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"Ye must be born again." (John iii. 7.)

IN our Lord's discourse with Nicodemus, we see

how wisely, faithfully, and graciously He met a
professedly religious man. The Lord's mode of
dealing with this Pharisee was different from His
way with the woman
of Smaria, though His
purpose of bringing them both to Himself for
salvation appears the same. The latter was a
notoriously sinful woman, insensible of her guilty
and undone state; the blessed Lord therefore
brings her at once to a sense of her ignorance
and come hither." But the former case was that
and foul course, by saying, "Go call thy husband,
of an outwardly blameless man blinded by false
religion; the first thing therefore the Lord does
with him is to cut down his religion, root and
branch, and then shew him that he is a perishing
sinner needing mercy, and, like a bitten Israelite,
could only live by looking to God's remedy.
The religion of this man of the Pharisees, I say,
was false, though not altogether so, for Satan's
deadliest snares are composed of a mixture of
truth and error. It was so with the woman in
the garden, and was so with the Pharisees, and
it is common also in the present day. Nicodemus
believed in God, assented to the veracity of the
Scriptures, held the existence of both angels and
spirits, and the resurrection of the body; these
points were according to truth; but the grand
foundation truth of the gospel-redemption by
blood, was thought nothing of; this was the fatal
The measure of truth, little as it was.
held by a man of such dignity and education,
only tended to keep his mind in darkness, and
enable him more successfully to spread his false
religion among those who came in his way;
whereas a person wallowing in pollution and
transgression, without any religious profession,
would have no such temptation, hence our Lord
said of some, Publicans and harlots shall enter
into the kingdom of heaven before you."

