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though tolerably contented, I had the secret
feeling of void, known, I believe, to all who
are drinking from the world's broken cisterns,
instead of the fountain of living water.
Joy is a plant that will not grow
In Nature's barren soil;


All we can boast, till Christ we know,
Is vanity and toil.

So I believed. I wish I could describe to you the joy that I felt when I knew Christ was mine; when I saw that I not only might, but was commanded to accept all the promises. The Bible spoke to me in quite a new light. The Word preached did not profit me, not being mixed with faith; the Bible used to be uninteresting and often unintelligible to me, for I had not the key to it, faith in Christ. But now with joy I drank water from the wells of salvation. Beginning with Romans, I went on with increasing delight, realizing all the joyous promises as my own, No condemnation; no separation: Christ's righteousness imputed to us, and our sin to Him! Such words are alone enough to make us overflow with gratitude and love. Then I knew, but never before, what love, peace, and joy meant. And now my life, though as a servant of Christ it is one of work and warfare, is one of peace and rest. For the work of a Christian is faith, and his labour love. Of myself I can do nothing (for our works are God's workmanship), but "all things through Christ which strengtheneth separa- me. The Christian's life ought to be a continual looking to Christ. The more we look the more we shall love, and the more we love the more we shall work. "Let Him kiss me with the kisses of His lips." There is a joy in being a child of God which none can imagine who do not know it. I myself did not believe in it; but I do not wonder now that there does not exist a child of God, however suffering or afflicted, who would change places with the most prosperous worldling.

he cannot see the kingdom of heaven;' "if we believe, that we have it? To doubt for this doctrine is the key-stone of the God's word is to insult Christ! If we have Bible. No preaching is the Gospel that does not everlasting life, it is because we do not not preach conversion, crushes self-right- believe. Besides, if we are saved by faith, we eousness, prostrate self in every form, and must be saved on earth, for there will be no show salvation, from first to last, to be of faith in heaven. grace. Oh, what a rotten system it is which would exalt fallen human nature and try to So it was natural that I should sometimes purify it for heaven without the new birth! wonder whether the slight, almost fancied, "Am I told that Christ does one-half in the enjoyment that pleasure gave me was joy, matter of salvation and I the other? This and if not, what joy was. Soon wearied, I is like telling a man to put one foot upon a took to study; but found with Solomon that rock and the other upon his own boat. What that was vanity. Only "doing good," I is the result? but his boat gives away; thought, can give real happiness. So I that he is plunged into the deep. This is no set about to amend my life and do good Gospel, no joyful sound" (Stratten's Sermons). works, not forgetting religion, daily reading, "By grace are ye saved, through faith, and prayer, and keeping the Sabbath. Still, that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God." "the way of peace" had I not found; I had But how was I to believe? I was longing made to myself a crooked way, and my to be a believer; yet faith seemed an act that righteousness and my works could not profit I could not perform. I read of coming to I had but the filthy rags of self-right- Christ, and I would gladly have gone any eousness, instead of Christ's spotless robe. distance to find him. Like the jailor, I still Not that I disbelieved the Gospel: I knew thought something was to be done to be Jesus was the Son of God, and the Saviour; saved. But because it was neither doing nor but my not being a sceptic did not make me coming, but simply believing, I overlooked a child of God. I did not believe in my the truth. A Christian friend was led to heart that Christ was my Saviour. And I talk to me on the subject at this time. (It is feel that all should be impressed with the very beautiful how God generally leads His important truth that knowing the Gospel children to be the happy instruments of leadwith the head is not believing with the heart. ing His strayed sheep to Him.) She was the Spurgeon defines faith as consisting of know-means of removing the barrier which ledge, assent, and trust or recumbence, the ted me from Christ, for I was ever conscious essential part. He says, "It is not enough of being very near to Him, but with the for a drowning man to know that a life-boat word believe, as it were, a film between me is near, or to assent to its being a good inven- and Him. She told me I had simply to cast tion; he must get into it, or he will be lost." aside every doubt and fear, and believe Christ I soon began to realize this in my own case, to be mine, to believe that I believed, to let that I could not have the true faith by which myself down, so to speak, from toiling and we are saved, so long as religion was not a waiting to accept every promise as for myself. pleasure but a duty, and while I did not feel It seemed to me at first presumption, but I love to Christ, nor to share the peace and joy soon saw that the presumption was to doubt; of which the people of God speak. Of course -faith never can be presumption. It had And now, in concluding, a few words to I could not love Christ till I believed in His not occurred to me that unbelief was sin; my enquiring reader. You are blessed, though love to me. And joy and peace are only for that while I was repenting of my sins I was you do not yet feel it. You have been loved those "who, being justified by faith, have peace adding to them the worst of all sins-with an everlasting love, though you do not with God through Christ," and "who, receiving unbelief. Oh that more would realize what yet know it. But you "do hunger and thirst," the end of their faith, even the salvation a fearful thing it is to dishonour Christ by and Christ has said you "shall be filled." He of their souls, rejoice with joy unspeakable." doubting Him, (in a way we should shrink has made you willing in the day of His power; All religion short of implicit faith is a wasted from doing to any earthly friend who was to and that is enough. "Whosoever will, let toil and weariness. "Without faith it is im- tell us good news), when he proclaims to us him take the water of life freely." possible to please God;" for whatsoever is not the glad tidings,- -our salvation! I often of faith is sin. Augustine says, "our best think what mercy there was in Christ using actions before conversion are but splendid those seemingly hard words, "He that believeth not shall be damned," for it destroys all idea of its being presumption to obey his command. How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?


