . . , . , repugnancy. 'ne provisions of any Act of Parliament extending to the colony to which...Act of Parliament, or having in the colony the force or effect of such Act, shall be read subject to such Act, order, or regulation, and shall, to the extent... | |
| Sir George Cornewall Lewis - 1891 - 468 páginas
...of 28 & 29 Vic. c. 63 any colonial law, which is in any respect repugnant to the provisions of any act of Parliament extending to the colony to which such law may relate, is to be read subject to such act, and to the extent of such repugnancy is void and inoperative. In... | |
| Francis Taylor Piggott - 1892 - 332 páginas
...Parliament, or having in that country the force and effect of any such Act, it shall be read subject to that Act. order, or regulation, and shall, to the extent of such repugnancy, bet not otherwise, be void. (2.) An Order in Council made in pursuance of this Act shall r.« be, or... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1893 - 1000 páginas
...Colonial Law — " Any Colonial Law which is or shall be in any respect repugnant to the provisions of any Act of Parliament extending to the Colony to which...Order, or Regulation, and shall, to the extent of suA repugnancy, but not otherwise, be and remain absolutely void and inoperative." That applied to... | |
| Albert Venn Dicey - 1893 - 480 páginas
..." Sec. 2. Any colonial law which is or shall be in " any respect repugnant to the provisions of any Act " of Parliament extending to the colony to which...such law may relate, or repugnant to any order or Part I. " regulation made under authority of such Act of Par" liament, or having in the colony the... | |
| J. Gordon Mowat, John Alexander Cooper, Newton MacTavish - 1894 - 604 páginas
...2 says : " Any colonial law, which is or shall be in any respect repugnant to the provisions of any act of parliament, extending to the colony to which...effect of such act, shall be read, subject to such act or regulation, and shall, to the extent of such repugnancy, but not otherwise, be and remain absolutely... | |
| New Brunswick. Vice-Admiralty Court, Alfred A. Stockton - 1894 - 792 páginas any respect repugnant to the provisions of an Act of Parliament extending to the colony to which law may relate, or repugnant to any order or regulation...Act of Parliament, or having in the colony the force or effeet of such Act, shall be read, subject to such Act, order or regulation, and shall, to the extent... | |
| Canada. Parliament. Senate - 1894 - 1026 páginas
...contention of that hon. gentleman : Any colonial law which is or shull be repugnant to the provisions of any Act of Parliament extending to the colony to which such law may relate, or repugnant to any oriler or regulations made under authority of such Act of Parliament, or having in the colony the force... | |
| William Edward Hall - 1894 - 394 páginas
...Parliament, or having in that country the force and effect of any such Act, it shall be read subject to that Act, order, or regulation, and shall, to the extent of such repugnancy, but not otherwise, be void. (2) An Order in Council made in pursuance of this Act shall not be, or be deemed to have been,... | |
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