A faithful servant of

and exposed to the wrath of God. Alas, alas! putting the Gospel before persons both publicly a "Master of Israel," a teacher of others, and and privately. Clear doctrines are not enough, not concerned about his own salvation. Religion We should remember our Master's oft-repeated not true, a religion of dead works, the religion of word, YE! People do not think we are in earnest the fathers, the religion of the people, the rites and sincere, if we only make general statements, and customs of synagogue duties, with their was much struck the other day, in reading an attendant honours and official trappings, was the account of a young man. powerful current which was hurling this "ruler Christ said to him, "Do you know that you are of the Jews," and others, downward at a fear-going on to perdition?" "No!" said he, "neither fully rapid course, and that, too, with the name mother is a member of your congregation, and I do I think your people believe it either. My of God upon their lips. How very solemn ! But is it not the same now? What is to be feared am sure she loves me dearly, and if she believed is the condition of thousands around us? Is it it I am persuaded she would have told me of it. Do they contend that He should not be wor-would' throw her arms round my neck and say, that they deny the existence of Almighty God? My sister also is a member; she loves me very much; and I am sure if she believed it, she shipped? Do they set aside ecclesiastical office? Do they dispute the veracity of the Holy Don't, O don't, go to perdition." Scriptures? Certainly not. But if you ask We may next notice how decidedly the Lord them if they have experienced the new birth, insisted on the necessity of the new birth—“Ye you will find that some will hang down their MUST be born again." Not you may, but you heads in confusion, others will judge you a MUST; not you should desire it merely, but you ranter, or a wild fanatic, while others will try to must. Yes, without the new birth, you must be shelter themselves behind some delusive sacra- for ever in darkness-"cannot see the kingdom mental form, and deny altogether the truth of of God;" without the new, birth, you must be regeneration by the sovereign power of the Holy shut out for ever from the presence of GodGhost. But some, perhaps, may say, Is it not "cannot enter into the kingdom of God." How very uncharitable to conclude that all who have plain! how decisive! How essential to be "born not experienced the new birth are hastening on of the Spirit"! This secret of the new birth the the broad road to eternal destruction? May learned Pharisee was entirely ignorant of, and there not be something good and hopeful in them vainly tried to argue the impossibility of a without this? We unhesitatingly reply, No; second birth; but it only drew from the loving, because our Lord Jesus said, "Except a man be faithful heart of Jesus a thrice-repeated testi BORN AGAIN, HE CANNOT SEE the kingdom of mony to the absolute necessity of it, and the God." O that the Holy Spirit might so work in explanation that the new birth was from above the hearts of thousands of professors around us, and spiritual. This positive declaration at once that they might know the folly and unprofitable-cut at the root of the Pharisee's religion, and ness of that religion which does not begin with razed to the ground all his cherished confidence being "born again!" and expectation; for it pronounced a verdict on The first word of our text shews us how the best man in the flesh, as being so apostate pointed and personal our Lord was in His and corrupt as to be unfit for the presence of ministry-"YE must be born again." This God. But, while it exposed man's total inability tells out His faithful love. He did not propound to fit himself for the kingdom, it referred to the dry doctrines, or get up eloquent addresses, to power and goodness of God in quickening the The erroneous character of this man's religion please the itching ears of His audience. No. dead in trespasses and sins. The doctrine our was soon exposed by our blessed Lord, for He He was the Faithful Witness, and He came not to Lord here propounds is of the highest importance; knew what was in man. The religion of this destroy, but to save. He knew the worth of the for men may be moral, amiable, benevolent, outnot spiritual. soul, and salvation had its paramount claim inwardly religious, and the like, but they must be He knew nothing of the new birth. This is His mind. His loving heart would bear with the born again. They may be high even in ecclefatal ignorance. He passed over man's fall in unworthy manner in which He was approached, siastical office, far advanced in theological educaAdam, his death in trespasses and sins, he saw no and set salvation before His hearers in the plain- tion, but they must be born again. Man's thought necessity for repentance, or the new-birth, and est and most pointed way. To the cavilling of religion is that he must gradually improve, yet took his place as a religious man, offering Jews in the synagogue, His word was, Except and perhaps be ultimately saved. God's religion service in the name of God as if he were holy we eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink is first to have life, and then rejoice in an assured instead of being polluted; considering himself a His blood. ye have no life in you." On another hope of glory. Man's thought is to work for creditable member of a popular religious sect, occasion He said, "Ye are from beneath; I am life; God's way is to work from life. Man proand considered worthy of dignity and esteem as from above; we are of this world; I am not of poses to himself eternal life at the end; God such by others. But it was carnal religion, which this world. I said, therefore, unto you, that ye presents it to the true Christian at the very we are told cannot please God, and as man in shall die in your sins; for if ye believe not that beginning. Man's wisdom consists in reformathe flesh cannot rise above his own level, it was I am, ye shall die in your sins." Again we see tions and improvements in the flesh, with pernecessarily connected with walking and acting Him standing in the midst of a crowd, and say-severing efforts to pile up a quantity of supposed to be seen of men, instead of as in the sight of God-ing. "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise creature-merit and self-righteousness; the Lord "Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; Jesus knocks it all down with that uncomprobut God knoweth your hearts, for that which is mising sentence, "Ye MUST be born again." highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God."


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61 man of the Pharisees" was

