| Frederick A. Laing - 1873 - 262 páginas
...white sea-mew. 1C Then marked they, dashing broad and far, The broken billows of the war, And plumed crests of chieftains brave, Floating like foam upon...shook, and falchions flashed amain; Fell England's arrow flight like rain; Crests rose, and stooped, and rose again, Wild and disorderly." — Marmion.... | |
 | Nelson Thomas and sons, ltd - 1873 - 314 páginas
...the white sea-mew. Then marked they, dashing broad and far, The broken billows of the war, And plumed crests of chieftains brave, Floating like foam upon...shook, and falchions flashed amain ; Fell England's arrow-flights like rain ; Crests rose, and stooped, and rose again, Wild and disorderly. Amid the scene... | |
 | sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1873 - 264 páginas
...the white sea-mew. Then mark'd they, dashing broad and far, The broken billows of the war, And plumed crests of chieftains brave, Floating like foam upon...battle on the plain ; Spears shook, and falchions flash'd amain ; Fell England's arrow-flight like rain ; Crests rose, and stoop'd, and rose again, Wild... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1874 - 658 páginas
...the white sea-mew, Then marked they, dashing broad and far The broken billows of the war, And plume'd crests of chieftains brave, Floating like foam upon...disorderly. Amid the scene of tumult, high They saw lord Marmion'» falcon fly : And stainless Tunstall's banner white, And Edmund Howard's lion bright, Still... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1874 - 336 páginas
...the white sea-mew. Then mark'd they, dashing broad and for, The broken billows of the war, And plumed crests of chieftains brave, Floating like foam upon...battle on the plain ; Spears shook, and falchions flush" d amain I'VIl England's arrow-flight like rain ; Crests rose, and stoop'd, and rose again. Wild... | |
 | Henry Major - 1875 - 268 páginas
...far, The broken billows of the war; And plumed crests of chieftains brave, floating like foam npon the wave ; But nought distinct they see : Wide raged...and stooped, and rose again, Wild and disorderly. Advanced, — forced back, — now low, now h The pennon sunk and rose ; As bends the bark's mast in... | |
 | 1875 - 324 páginas
...billows of the war, And plumed' crests of chieftains brave, Floating like foam upon the wave ; But naught distinct they see : Wide raged the battle on the plain...like rain ; Crests rose, and stooped, and rose again, 4. Amid the scene of tumult, high They saw Lord Marmion's falcon fly : And stainless Tunstall's banner... | |
 | Richard St. John Tyrwhitt - 1875 - 438 páginas
...dashing broad and far, The broken billows of the war. And plumed crests of chieftains brave . . . . . Amid the scene of tumult, high They saw Lord Marmion's...Tunstall's banner white, And Edmund Howard's lion bright.' J Cf. Hdt. ix. 74, of the anchor borne by Sophanes of Deceleia, which jEschylus had probably seen shaken... | |
 | Robert Chambers, Robert Carruthers - 1876 - 870 páginas
...the white sea-mew. Then marked they, dashing broad and far, The broken billows of the war, And plumed are not so changeable as the arrow-Sight like rain ; Crests rose, and stooped, and rose again, Wild and disorderly. Evening fell... | |
 | Robert Chambers, Robert Carruthers - 1876 - 860 páginas
...plumed crests of chieftains brave, Floating like foam upon the wave ; But nought distinct they see : Ш ng. Fitz-Eustace, to Lord Surrey hie : Tunstall lies...; His life-blood stains the spotless shield : Edmu Evening fell on the deadly struggle, and the spectators were forced from the agitating scene. But as... | |
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