Huntsman, rest! thy chase is done; While our slumbrous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here shall sound reveille. Sleep ! the deer is in his den ; Sleep! thy hounds are by thee lying: Sleep! nor dream in yonder glen How thy gallant... Lady of the Lake - Página 21por Walter Scott - 1909 - 204 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Walter Scott - 1838 - 404 páginas
...came. SONG COKTINUED. " Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, "While our slumb'rous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest! thy chase is done, Think not of the rising sun, For,... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1838 - 378 páginas
...spontaneous came. SONG CONTINUED. " Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done. While our slumbrous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here shall...! the deer is in his den : Sleep ! thy hounds are hy thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest !... | |
 | Edward Hungerford D. Elers Napier - 1840 - 662 páginas
...not, with the rising sun, Bugles here shall sound reveillee. Sleep ! the deer is in his den ; Sleep I thy hounds are by thee lying; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen How thy gallant steed lay dying. BON SOIR. 275 • Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, Think not of... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1841 - 848 páginas
...came. gany caniinve'O. " Huntsman, rest! thy chase is done, While our slumbrous spells assail ye,' Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, Think not of the rising sun, For... | |
 | English poetry - 1844 - 108 páginas
...or squadrons stamping. " Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, While our slumbrous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, Think not of the rising sun, For... | |
 | John Frost - 1845 - 458 páginas
...or squadrons stamping*. Huntsman, rest'! thy chase is done*, While our slumbrous spells assail' ye, Dream not with the rising sun', Bugles here shall...reveille*. Sleep'! the deer is in his den*; Sleep*! nor dream in yonder glen', How thy gallant steed lay dying*. Huntsman, rest'! thy chase is done*, Think... | |
 | John Celivergos Zachos - 1851 - 570 páginas
...clans, or squadrons stamping. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, While our slumb'rous spells assail ye, Dream not with the rising sun, Bugles here shall thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream, in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done. Think not of the rising sun, For... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1852 - 594 páginas
...came. SONG — CONTINUED. "Huntsman, rest! thy chase is done, While our slumbrous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here shall...deer is in his den ; Sleep ! thy hounds are by thee lying1 ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase... | |
 | sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1855 - 590 páginas
...came. Song continued. " Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done ; While our slumbrous spells assail ye, Dream not, with the rising sun, Bugles here thee lying ; Sleep ! nor dream in yonder glen, How thy gallant steed lay dying. Huntsman, rest ! thy chase is done, Think not of the rising sun, For... | |
 | John Frost - 1855 - 462 páginas
...or squadrons stamping*. Huntsman, rest'! thy chase is done*, While our slumbrous spells assail' ye, Dream not with the rising sun', Bugles here shall...reveille* Sleep'! the deer is in his den*; Sleep*! nor dream in yonder glen', How thy gallant steed lay dying*. Huntsman, rest'! thy chase is done4, Think... | |
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