God then began to lead me to seek salvation in the right way, to seek Christ only. I was not anxious at first, but I prayed to be made more so, and I know now that God

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"All the fitness he requireth

Is to feel your need of Him;
This He gives you,

'Tis the Spirit's rising beam."

Remember, you have nothing to wait for,nothing to do. "Be not afraid, only believe." You know you are a sinner, and that Christ Will you let me remind you of what is a died for such; therefore He died for you. heard and answered me. "Thou preparest very palpable truth, but one much forgotten, Only believe it, and take Christ at His word. the hearts. I have girded thee while thou that hoping is not believing. There is no If you wait to feel accepted before believing it, hast not known me.' Each sincere prayer delusion more fatal (and none, I fear, more you may wait long; for feeling is only a fruit was inspired and answered by Him, and was common, because it is so self-satisfying) than of faith. We are not saved by feeling, but the Spirit's work drawing me to Christ. I that of thinking we are only to hope we are by faith. Whatever keeps you from Christ well remember how, from daily saying long saved. If it were so, the narrow way becomes is self, looking at self. "Look unto me and prayers, I began really to pray (for an im- the broad in respect of numbers, for how few be ye saved." penitent sinner never prays), and simply to are there who do not hope to be saved, and And now, with every wish for your true ejaculate a "secret speech," as Isaiah calls through Christ! The hope that is not based happiness, I remain, your sincere friend, it, at all hours of the day, such as "Lord, on faith is a false hope. It is only the teach me to pray; Lord, make me believe." believer who can or ought to "rejoice in Conversion used to puzzle me. I found that hope." "Man's religion would end with "except a man be born again he cannot see obtaining forgiveness, while God's begins with the kingdom of God;" but I felt, like Nico-it. Man's religion is a fancied means of demus, that the new birth was a great securing the favour of God: God's religion is mystery; no one understands it but those the holy life of one who, through faith, has who are converted; for "the wind bloweth obtained that favour at the very outset, and where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound who walks along in the happy consciousness thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, of acceptance in Christ, and in the calm en-book is beautifully got up, and need only to be

and whither it goeth; so is every one that is born of the Spirit." I was being converted, though I could not then realize that the Spirit was breathing on my dead soul.