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perish." To the careless Samaritan He said, "If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith unto thee, Give me to drink, thou But what are we to understand by the new wouldst have asked of Him, and He would have birth? "Ye must be BORN AGAIN." Certainly But Nicodemus had heard of Jesus, and desired given thee living water. He said to the seeking it is not an alteration of the old fleshly nature some intercourse with Him; how, then, could it be blindman, "What wilt thou that I should do into that which is spiritual, for our Lord in the accomplished? how could this honoured "Master unto thee? And when he replied, "Lord, that previous verse clearly shews the distinction beof Israel," this "ruler of the Jews," have an in-I may receive my sight," Jesus said unto him, tween the two natures and the two births: "That terview with the despised Nazarene? What Receive thy sight; thy faith hath saved thee.'" which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which would the people say? Nicodemus, however, is not And so in the text before us, our Lord did not set is born of the Spirit is Spirit." The apostles, too, at rest, for he believed that Jesus was "a teacher before Nicodemus some profound points of the- in their writings, continually keep up this discome from God," and see Him he must. Heology for his consideration, as the ruler, perhaps, tinction of the two natures, not only as a matter therefore came to Jesus by night! for in this way expected, neither was it a display of eloquence, of doctrine, but also of experience and practice. he could satisfy his conscience, without displeas- such as a learned man might have appreciated, The believer is spoken of as made a partaker of ing men, or exposing himself to their scorn and neither did He set truth in a general way before the Divine nature, and as having the Spirit of persecution. Such is man. Such was the spirit him. No; He came at once to the point, and Christ in him; his experience is referred to as in which this "man of the Pharisees" approached said, "YE must be born again!" O that search- necessarily one of conflict, because of the oppothe Lord of glory. His thought was about Jesus ing word YE! This is divine ministry, this is site workings of the two natures-flesh and spirit, being a teacher. He might have imagined it the way of the perfect preacher, and this is the "The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the would be beneficial to him professionally to listen style that should be imitated in the present day. Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to His instruction. Though he was constantly It is when the Holy Ghost powerfully and per- the one to the other, so that ye cannot do the occupied with the letter of Scripture, and the sonally applies the truth, so as to say to the con- things that ye would." While in reference to religious duties of the synagogue, it does not science, "Thou art the man," that decided good practice, he is exhorted to "walk in the Spirit." appear to have once entered his mind that he was is accomplished. Persons may read the Bible, and "not fulfil the lusts of the flesh;" to put off a sinner, and needed a Saviour. Now pause, and and think it is all about others; they may hear the old man which is corrupt, and put on the new mark the way of Christ with this man. Did He the gospel, and say that the preacher was very man, which after God is created in righteoussay, you come to me in such an unworthy way, faithful to some present; but it is when a person ness and true holiness." This is a subject of imI cannot grant you an audience? Did He say, feels that the truth read or heard affects himself, mense importance, for if a really exercised soul cast away this and that first, and then I'll speak that we may expect blessed results. "Oh, yes,' imagines that regeneration is a conversion of the to you? Did He say, get better first, and then said a learned gentleman, after reading the Epis-old Adam sinful nature into that which is holy, I'll receive you? Oh, no. The loving Saviour tle to the Romans, "I see this doctrine in the he cannot be in peace, for he must find that his in this, as in every other instance, fulfilled His Bible." "But do you see it in your heart?" experience does not correspond with the idea. own blessed word, "Him that cometh to me, I replied his friend. That question led him to Hence many a quickened soul thinks he cannot will in no wise cast out." How full of encourage- consider, and make the truth of such personal be a Christian because he finds, with a principle ment this is, and how blessedly it unfolds to us application as to be the means of his conversion. of delight in the law of God, that there is another the graciousness of the Lord Jesus! Nicodemus Fellow Christians! we should be pointed and principle working in him which is contrary to did not see that he was "condemned already," personal, as well as deeply affectionate, in holiness; therefore he concludes that he is not a

Christian, while the truth is, he would not be "born again" if he had no experience of this inward conflict. His conscience must find peace alone in the blood of the Cross. Instead of Paul saying that he felt sin was rooted out of him, he says, "Sin dwelleth in me;" though instead of obeying it, he kept his body under and brought it into subjection, which, by the new life received, he was enabled to do. He regarded his "old man," as an enemy, and kept it under, and exhorted saints not to fulfil the lusts of the flesh, but to bring every thought into captivity to the obe lience of Christ. Regeneration, clearly then, is not a conversion of the flesh" into "the Spirit." Neither does the new birth consist in mere outward reformations and moral amendments; for "a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit." Let the immoral become moral, the licentious chaste, or the drunkard sober, still, before God, he is only "born of the flesh." You may trim up, cut off the branches of a thorn tree, and make its appearance more agreeable to the eve, still it is a thorn, and cannot bear grapes. The new birth, then, is something very different from outward reformation. Neither are persons born again by scramental rites. It is easy to say it is so, but it is a fearful delusion. It is true that our Lord spoke of being born of water, but it was of water and the Spirit: "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." By water our Loid, doubtless, referred to the grace of God, that "living water" which He dispenses to thirsty souls, as presented in the story of the woman of Samaria.

