Sprung from his heathery couch in haste. But ere his fleet career he took, The dew-drops from his flanks he shook; Like crested leader proud and high Tossed his beamed frontlet to the sky ; 45 A moment gazed adown the dale, A moment snuffed the tainted... The Lady of the Lake - Página 5por Walter Scott - 1893Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | William Cullen Bryant - 1872 - 898 páginas
...from his flanks ho shook ; Like crusted leader proud and high Tossed his beamed frontlet to the sky ; ed over us. O, now you weep ; and, I pe ; Then, as the headmost foes appeared, With one brave bound the copse he cleared, And, stretching forward... | |
 | English poetry - 1873 - 390 páginas
...his warder call, " To arms ! the foemen storm the wall! " The antlered monarch of the waste Sprang from his heathery couch in haste. But, ere his fleet...proud and high, Tossed his beamed frontlet to the sky ; A moment gazed adown the dale, A moment snuffed the tainted gale, A moment listened to the cry Then,... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1873 - 614 páginas
...warder call, " To arms ! the foemen storm the wall," The antler'd monarch of the waste Sprung fiom his heathery couch in haste. But, ere his fleet career...from his flanks he shook; Like crested leader proud aii:l high, Toss'd his beam'd frontlet to the sky ; A moment gazed adown the dale, A moment snuff'd... | |
 | William Cullen Bryant - 1873 - 906 páginas
...antlered monarch of the waste Sprung from his heathery couch iu haste. But, ere his lleet career lie ird be flown ; ßut what fair dell or grove he sings in now, ; A moment gazed adowii the dale, A moment snuffed the tainted gale, A moment listened to the cry,... | |
 | William Cullen Bryant - 1874 - 914 páginas
...storm the wall," The antlered monarch of the waste Sprung from his heathery couch in liaste. But, crc l among your guests to-night. МАГВ. Soshall I,...your remembrance apply to Ban quo ; Present him emin ; A moment gazed adowu the dale, A moment snuffed the tainted gale, A moment listened to the cry, That... | |
 | sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1877 - 78 páginas
...It may however mean the only one. Cowper uses it similarly in his lines on ' Alexander Selkirk'— Sprung from his heathery couch in haste. But, ere...to the cry, That thickened as the chase drew nigh ; Then, as the headmost foes appeared, 50 With one brave bound the copse he cleared, "Waste, merely... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1877 - 688 páginas
...who hears his warder call, " To arms ! the foemen storm the wall," The antlered monarch of the waste Sprung from his heathery couch in haste. But, ere...proud and high, Tossed his beamed frontlet to the sky • A moment gazed adown the dale, A moment snuffed the tainted gale, A moment listened to the cry,... | |
 | sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1878 - 284 páginas
...who hears his warder call, " To arms! the foemen storm the wall,"The antlered monarch of the waste Sprung from his heathery couch in haste. But, ere...proud and high, Tossed his beamed frontlet to the sky ; A moment gazed adown the dale, A moment snuffed the tainted gale, A moment listened to the cry, That... | |
 | William Torrey Harris, Andrew Jackson Rickoff, Mark Bailey - 1878 - 280 páginas
...hears his warder call, " To arms 1 the foemen storm the wall!" The antlered monarch of the waste Sprang from his heathery couch in haste. But, ere his fleet...leader proud and high, Tossed his beamed frontlet to (he sky; A moment gazed adown the dale, A moment snuffed the tainted gale, A moment listened to the... | |
 | 1878 - 588 páginas
...warder call, Soon. The antlered monarch of the waste Sprung from his heathery couch in haste. But, e'er his fleet career he took, The dew-drops from his flanks...proud and high, Tossed his beamed frontlet to the sky; A moment gazed adown the dale, A moment snuffed the tainted gale, A moment listened to the cry, That... | |
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