No marvel that Christ, when asked for doctrine, twice, and with such earnestness, announced the great truth-"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be born again,

joyment of God's assured love." The Bible.
teaches us to make our calling and election
sure. It speaks of those who know they have
passed from death unto life. "If any man
be in Christ, he has become a new creature.
Beloved, now are we the sons of God. To us
who are saved," &c. &c. "He that believeth
hath everlasting life;" so how can we doubt,


S. H.

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Forgiveness of Sins.

goods lost? No, he does not expect "In forgiving of sin there is an utter either, yet he thinks it desirable to be Square, London, W.; or to Messrs. MORGAN & CHASE, abolishment on God's part of the guilt of safe. See that man about to take a long sin. I gather this thus: David, craving or dangerous voyage. Observe how he forgiveness, craveth it under the terms of putting away,' 'washing thoroughly,' and 'cleansing.' (Ps. li. 1, 2.) The first word is put away, or blot out; so that forgiveness of sins is, as it were, the wiping out of a score, or the crossing of a debt-book,

view, &c., should be forwarded, pre-paid, "To the Editor of the Evangelist," care of Mr. Yapp, 70,

Welbeck Street, Cavendish Square, London, W.

examines the vessel, and makes inquiries about its sea-worthiness, and why? Because he wishes to be safe. Look to that vessel that is shipwrecked. See the crew and passengers. They are making for the life-boat, or they are seizing on

We may Learn something from a Negro. BENEVOLENCE. At a Missionary Meeting among the negroes in the West In--all is quite razed out as if it had never rafts or spars, or making use of their dies, it is related, these resolutions were been. The second is, wash thoroughly; life-preservers, or they are shrieking for adopted :such a rinsing and scouring David prayed aid—and why? Because they are in for as may leave behind no remembrance imminent danger-and they want to be 2. We will each give according to our of the foulness; and the same is the in- safe. And, O my reader, is there not a ability.

1. We will all give.

3. We will give willingly.

At the close of the meeting a leading negro took his seat at the table with pen and ink to put down what each came to contribute. Many advanced, and handed in their contributions, some more, and some less. Among the contributors was an old negro, who was very rich, almost as rich as the others united. He threw

tent of the word cleanse. All together greater necessity for being safe for etershew that sin is pardoned when God so nity? Safe from the penalty of a broken accounts for it as if it had never been law, safe from the guilt and condemcommitted; the book is crossed, the nation of sin? "How shall we escape, if reckoning is cleared, the spot is scoured we neglect so great salvation?" "What quite out; there is no more to be laid to shall it profit a man if he gain the whole the charge of him that is discharged."- world, and lose his own soul?"

Sam. Hieron.

The True Cause of Doubting.

down a small silver coin. "Take dat Ir is not the greatness of sin, nor con-
back again," said the chairman, "Dat
may be 'cordin to de fust resolution, but
not 'cording to de second." The rich old
negro accordingly took it up, and hobbled
back to his seat much enraged. One after
another came forward, and all giving
more than himself, he was ashamed, and