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difficulty of how a man is born again, very simply ately say to you, that you are dead in sins, and
and beautifully told out by our Lord. He refers what you want is life-eternal life! Sacraments
and ordinances of any kind cannot give you life.
the enquirers to his own Scriptures; the Book of
Numbers is selected, and the well-known tale of Separation from immoralities cannot give you life.
the serpent of brass is brought forth as the key and delusion still leaves you without life. Enlisting
Withdrawing from the foulest forms of blasphemy
to unlock the mystery of the new birth. The
Pharisee's conscience is brought at once to the yourself among the ranks of your most religious
fountain of living water; the Litten, dying Israel-neighbours cannot give you life. The strictest
ites are depicted as receiving life through looking outward propriety cannot give you life. Neither
at the serpent of brass lifted up; and there Nico- can church office, ecclesiastical honours, or theo-
demus might learn that, with all his Pharisaic logical knowledge, as we have seen in Nicodemus,
religion and theological science, he is still dead in that life-eternal life is in His Son Jesus Christ.
give you life. God only can give you life, and
sins, and, like the bitten Israelite, must perish, Beware then, lest you die without an interest
unless he renounce every other refuge, and look in Christ; for "he that believeth in the Son
simply to the Son of Man lifted up on Calvary's
Cross. By looking only to the brazen serpent, the hath everlasting life, and he that believeth not
sinful, dying Israelite lived; and so now dead and the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God
ruined sinners receive life eternal only by faith in
Christ crucified. It was life, eternal life, that
Christ presented to the sinful Pharisee, as the
free gift of God, to "every one," "any one,'
"whosoever" believeth on the crucified Son of

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abideth on him."

Why Professors have no Certainty.


How many professed Christians I meet with In this beautiful discourse with Nicodemus, our who have no confidence in their security, Lord shewed also how competent He was for this great work of giving new life to the dead in sins, no assurance of their acceptance with God, and also of the amazing power and virtue of the work of the Cross, by telling him that He was no certainty of being for ever with the Son of God as well as Son of Man--God and man Lord. How is this? It does not appear to in one person, in heaven and yet on earth. "No have been so with primitive Christians. It man hath ascended up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man does not appear to be the proper state of bewhich is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the lievers in Christ. We ought to know if we serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of are born again. We ought to know if we are Min be lifted up, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. in Christ. We ought to know if the Spirit For God so loved the world that He gave His only of God dwells in us. Or, in a word, if we begotten Son," &c. The Lord also most plainly are Christians, we ought to be satisfied of it, shewed the freeness of the grace of God, that is, the willingness of His heart to receive all, and and rejoice in it. cast out none that come to Him, by twice saying, "whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

