The hand of the reaper Takes the ears that are hoary, But the voice of the weeper Wails manhood in glory. The autumn winds rushing Waft the leaves that are searest, But our flower was in flushing, When blighting was nearest. Lady of the Lake - Página 65por Walter Scott - 1909 - 204 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | United States. Congress, Thomas Hart Benton - 1857 - 648 páginas
...tolled ; the summer of his life but half gone, when the sickle was put in, and the harvest gathered ! The hand of the reaper Takes the ears that are hoary ; But the voice of the weeper Walla manhood In glory. Mr. HABRIS concluded by offering the following resolutions, which were read,... | |
 | 1857 - 1266 páginas
...Od. IV. xiv. 29. Virg. ^En. x. 513. We would add to these Scott's "Lady of the Lake," cant. 3. xvi. The hand of the reaper Takes the ears that are hoary, But the voice of the weeper Wails manhood in glory. After v. 356. Rossbach retaining " prosternan« " in that verse, supposes a... | |
 | Roswell Park - 1857 - 338 páginas
...summer-dried fountain, When our need was the sorest ! The font, reappearing, From the rain-drops shall borrow, But to us comes no cheering, To Duncan no morrow ! " The hand of the reaper Takes the cars that are hoary, But the voice of the weeper Wails manhood in glory. The autumn winds rushing,... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1857 - 444 páginas
...Duncan no morrow ! The hand of the reaper Takes the ears that are hoary, But the voice of the weeper Wails manhood in glory ; The autumn winds rushing Waft the leaves that arc searcst, But our flower was in flushing, When blighting was nearest. Fleet foot on the correi,1... | |
 | Aubrey Thomas De Vere - 1858 - 298 páginas
...summer-dried fountain, When our need was the sorest. The font, reappearing, From the rain-drops shall borrow} But to us comes no cheering, To Duncan no morrow !...the ears that are hoary, But the voice of the weeper Wails manhood in glory ; The autumn winds rushing, Waft the leaves that are searest, But our flower... | |
 | Epes Sargent - 1858 - 482 páginas
...our need was the sorest ; The fount, reappearing, from the rain-drops shall borrow, But to us com OH no cheering, to Duncan no morrow ! The hand of the reaper takes the ears that are hoary, The autumn winds rushing waft the leaves that are sorest, But our flower was in flushing when blighting... | |
 | 1859 - 924 páginas
...labourers put their moulders to bear him once more to his own houfe, through his half-gathered crops — The hand of the reaper Takes the ears that are hoary, But the voice of the weeper Wails manhood in glory. No, bewail him not. It was glory, indeed, but the glory of early autumn, the... | |
 | William Allingham - 1860 - 316 páginas
...font, reappearing, From the rain-drops shall borrow ; But to us comes no cheering, No Duncan to-morrow. The hand of the reaper Takes the ears that are hoary ; But the voice of the weeper Wails manhood in glory ; The autumn winds rushing Waft the leaves that are serest, But our flower was... | |
 | 1860 - 978 páginas
...labourers put their shoulders to bear him once more to his own house, through his half-gathered crops— ' The hand of the reaper Takes the ears that are hoary, But the voice of the weeper Wails manhood in glory.' "*No, bewail him not. It was glory, indeed, but the glory of early autumn,... | |
 | Benjamin Franklin Butler - 1860 - 160 páginas
...reappearing, From the rain drops shall borrow, But to us comes no cheering — No Douglas to-morrow. •'The hand of the reaper Takes the ears that are hoary, But the voice of the weeper Wails manhood in glory. The autumn winds, rushing, Waft the leaves that are searest, But our flower... | |
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