Now, if you would be safe, you must come to Christ, the Son of God; you must trust in his "obedience unto death" as the alone ground of your tinuance in sin, nor backsliding into sin, acceptance with an infinitely holy God. that is the true cause of thy staggering, The word of God declares, “Believe on (whatever thou pretendest,) but solely thy the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be unbelief, that "root of bitterness which saved." The manslayer was not safe till springs up and troubles thee." It is not he reached the city of refuge. the distance of the earth from the sun, families in Egypt were not safe from the nor the sun's withdrawing itself, that ingress of the destroying angel till the again threw a piece of money on the makes a dark and gloomy day, but the blood of the pascal lamb was sprinkled on table, saying "Dan take that." It was a interposition of clouds and vaporous the lintels and door-posts of their dwellvaluable piece of gold, but it was given exhalations. Neither is the soul beyond ings. The serpent-bitten Israelite was not so ill-temperedly, that the chairman an- the reach of the promise, nor doth God safe till he looked to the uplifted serpent of swered, “No sir, dat won't do! dat may withdraw Himself, but the vapours of thy brass. The poor, wandering sheep was not be 'cordin to de fust and de second reso- carnal unbelieving heart do cloud thee. safe, till it was restored to the good sheplutions, but not 'cording to de third." It is said of one place, "Christ did not herd and the sheepfold. Noah and his And he was obliged to take it up again. many mighty works there." Why so?-for family would not have been safe from the Still angry with himself, he sat a long want of power in Him? Not at all, but destroying deluge, unless they had been time, until nearly all were gone out. He merely want of faith in them-it was shut into the ark. Lot and his sons-in-law then advanced to the table, and with a "because of their unbelief."-John Owen, would not have been safe from the fiery smile, laid down a large sum of money. 1649. "Dat, now, berry well," said the presiding negro, "dat will do; dat am 'cordin to all de resolutions."

God asks nothing of the unconverted for His service; but to the converted He

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tempest if they had continued in the city of destruction; they had to escape for their Are you safe for Eternity? lives. So, in a higher and more awfully How important and necessary to our important sense, you are not safe from happiness that we are safe for eternity. the curse of a broken law; not safe from Look at that man whom we meet in a Satan's thraldom and grasp until you are hurry. He is going to an office to insure "found in Christ, not having your own his goods or his house. Does he expect righteousness which is of the law, but the that his house will be burned, or his righteousness which is of God by faith."

The Linch Pin.

is plain—the linch pin—the linch-has come on my arrival by tidings of the Lord's bless-
ing in this neighbourhood.

"The linch pin!" exclaimed all.
"Aye, that's it!" said the coachman.
"Be bound it is!" responded the lackeys.
"Most probably it is the linch pin!" ob-
served the monarch to himself.

"LET the state coach be ready to-morrow,"
said the king, "we make a progress through
our dominions." The morrow came, and the
royal equipage stood at the palace door.
Eight magnificent steeds, caparisoned with
golden harness, drew the vehicle. A coach-
man, colossal as Hercules, surmounted the
hammer cloth, which was as rich as coach-mess!"
builders' taste could devise. The carriage was
too splendid to be described, even eclipsing
that chef d'œuvre of mundane glory, the
gingerbread coach of the Lord Mayor of
London. Behind stood four stately lackeys.
with white wands, cocked hats, crimson liver-
ies, bullion shoulder knots, and all the rest of
the ornate tawdry that transforms a human
being into a royal footman.

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11. Attended a Meeting for prayer in the cottage I first rented about nineteen years ago. When I applied at that time to the owner, he refused to let it, saying, he was told we were all cheats, and he should lose his rent; but on my offering to pay one year's rent in advance, he quickly altered his tone, and said, he would be content with half a

The queen, with true feminine sagacity, foreseeing consequences, ejaculated What a Truly her majesty was right. A mess year. The very poor band of saints meeting there was, and the mess was great. Eleven there have continued to do so ever since, so carriages, fifty horses, and a royal retinue, that they are never a week's rent in debt. brought to a halt (to say nothing of the killed This small cottage is only twelve feet by and wounded); while a whole nation was on fourteen, with an inner room scarcely half the brink of alarm and bitter disappointment by same size, and wholly pitched with small the sudden detention of the monarch, for stones. On this evening near forty persons whose reception costly preparations had been were assembled, many of whom had been made. converted within the last six months, during which fourteen had made an open profession of their faith by baptism. Many others had been awakened, and were earnestly longing to find peace. At the conclusion of the Meeting, they all resumed their seats, saying, by their still silence they were unwilling yet to part. I again addressed them for a short time, then prayed, and after a short hymn, prayer was offered up by one of the poor brethren, when we rose to depart. I was afterwards told that but for this not one would have left, even had we remained till midnight.