The new birth is a spiritual work: "so is Every one that is born of the Spirit." We feel His operations in our hearts, but we can tell nothing of His coming or going. It is a heavenly work: we are born from above [margin]. It How is it then that so many are uncertain, is not man's work, but the work of God: we are uneasy, and almost always in doubt and fear? "born not of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of men, but of God." It is a new life, so The doctrine of the new birth is therefore Perhaps they do not look simply to Jesus. that those who are partakers of it are new crea-taught by our Lord in connexion with the Cross. Now Jesus is presented to us to be the object tures: "If any man be in Christ, he is a new A new birth is inseparable from a new life; that of our faith. He has all we need, or can creature." It is done once and for ever: we are new life is here defined to be not temporal, but "born again, not of corruptible seed, but of in- eternal, and as flowing only to us from God need. He is willing to bestow all upon us, corruptible, by the Word of God, which liveth through the Cross of Jesus, and that to every one and do all for us that we require. It is for and abideth for ever." Regeneration, then, is that believeth Therefore our Lord told Nicoclearly the work of God the Holy Ghost: We demus that to be born again of water and the us, therefore, to look to Him for all we need, are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto Spirit, he must take the place of a ruined, and away from all we fear. To look to Him good works," &c. perishing sinner before the Cross of the Son of at all times, and under all circumstances, Nicodemus might well be astounded at our God, and thus he would receive a new life, remembering that He changes not. Now, if Lord's decisive preaching, and exclaim, How and stand no longer as one condemned, but as can these things be?" which at once opened the having pardon and acceptance with God. This, I look to Jesus to be my present, perfect, and door for our Lord to present to him the wondrous indeed, is being born of God. The Holy Spirit everlasting salvation, I shall have peace. story of the Cross. Having broken down the always directs the soul to the person and work ruler's religion by the doctrine of the new birth, of Christ. The Holy Ghost does not say, LookI look to Him for all I need at present and in Jesus now presents to him the glorious salvation at me for salvation, look to my operations for future, I shall enjoy confidence. of the God of all grace, and shews him that the peace, look to my gifts for assurance. Oh, no! only place a man can truthfully take is that he is the Glorifier of Christ, therefore He saith, of a perishing sinner, and a receiver of mercy, Look to Jesus lifted up, look to the Lamb slain, before Him. This is the way in which sinners look to the Saviour of sinners; believe on the are born again. Man is a fallen creature, has Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved! been driven out from the presence of God, and is and if we be led of the Spirit we shall surely derd in sins. Jesus is the fountain of life, and testify of Christ. Were I merely to preach, Ye the Cross is the fountain opened-there the water must be born again, it would be no gospel of glad of life flows freely. Christ crucified is the smit- tidings, no balm for the weary and heavy laden, ten Rock, whence streams of living water flow no comfort for the anxious enquirer; but when abundantly to the needy and undone; and there we connect with the doctrine of the new birth the Spirit brings perishing, thirsty souls, to look the blessed truth, that Christ crucified is an ocean and live, to drink and live for ever. Wherever of boundless love, an overflowing fountain of living else they drink they thirst again, but whose water, a well of everlasting life to every sinner drinketh of the water that Jesus gives shall never that believes, we announce good tidings of great thirst, but it shall be in him a well of water joy.

death unto life.


blood cleanses from all sin. That blood justiThey do not trust alone in his blood. That fies the sinner before God. That blood gives an unquestionable title to everlasting life. That blood is set before us in the gospel, that we may trust in it, plead it before God, and expect to be saved by it. Now, if I receive God's testimony concerning the blood of His Son, and if I place my simple and entire dependance on that blood, I shall enjoy certainty, and my soul will be at ease.

But, if I am

not satisfied with the blood of Christ alone, but must look into myself for something else, or to my conduct for something beside, as the ground of my confidence before God, I shall never be happy for long together.

They do not rely on His word. The word of Jesus to the sinner is, “Come unto me."

springing up into everlasting life. Yes, Jesus My reader, what think you of Christ? Has is everlasting consolation, a never-failing soul-your thirsty soul drank the living water of His satisfying portion. There is no possibility of salvation? or, are you perishing with hunger while being born again, apart from Christ crucified and there is bread enough and to spare in the Father's risen. There the river of Fe flows. There it is house? The fashion, pleasure, and honour of this written, "Whosoever will, let him come and present evil world are rapidly passing away. The tike the water of lite freely." Such thus believ-summons of the God of all flesh will ere long ing on the Lord Jesus for salvation, have received call you into His presence. Your own conscience Him whom God hath sent, and have passed from admonishes you that you are a simmer. Experience Him that cometh I will in nowise cast out.” has long ago convinced you that you are hastening An intelligent Israelite ought to have known to the chamber of death. You have often tried "He that believeth shall be saved." Coming gomething about the new birth. The plain state- earth's best refreshments, and as often proved that to Christ is believing on Him, and believing ment of Ezekiel, "I will give them a new heart," he that drinketh of this water shall thirst again. should have been enough to have taught the ruler You have avoided the foul habits of the licentious; on Him is coming to Him. For faith is the this, while the prophet's vision of the resurrection you have shunned the companionship of the riot-out-going of the heart to Christ, relying on ous; you have refused to walk with scoffers; you Christ, and entrusting its eternal interests to have withdrawn from Socinian blasphemy, and the infidelity of popery; but have you been born Christ. The word of Jesus to the soul that again? or, in other words, have you, as a guilty, has come to Him, or believes on Him is, "He undone sinner, been brought to the foot of the that believeth hath everlasting life, and shall Cross, and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation? If not, dear reader, let me affection- not come into condemnation.”

