Huntsman, rest! thy chase is done; While our slumbrous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here shall sound reveille. Sleep ! the deer is in his den ; Sleep! thy hounds are by thee lying: Sleep! nor dream in yonder glen How thy gallant... Lady of the Lake - Página 21por Walter Scott - 1909 - 204 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1883 - 144 páginas
...our slumbrous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here shall sound reveillé. Sleep ! the deer is in his den ; Sleep ! thy thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, Think noj; of the rising sun,... | |
 | sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1883 - 684 páginas
...the deer ie in hie den ; Sleep ! thy hounds are by theo lying ; Sleep 1 nor dreara in yonder glen. How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, Think not of tho rising aim, For at dawning to assail ye. Here no bugles sound reveille," Tho hall was clear'd -... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1884 - 616 páginas
...spontaneous came. Scng timiinmb. " Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, While our slumbrous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, Think not of the rising sun, For... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1884 - 582 páginas
...Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here shall sound reveille. ye. Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. • Huntsman, rest! thy chase is done, Sleep ! the doer is in his den; Sleep! thy hounds arc by then lying; Think not of the rising sun, For... | |
 | David Charles Bell - 1885 - 344 páginas
...or squadrons stamping. 3 Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done ; while our slumb'rous spells assail ye, dream not with the rising sun bugles here shall thee lying ; sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, how thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done ; think not of the rising sun,... | |
 | sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1885 - 296 páginas
...or squadrons stamping." " Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, While our slumbrous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, Think not of the rising sun, For... | |
 | Cassell, ltd - 1885 - 224 páginas
...or squadrons stamping. 3. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, While our slumbrous spells assail ye, Dream not with the rising sun Bugles here shall thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, Think not of the rising' sun,... | |
 | Charles Rogers - 1885 - 614 páginas of Lady Margaret tu the first canto of " The Lady of the Lake." 84 THE MODERN SCOTTISH MINSTREL. Sleep ! the deer is in his den ; Sleep ! thy thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, Think not of the rising sun, For... | |
 | Ludwig Herrig - 1885 - 752 páginas
...thy chase is done, fiOfi While our slumbrous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bngles tled be. And again, 'three removes are as bad as a fire;' and again, 'keep t arc by thec lying; 610 Sleep! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman,... | |
 | sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1886 - 372 páginas
...came. SONQ CONTINUED. " Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, While our slumb'rous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here shall...sound reveille. Sleep ! the deer is in his den ; Sleep I thy hounds are by thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying.... | |
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