Ah! what a gorgeous spectacle! Gentle reader, meditate on a linch pin, and With becoming dignity, the monarch seated its importance. Present, in its place, all goes himself in the interior, placing his royal con- well. Absent, what a catastrophe! King, sort by his side, while a lord and lady in queen, princes, lords, coachmen, footmen, and waiting, planted opposite, attended with ob- the public, "on the tiptoe of expectation," sequious decorum the commands of the royal all at the mercy of a linch pin! How it bepair. At the proper signal, the royal Jehu comes invested with dignity and honour, when shook the ribbons, whistled the whip through we view it in this light. To the superficial the air, and started the harnessed stud in true eye, it is a small thing of no value. Expe"bang-up style." The proud nags appeared rience proves that it has a power of life and to carry the world before them-the prouder of death; power to crush an equipage, and Phaeton appeared to guide the universe-pull up a team of flying steeds. while the lackeys, sharing the exhilaration, There are linch pins, beloved, in the crealooked over their shoulders in triumph at the tion of God, our Father; and linch pins, too, crew of courtiers, who gazed after the royal among the saints in the church of the Lord cortège, as it receded from their sight. Jesus Christ. Many an obscure person, little Sovereignty inside seemed satisfied. seen or heard of, plays the part of a linch Scarce had the wheels of the imperial wag-pin; on whose fidelity, under God, the safety gon accomplished one thousand revolutions, of others is made to depend. when one of them, like a star shooting madly from its sphere, spun away from its axle, and, taking a course of its own, left the coach to get on without it as well as it could. The impetus of the machine kept in equilibrio for a moment: but, straightway, the balance being lost, down bounced the coach on one side, greatly disturbing the royal couple, chucking jarvey into the road, causing the lackeys to sprawl for their lives; while the horses being brought to a sudden stop, snort-linch pins upon earth? Consider your posied, jumped, and reared, as if in the very act of scaling the vault of heaven.

12. Walked to the village, and on the way met a man working on the road, who told me he had found the Lord within the last few months. A young man passing us, I said to him, "Do you love Jesus?" With evident feeling he replied, "No-I wish I did—and I hope I shall." On asking his name I found Those members which seem to be more he lived at the cottage once inhabited by the feeble, are necessary; and those members of Great Debtor," and that his father, mother, the body, which we think to be less honour-brother, and sister, had been converted within able, upon them we bestow more abundant the last four months. Many thoughts crowded honour. Divine wisdom teaches us this. Hu- into my mind at these joyful tidings, while man pride overlooks it. Wisdom discerns that looking on that poor dwelling which was every atom is from God, and consecrated to near us. The conversion of the father is not His service. Pride fancies God has to do only the least singular of the many we have heard with big things and prominent persons. of lately. He was a most determined drunkBeloved, are you one of the Lord's little ard and awful blasphemer, and not unfrequently turned his wife out of the house on his returning home drunk at midnight. He was induced to hear the gospel for the first time last summer, by hearing some strange account about a new preacher, and during the sermon rose and walked away; the violence of his feelings being so great that he was ashamed to be seen; but he remained outside till the service was over. Strange to say he seems to have forgotten all he had heard till the next evening, when he was drinking with his companions at the Hay Mow, and one of them asked him what that man said last night. The whole now flashed on his remembrance, and to their astonishment he fell on his knees and cried aloud for mercy. He then went to a plantation near the village, and poured out his soul to God in loud and bitter cries, and when told that he would alarm the neighbourhood, said he did not care, he would go to the tops of the trees and proclaim Jesus. When he returned home he refused to take any food, continuing in prayer until he obtained a full sense of the Lord's pardoning mercy. The conversion of his wife and their two children followed soon after.

