Moored in the rifted rock, Proof to the tempest's shock, Firmer he roots him the ruder it blow; Menteith and Breadalbane, then, Echo his praise agen, Roderigh Vich Alpine dhu, ho! ieroe! Lady of the Lake - Página 38por Walter Scott - 1909 - 204 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Walter Scott, J. W. Lake - 1838 - 496 páginas
...ieroe!"12 Ours is no sapling, chance-sown by the fountain, Blooming at Beltane, in winter to fade; When the whirlwind has stripped every leaf on the mountain, The more shall Clan- Alpine exult in her shade. Moored in the rifted rock, Proof to the tempest's shock, Finner he... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1838 - 378 páginas
...chance -sown by the fountain, Blooming at Beltane, in winter to fade ; When the whirlwind has stripp'd every leaf on the mountain, The more shall Clan-Alpine exult in her shade. Moor'd in the rifted rock, Proof to the tempest's shock, Firmer he roots him the ruder it blow ; Menteith... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1841 - 848 páginas
...chance-sown by the fountain, Blooming at Beltane, in winter to fade ; When the whirlwind has stripp'd every leaf on the mountain, The more shall Clan-Alpine exult in her shade. MoorM in the rifted rock, Proof to the tempest's shock, Firmer he roots him the ruder it blow ; Menteith... | |
 | Adam and Charles Black (Firm) - 1842 - 600 páginas
...whirlwind has stripp'd everv leaf on the mountain, The more shall Clan- Alpine exult in her shade. Moor'd in the rifted rock, Proof to the tempest's shock, Firmer he roots him the ruder it blow ; Menteith and Breadalbane, then, Echo his praise agen, ' Eoderigh Vich Alpine dhu, ho ! ieroe ! '... | |
 | 1842 - 528 páginas
...whirlwind has stripp'd every leaf on the mountain, The more sliall Clan-Alpine exult iu his shade. Moor'd in the rifted rock, Proof to the tempest's shock, Firmer he roots him the ruder it blow ; Menteith and lireadalbane, then, Echo his praise agen, ' Roderigh Vicli Alpine dim, ho! ieroe!'"... | |
 | 1842 - 864 páginas
...AGAIN ! " Ours is no sapling, chance-sown by the fountain, Blooming in spring time, in winter to fade ; When the whirlwind has stripped every leaf on the mountain, The more shall PRINCE ALBERT exult iu her shade. Moored in the rifted rock, Proof to the tempest's shock. Firmer he... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1843 - 734 páginas
...fade ; When the whirlwind has stripped every leaf on the mountaln. The more shall Clan- Alpine exult m her shade. Moored in the rifted rock, Proof to the tempest's shock. Firmer he roots him the ruder it hlow; Menteith and Breadalhane, then, Echo his praise agen, " Roderigh Vich Alpine dhu, ho ! ieroe... | |
 | Lord Francis Jeffrey Jeffrey - 1844 - 540 páginas
...winter to fade ; When the whirlwind has stripp'd ev'ry leaf on the mountain, The more shall Clan- Alpine exult in her shade. Moored in the rifted rock, Proof...tempest's shock, Firmer he roots him the ruder it blow ; Menteith and Breadalbane, then, Echo his praise agen, ' Rod'righ Vich Alpine dhu, ho ! ieroe !' "... | |
 | William Chambers, Robert Chambers - 1846 - 922 páginas
...ieroe ! " Ours is no sapling, chance-sown by the fountain, Blooming at Beltane, in winter to fade ; when the whirlwind has stripped every leaf on the mountain, The more shall Clan- Alpine exult in her shade. Moored in the rifted rock, Proof to the tempest's shock, Firmer he... | |
 | Lord Francis Jeffrey Jeffrey - 1846 - 690 páginas
...chance-sown by the fountain, Blooming at Beltane, in winter to fade ; When the whirlwind has stripp'd ev'ry leaf on the mountain, The more shall Clan-Alpine exult...tempest's shock, Firmer he roots him the ruder it blow ; Menteith and Breadalbane, then. Echo his praise agen, ' Rod'righ Vich Alpine dhu, ho ! ieroe ! '... | |
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