| Walter Scott, J. W. Lake - 1838 - 496 páginas
...white sea-mew. Then marked they, dashing broad and far, The broken billows of the war, And plumed crest of chieftains brave, Floating like foam upon the wave,...Wide raged the battle on the plain; Spears shook, and lalchions flashed amain; Fell England's arrow-flight like rain; Crests rose, and stooped, and rose... | |
 | sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1839 - 92 páginas
...; But nought distinet they see : Wide raged the hattle on the plain ; Spears shook, and fanlehions flashed amain ; Fell England's arrow-flight like rain...stooped, and rose again, Wild and disorderly. Amid the seene of tumult, high They saw Lord Marmion's faleon fly : And stainless Tunstall's hanner white, And... | |
 | 1840 - 378 páginas
...shook, and falchions flash'd amain ; Fell England's arrow-flight like rain ; Crests rose, and stoop'd, and rose again, Wild and disorderly. Amid the scene...lion bright, Still bear them bravely in the fight ; Although against them come, Of Gallant Gordons many a one, And many a stubborn Badenoch-man, And... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1841 - 848 páginas
...the white sea-mew. Then mark'd they, dashing broad and far, The broken billows of the war, And plumed fiash'd amain ; Fell England's arrow-flight like rain ; Crests rose, and stoop'd, and rose again, Wild... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1845 - 380 páginas
...the white sea-mew. Then mark'd they, dashing broad and far, The broken billows of the war, And plumed crests of chieftains brave, Floating like foam upon...the battle on the plain; Spears shook, and falchions flash'd amain ; Fell England's arrow-flight like- rain ; Crests rose, and stoop'd, and rose again,... | |
 | 1842 - 480 páginas
...the white sea-mew. Then mark'd they, dashing broad and far, The broken billows of the war, And plumed crests of chieftains brave, Floating like foam upon...battle on the plain ; Spears shook, and falchions flash'd amain, Fell England's arrow-flight like rain ; Crests rose, and stoop'd, and rose again, And... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1843 - 734 páginas
...wave; But nought distinct they see : Wide raged the hattle on the plain ; Spears shook, and falchious flashed amain ; Fell England's arrow-flight like rain...stooped, and rose again, Wild and disorderly. Amid the seene of tumult, high They saw Lord Marmion's falcon fly: And stainless Tunstall's hanner whlte, And... | |
 | English poetry - 1844 - 108 páginas
...the white sea-mew. Then marked they, dashing broad and far, The broken billows of the war, And plumed crests of chieftains brave, Floating like foam upon...lion bright, Still bear them bravely in the fight ; Although against them come, Of gallant Gordons many a one, And many a stubborn Highlandman, And many... | |
 | George Lillie Craik - 1845 - 486 páginas
...the white sea-mew. Then marked they, dashing broad and far, The broken billows of the war, And plumed crests of chieftains brave, Floating like foam upon...lion bright, Still bear them bravely in the fight ; Although against them come Of gallant Gordons many a one, And many a stubborn Badenoch man, And many... | |
 | Robert Chambers - 1844 - 746 páginas
...sea-mew. Then marked they, dashing broad and far, The broken billows of the war, And plumed crest« MART, $ [Evening fell on the deadly struggle, and the «pectators were forced from tho agitating scene.] But... | |
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