tion. He works all after the counsel of His own will. He has placed you where you are. Nor was this all. Ten carriages bringing Occupy till He comes. Abide by your post. up the rear, occupied by the young princes Could you abandon it, much mischief might and princesses, and the royal household, being ensue. May He keep you where He would arrested by the break down of the foremost have you to be, which be sure is the best coach, the dashing procession, which, in a place for yourself and for others, till you finish moment before, ran like a flash of lightning, your course with joy. was brought to a dead stand. Several car- It is no mean destiny to be a linch pin in riages were upset by the shock, some of the the church of Christ. The snail was in the occupants killed, and others dreadfully mang-ark as well as the eagle: and the dingy pin led.

Ah! sad overthrow-sad hinderance! "What is the matter," cried the sovereign. The coachman had not yet gathered himself up, and could not answer.


What is the matter," screamed her majesty. A lackey on the ground, hearing the voice of his royal mistress, touched his hat, but could not speak.

"There's a wheel off, may it please your majesty," exclaimed the lord in waiting, who, from the seat he occupied, had seen the truant mechanical power escape, but had been too much alarmed to open his lips till now.

"Off! yes, and gone off, too!" responded his majesty, as he caught a glimpse of the deserter trundling away in the distance.

(we have seen) was as necessary to the mo-
narch as the prancing steeds, the pompous
coachman, the gaudy footmen, or the noble

Memorandum of a Short Visit to
Woodland Head.

[THE following notes may perhaps be read with interest by
those who have seen the Recollections of an Evangelist; Wood-
land Head being the locality referred to in the 25th and fol-
lowing chapters of that book.--R. G.]

Oct. 10. Having been repeatedly requested to visit the former scene of my labours at this place, which I had not previously done for seven years, I proceeded to the small farm occupied by a Christian brother and his wife, who were among the first fruits of the gospel in 1839. A brother of the latter, who is now It having been ascertained how many per- a widower, was at that time the boy, who on sons were killed, and how many only wounded beholding the change wrought by grace in his by the catastrophe, the survivors gathered fellow servant, said, "He would try for 't round the upset coach, and with one accord too." He has now been for two years called the question arose, What caused the acci- into gospel ministry, and used as the instrudent?" ment in converting many souls; and the re'Sire," said the tutor to the young prince, vival which has lately taken place in this very brushing the dust from his ecclesiastical black, isolated district, may be mainly traced to his and advancing with the air superior wisdom self-denying labours in preaching the gospel gives to persons in whom she dwells, "Sire," and visiting, after his day's labour in the field said he, with emphatic assurance, 66 the cause or barn is concluded. I was greatly cheered

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I was now begged to call at a cottage where lay a dear woman in the last stage of consumption. Her face however beamed with joy as I entered, and I found that through the visit of some of the poor saints, she had within the last three weeks found peace through the blood of Jesus. On my return I was accosted by a man, who, on hearing his name, I remembered as one who twenty years ago hated me and the truth also with more than common hatred. He too had been lately converted. He told me he should never run away to avoid me again; but he had done so scores of times in days past. On asking.

the cause of the great change so manifest in him, he said that on going to the cottage, he heard CS (the converted farmer) read the nineteenth of John, and when he came to the words, "Woman, behold thy son," that didit. (How mighty is the power which alone can use such simple words for the conversion of a dead sinner!) Two lines of a well known hymn sung soon after deeply affected him.

"Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die."

When I first came to this village there was not one Christian in or near it. Now in seven houses following each other, there are eight believers, and two earnest enquirers.

Meetings are held is such a solitary spot that
do not remember ten other dwellings within
one mile from it.

The Way of Life made Plain.


Continued from page 83.

