Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower; We will grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind; In the primal sympathy Which having been must ever be ; In the soothing thoughts that spring Out... The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth - Página 169por William Wordsworth - 1893Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Half hours - 1863 - 414 páginas
...your hearts to-day Feel the gladness of tho May ! What though the radiance which was once so bright Be now for ever taken from my sight ; Though nothing...grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind ; In the primal sympathy Which having been must ever bo ; In the soothing thoughts that spring Out... | |
 | 696 páginas
...the field — "What though the radiance which was once BO bright Be now for ever taken from my tight, Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in the grass, of glory in tho flower ; We will grieve not ; rather, find Strength in what remains behind, In the primal sympathy... | |
 | Thomas Noon Talfourd - 1864 - 358 páginas
...tenderness, as "might make angels weep :" "What though the radiance which was once 10 brigbt, I ',• now for ever taken from my sight, Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in Hie gram, of glory in the flower; We w|ll grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind,... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1865 - 318 páginas
...your hearts to-day Feel the gladness of the May ! What though the radiance which was once so bright Be now for ever taken from my sight, Though nothing...grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind ; In the primal sympathy Which having been must ever be ; In the soothing thoughts that spring Out... | |
 | John Dennis - 1865 - 340 páginas
...your hearts to-day Feel the gladness of the May ! What though the radiance which was once so bright Be now for ever taken from my sight, Though nothing...grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind ; In the primal sympathy Which having been must ever be ; In the soothing thoughts that spring Out... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1865 - 316 páginas
...your hearts to-day Feel the gladness of the May ! What though the radiance which was once so bright Be now for ever taken from my sight, Though nothing...grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind ; In the primal sympathy Which having been must ever be ; In the soothing thoughts that spring Out... | |
 | Frederick William Robertson - 1865 - 394 páginas
...Childhood,' which have something of the subdued and chastened feeling which I am beginning to realise : — Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in the grass, or glory in the flower, &c. I am not sorry that the wild throb of romantic, boyish anticipation of... | |
 | Frances Martin - 1866 - 506 páginas
...your hearts to-day Feel the gladness of the May ! What though the radiance which was once so bright Be now for ever taken from my sight, Though nothing...grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind : In the primal sympathy Which having been must ever be ; In the soothing thoughts that spring Out... | |
 | R. C. J. - 1866 - 304 páginas
...your hearts to-day Feel the gladness of the May ! What though the radiance which was once so bright Be now for ever taken from my sight, Though nothing...grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind ; In the primal sympathy Which having been must ever be ; In the soothing thoughts that spring Out... | |
 | George H. STRUTT - 1866 - 260 páginas
...Coleridge. CXVI. What tho' the radiance which was once so bright Be now for ever taken from my sight, Tho' nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in the...not, rather find Strength in what remains behind, In the primal sympathy Which having been must ever be, In the soothing thoughts that spring Out of... | |
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