of the dry bones should have shewn him that God is the quickener of the dead; our Lord, therefore, exposes still further the ignorance of this "man of the Pharisees" by the question, "Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?" The ruler's question, however, "How can these things be?" was speedily responded to; and the

Now, if I


for should he be sunk so low as to say with out of self entirely, and then we build on one of old, "I am a worm, and no man," yet The work of the even there will the promise reach him; for it Christ wholly and alone. Holy Spirit is needed. It is His work to strip is addressed not to prevailing Israel, but to us of every thing of our own. To empty us the worm Jacob. "Ah, but," says the timid “I know I am a worm; but the promise of self entirely. To lead us entirely away one, from self. To enable us to cast ourselves says, worm Jacob." Well, and so thou art upon Christ. To apply the blood to our con- doubting whether thou art like Jacob. Just sciences. To assure our hearts, and to bear let me tell thee, then, who Jacob was: he witness with our spirits, that we are the chil- was a dissembler-a sinner saved by sovereign dren of God. Until there is a deeper work grace; and if thou knowest that thou art a of the Holy Spirit in many doubters, they sinner, deserving wrath, and yet dost desire will not have confidence, or enjoy settled mercy, looking for that mercy in Christ Jesus peace. And yet they are not to look at the alone, then thou mayest cast away thy fears, work of the Spirit, in order to have and trust simply in what Jesus has done; for but at the work of Jesus. Our peace was none ever knew their utterly lost condition, made on the cross. Our peace flows from the and sought for pardon through the atonement And peace flows into our souls, by of Christ, unless the Holy Spirit had first our looking to the cross. Yet, realizing the begun a work of grace in their heart, which fact that we need the teaching, enlightening, work, when once begun, SHALL be completed and enablings of the Holy Spirit, we may, and end in glory; so that notwithstanding and should pray for the same. But even while thou art but a worm, yet the Master says we do so, we should endeavour to keep the even unto thee, “FEAR NOT.” eye fixed on what Jesus has done for sinners, and look for pardon through His blood, acceptance through His righteousness, and life through His death.

come to Jesus, I shall be received: to doubt His law and justice. Self-despair drives us
this, is to question the truthfulness of Christ.
If I believe in Christ, I have everlasting life,
and shall never come into condemnation; not
to believe this, is to make the Son of God a
liar. If, therefore, I am uncertain about my
salvation, or uneasy about my state, either I
do not simply look to Jesus, or I do not really
trust in His blood, or I do not rely on His
But why is this? Well, it may be that
self-righteousness is not destroyed. If we look
to self at all, we cannot look wholly to Jesus.
If we depend on self at all, we cannot depend
on Christ alone. We must therefore renounce
all dependance on our good works and plea-
sant feelings, and take Christ to be our perfect
Saviour. And it is as necessary to take the
eye off our feelings as our works; and to re-
nounce all dependance on the one as well as
on the other, if we would enjoy settled peace
and constant confidence in God. Perhaps the
world is not wholly given up. If not, there
can be no positive assurance of our accep-
tance with God, for the friendship of the
world is enmity with God; if any man there-

fore will be the friend of the world, he is the enemy of God. While, therefore, there is a clinging to the world, its peasures, its customs, its fashions, and its spirit, there can be no settled peace. But if, perceiving that the world is at enmity with God, and is doing all it can to dishonour God, we come out of it and are separated from it, God will receive



"Fear not; for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; •thou art mine.'” (Isaiah xliii. 1.)