S. Thank you very much for showing me my error, and for pointing out the way of life. I now see that it is not by works of the law that I can get life; but that it is simply reI stopped to dine with a dear friend who ceiving Christ that saves the poor sinner. I was one of the first converts in this neigh-feel like some one who has been wishing to bourhood. She reminded me that her youngest work for the sake of the wages; who is so son was always averse to seeing me, and weak that he can't do anything, and is ready to sometimes ran into the house on my approach, despair; when a friend comes to his house. saying, "Mother! here is Mr. G. coming saying, "I have done your work for you; and again. I don't want to see him. He will ask have brought you the wages." And he casts me questions." I had not seen that dear boy all into the poor man's lap, saying, "Receive it since he was a boy, till yesterday, when my freely, it is all your own.' And when the heart was melted by his earnest prayer for me poor man counts the sum, he finds it enough at the evening Meeting. I returned to the to pay all his debts, and to make him indefarm filled with praise and thanksgiving for pendent for life; I feel just like that. Jesus what I had seen and heard. Christ is my friend. He has done all the work. and He gives me the wages; and more than this, He gives me himself. In Him I feel I have wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. Cor. i. 30.) I am 13. Lord's day. On my arrival at the complete in Him. (Col. ii. 10.) I am rich, cottage found it full, more than thirty of the and my riches will endure for ever. My number having met to break bread in remem-riches can never make themselves wings, or brance of a Saviour's dying love. They had fly away from me, "For I am persuaded that assembled for prayer an hour before the usual neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor princitime to seek the Lord's blessing on the bap- palities, nor powers, nor things present, nor tism of several new converts in the afternoon. things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any Tears filled my eyes as I entered this humble other creature, shall be able to separate us cottage which has so often been to me and from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus many others, as "the house of God and the our Lord." (Rom. viii. 38, 39.) gate of heaven." It was a solemn and re- R. I am thankful to hear you say so much; freshing season. About three hundred assem- and humbly hope that you may constantly bled to witness the solemn ordinance of hear the Shepherd's voice, and that you may baptism, when the gospel was preached by know it. and follow Him to the green pas"the Converted Farmer," who was himself tures, where you may eat and be satisfied. brought to the knowledge of salvation, by (Psalm xxiii.; John x. 4, 5.) And that you witnessing the same ordinance a few miles may "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of from the same spot, nineteen years ago. At our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to Him the evening Meeting the cottage was most be glory both now and for ever." (2 Pet. iii. inconveniently crowded. More than eighty 18.) You have now got life, not by keeping persons being present in that small space, the law, but by obeying the gospel; and no many of whom could neither see or be seen man can take it from you. (Rom. x. 16; by the speaker. Preached the gospel from John x. 28.) All who believe the gospel are hours, they all resumed their seats (those at salvation, to every one that believeth.'” (Rom. After a service of nearly two saved by it; "for it is the power of God unto least who could sit) and seemed most unwil-i. 16.) ling to depart. Among other causes for joy, I have seen two individuals whom I have for many years prayed for as backsliders, but are now happily restored in soul. Each came a considerable distance to see me, on hearing I was in that neighbourhood.

Isaiah liii.

S. May I ask if you think it possible for a person to believe in Christ and not be saved? I read in Acts viii. 13-23, of a man called Simon, who believed, and yet remained in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity: and without part or lot in the matter. And I passed yesterday by a spot most interest- again, I read in John ii. 23-25, that many being to my remembrance, the Garden from lieved in the name of Jesus; and yet they do whence G-F- called to me as I passed by not appear to have been saved through faith. to tell me the wondrous change wrought in R. I think you may know whether your his soul, when he formerly left that very spot faith be dead faith, which can be of no use at with intent to murder his "praying wife." all; or whether it be living faith, linking the I lingered there a few minutes, silently soul to Christ; by asking yourself whether reviewing the past, toward myself and others you have received Christ? Living faith rein that locality during the twenty years which ceives Christ: but dead faith does not receive have since elapsed. "The praying wife," Him. "But as many as received Him, to them still remains a faithful witness for the truth, gave He power to become the sons of God, and has lately been used by the Lord in the even to them that believe on His name.' conversion of one, whom she attended in the (John i. 12.) All who thus believe “are juscapacity of nurse. tified from all things." (Acts xiii. 39.) God has not a single thing against them. All such are the children of God, by faith in Christ Jesus. (Gal. iii. 26.) "And if children, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint - heirs with Christ." (Rom. viii. 17.) Your soul, my brother, is now linked to Christ the head of the new creation. Your body still remains a part of the old creature; but it "also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the children of God," see verse 21. "Now we groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body," see verse 23. Your

