Huntsman, rest! thy chase is done; While our slumbrous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here shall sound reveille. Sleep ! the deer is in his den ; Sleep! thy hounds are by thee lying: Sleep! nor dream in yonder glen How thy gallant... Lady of the Lake - Página 21por Walter Scott - 1909 - 204 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Walter Scott, William Sharp - 1886 - 368 páginas
...came. SONG CONTINUED. " Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done. While our slumb'rous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here shall sound reveille. Sleep I the deer is in his den ; Sleep ! thy hounds are by thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen,... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1887 - 678 páginas
...came. Song ContinucD. ' Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done ; While our slumbrous spells assail ye, Bugles here shall sound reveille. Sleep ! the deer...are by thee lying : Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen How thy gallant steeâ lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done ; Think not of the rising sun,... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1888 - 682 páginas
...Booming from the sedgy shallow. Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here shall sound reveillé. Sleep ! the deer is in his den ; Sleep ! thy hounds...are by thee lying; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest! thy chase is done; Think not of the rising sun, For... | |
 | William A. Campbell - 1890 - 514 páginas
...clans or squadrons stamping. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done While our slumb'rous spells assail ye, Dream not with the rising sun, Bugles here shall thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done ; Think not of the rising sun,... | |
 | Blanche Wilder Bellamy, Maud Wilder Goodwin - 1889 - 356 páginas
...clans, or squadrons stamping. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, While our slumb'rous spells assail ye, Dream not with the rising sun, Bugles here shall thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream, in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, Think not of the rising sun, For... | |
 | Mrs. Grace Townsend - 1890 - 642 páginas
...stamping. Huntsman, rest! thy chase is done, While our slumberous spells assail ye, Dream not, while the rising sun. Bugles here shall sound reveille....deer is in his den, Sleep! thy hounds are by thee lying;Sleep! nor dream in yonder glen How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest! thy chase is... | |
 | Sir Walter Scott - 1890 - 612 páginas
...our slumbrous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here shall sound reveillé. Sleep ! the deer is in his den ; Sleep ! thy thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, Think not of the rising sun, For... | |
 | Blanche Wilder Bellamy, Maud Wilder Goodwin - 1889 - 356 páginas
...! the deer is in his den ; Sleep ! thy hounds are by thee lying ; Sleep! nor dream, in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, Think not of the rising sun, SONG OF MARION'S MEN. WILLIAM CULLKN BRYANT. OUR band is few but true and tried, Our leader frank and... | |
 | Grace Townsend - 1891 - 570 páginas
...stamping. Huntsman, rest! thy chase is done, While our slumberous spells assail ye, Dream not, while the rising sun. Bugles here shall sound reveille....are by thee lying; Sleep! nor dream in yonder glen How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest! thy chase is done; Think not of the rising sun, For,... | |
 | Anna Callender Brackett - 1909 - 374 páginas
...clans, or squadron stamping. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, While our slumbrous spells assail ye, Dream not with the rising sun, Bugles here shall thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, Think not of the rising sun, For... | |
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