By nature, we are all slaves to Satan, havTo conclude the more we look away from ing voluntarily submitted ourselves to his hard self the better. The more we are taken up bondage. For all the chosen, who believe in with the person, sacrifice, and death of Christ, Jesus' name, and trust in the Saviour's work, the better. For it is only by looking away He has paid the redemption-money, the price from self, and being taken up with Jesus, that being His own atoning blood. This redempwe shall enjoy peace of conscience, confidence tion being final, perfect, and abiding, they toward God, and certainty in the prospect of who are thus made free, can never more be glory. Holy Spirit, teach us to look simply brought into a state of slavery, but are the us, become a Father to us, and send the to Jesus: enable us to trust alone in His property of Him in whom they have liberty; Spirit of adoption into our hearts, crying, blood, and bring us to rely confidently on His and, losing their old service, they likewise "Abba, Father." Therefore, says the apostle, word. Destroy all our self-righteousness, surrender their old name, being now called John, "Love not the world, neither the things bring us clean out of the world, and instruct by their Redeemer "CHRISTIANS." In Jethat are in the world; for if any man love the us that we may clearly and fully understand sus they are safe, and shall be made comworld, the love of the Father is not in him." the gospel warrant. Bring us to feel self-pletely happy; so that they may even now, Or the warrant of the gospel is not seen. The despair, empty us, and strip us of every thing though surrounded by enemies, "FEAR NOT." gospel warrants any sinner and sinner every of our own, and fill us with Christ; clothe to believe in Jesus, and gives to every one us in the garments of salvation, and cover us that believes, the positive assurance of ever- with the robe of His righteousness. Fill, O lasting life. If, therefore, I believe in Jesus, fill us, with all joy and peace in believing, the gospel warrants me to feel assured that that we may abound in hope, rejoice in Christ eternal life is mine, that I am saved in the Jesus, and live in the joyful expectation of Lord, with an everlasting salvation. If, then, eternal glory, through His finished work. I am in a state of uncertainty as to my state, if I am uneasy about my salvation, let me enquire, is self-righteousness destroyed in BY T. W. MEDHURST, OF COLERAINE, NORTH OF IRELAND, press the minds of the children with the

me? Is the world fully given up by me?

"Fear Not."


hand, saying unto thee, FEAR NOT; I will help
thee." (Isaiah xli. 13.)

Do I understand the warrant the gospel gives "For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right
me to believe in Jesus, and then to feel
assured of my salvation? If so, do I look to
Jesus, trust in His blood, and rely on His
word? If so, to doubt, fear, or feel uncertain,
is unscriptural and improper.


Fear not, O Jacob, my servant; and thou, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen." (Isa. xliv. 2.) This sweet 66 FEAR NOT" may be applied to the Sunday-school teacher, who, toiling on year after year, meets with no apparent success. He labours earnestly through the week to prepare his lessons; he wrestles fervently at the throne of grace for a blessing to rest on his efforts; he strives assiduously to im

great verities of the gospel of Christ; yet still no result is seen. Faint not, my brother, you shall not lose your reward. God looks not at the manifest result, but at the secret When the child has hold of its parent's motive. If your simple aim is the promotion hand, it feels safe, and fears no danger. So of His glory, you shall, ere long, hear the should it be with the believer, for he is God's welcome plaudit, "Well done, good and faithWhat is needed in many cases of uncer- child; and as an earthly parent will uphold ful servant; thou hast been faithful over a tainty? Self-despair. Until we are brought and defend his offspring, so will our heavenly few things; I will make thee ruler over many to despair of all help and hope in ourselves, Father aid and protect all His adopted family. things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." and in every thing we can do and suffer, we Think, O heir of glory, how safe thou art, for Still labour on, dear teacher; your work is shall never trust in Christ alone. Slight con- thou hast Jehovah for thy defence. He holds important; and though the reward may tarry, victions of sin, or faint impressions of divine thy hand, and will not suffer thy foot to slip. it is sure. 66 Go forward," and "FEAR NOT.' truth, do not bring us to this; and therefore He guides thee with His eye, and encourages Fear ye not, neither be afraid; have not it is that so many hang between works and thee with His words, saying, "FEAR NOT." I told thee?" (Isaiah xliv. 8.) grace, between their own feelings and the "Fear not, thou worm Jacob." (Isa. xli. 14.) Afflicted heir of heaven! Jesus has left it blood of the Lamb, between self and Christ. Many a real Christian oft feels his own un-recorded, that in this world you must have We must be brought to despair, absolutely worthiness to such an extent, that he is apt tribulation; therefore think it not strange to imagine it to be utterly impossible that he when you are called upon to pass through the should be one of the chosen seed: to such fiery trial; for Jesus considers it to be needan one this promise is specially applicable; ful for you, and you know Jesus cannot make