14. Left the farm to visit other little bands of saints in the same neighbourhood, and was refreshed in spirit by them all. Two days previous to my return home a third backslider came from a distance of three miles to see me. From my previous knowledge of his state for seventeen years past, I had almost given him up. He had not yet realized a sense of the Lord's pardoning love, but was longing to do so, and I had confident hope of soon hearing that he has returned to "the Shepherd and Bishop of souls."

I omitted to add that the cottage where the

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soul is now adopted. (Gal. iv. 4, 5,) and your body shall receive its adoption at the appearing of Jesus, our elder brother, and risen Lord, who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto himself." (Phil. iii. 21.) Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear. we s: all be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is." (1 John iii. 2.) "When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory." (Col. iii. 4.)

As to the law, you have now done with it; you are dead to the law by the body of Christ. (Rom. vii. 4.) And yet you are not lawless, you are under law to Christ. (1 Cor. ix. 21.) The principle of the Christian law is stated in 2 Cor. v. 14. "For the love of Christ constraineth us.' The law of Moses may restrain a man from doing many things, but it is the love of Christ only which constrains men to serve God. Christ is now your Master, His precepts, sayings, words, and works, constitute the Christian's moral rule. (See John xiv. 21-24; 1 John ii. 6.) I now hope that you may have grace given you to live a holy life; thus you will show your faith by your works; for it is

"In vain men talk of living faith,

When all their works exhibit death:
When they indulge some sinful view
In all they say, and all they do.
The true believer fears the Lord,
Obeys His precepts, keeps His word;
Commits his works to God alone,
And seeks His will before his own.
A barren tree, that bears no fruit,
Brings no great glory to its root;
When on the boughs rich fruit we see,
'Tis then we cry, a goodly tree.
Never did men by faith divine,
To selfishness or sloth incline;
The Christian works with all his power,

And grieves that he can work no more."
Ever remember that "pure religion and un-
defiled before God and the Father, is this,
To visit the fatherless and widows in their
the world." (James i. 27.) "Faith, if it has
affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from
not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man
may say, thou hast faith, and I have works:
For as the body without the Spirit is dead, so
show me thy faith without thy works, and I
will show thee my faith by my works.

faith without works is dead also." (James ii.

17, 18, 26.) We are justified by faith alone,
but not by faith which remains alone: it is a
and is wrought in the heart by the Spirit of
heart-purifying and a work-producing faith;
God. "For by grace are ye saved through
faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the
The Christian is
gift of God." (Eph. ii. 8.)
God's workmanship, "created in Christ Jesus.
dained, that we should walk in them.” (v. 10.)
unto good works, which God had before or-
And now, my brother, as we have had a long,
and I trust a profitable conversation together,
let us sing a hymn, and then part in body,
hoping to remain one in Spirit, helping each
other by our prayers, when we cannot see
each other's face.

"Mercy is welcome news indeed,
To those that guilty stand;
Wretches, that feel what help they need,
Will bless the helping hand.
Who rightly would his alms dispose,
Must give them to the poor;

None but the wounded patient knows
The comforts of his cure.
We all have sinn'd against our God,
Exception, none can boast;
But he that feels the heaviest load
Will prize forgiveness most.
No reck'ning can we rightly keep,
For who the sums can know?
Some souls are fifty pieces deep;
And some five hundred owe.
But let our debts be what they may,
However great or small,

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