to despair of ever doing any thing to recommend us to God; or of suffering any thing, in whole, or in part, to satisfy the claims of


a mistake; He is too wise. Jesus cannot be unkind, He is too good; therefore let sweet resignation accompany you, as you onward press, even though in your path you should meet with floods and flames, for His dear


"Though painful at present, it cannot last long, And then, oh! how pleasant the conqueror's song." How loving did Jesus shew Himself to be, when He said to His disciples, "If it were not so, I would have told you;" shewing His care for His own flock. And think you, tried believer, that if Jesus would not keep a secret from you, that He would grieve you unnecessarily, or try you too sorely? Oh, no, no, No; Jesus is too loving to hurt one poor timid soul who trusts in His mercy. Wipe your eye, stay that murmur, hush that hard thought, for the promise bids you "FEAR NOT."

Looking on the Pierced One.




joice that thou shalt live for ever to glorify and praise His name. O my soul, Jesus was THE senses affect the soul. What impres-wounded for thy transgressions, and bruised sions are made through the ear, but perhaps for thine iniquities! His blood has made thy more and deeper through the eye. A look peace with God, His righteousness gives thee has led into sin, and a look has led away from a title to eternal life, and His death delivers sin. A look has ruined, and a look has thee from dying. I wish to fix my eye inbrought salvation. A look has hardened the tently on Jesus in Gethsemane, in Pilate's hall, heart, and a look has softened it. Looking before Annas, Caiaphas, and Herod, and more represents believing; because in believing, the especially on the hill Calvary, and marking mind is fixed on an object, affected by the all His tears, wounds, and agonies, feel that object, and if good, drawn to the object. bruised Him, scourged Him, spit on Him, I was the cause of all. I did it; yes, I There is one object on which the eye of the crowned Him with thorns, smote Him with mind should be constantly fixed, if we would the fist, and nailed Him to the cursed tree. enjoy peace, grow in grace, or walk with I inflicted all. He patiently endured. God God. Therefore it is written, as the language to endure it; and I, O wonder of wonders! I allowed it, because He voluntarily undertook of our crucified Lord, They shall look upon derive ease, holiness, and eternal life from it! One whom they have pierced." (Zech. xii. 10.) Pierced! Who pierced Him? We did, and pierced Him to the heart. Nor were we "Fear ye not the reproach of men, neither satisfied with piercing Him once, for we have be ye afraid of their revilings." (Isaiah li. 7.) pierced Him often, and pierced Him through. Those who belong to Christ will be re- and through. Our unbelief pierces Him. proached by Satan, and reviled by the world; Our ingratitude pierces Him. The coldness. they will meet with taunts and sneers on the of our love pierces Him. right and on the left. Let not such imagine of Him pierces Him. a strange thing has happened unto them, for world to Him pierces Him. this is the lot of all who will live godly in His ordinances pierces Him. Christ Jesus. The reason why Christians are ing His love pierces Him. not reproached more than they are, is because pierced Him on Calvary, we put the nails and they are not so holy as they should be. Our the hammer into the hands of the executioners; religion is at a low ebb, when the world and put the spear into the hand of the Roman ceases its annoyances. Jesus has told us soldier. Yea, it was we that gathered the that in this world we shall have tribulation; thorns, and picked out the strongest and the and then, in order that the cup of our bitter-sharpest, formed them into a mock crown, ness may be sweetened, He has given us the thrust it on His head, and, with the staff, beat sweet assurance, that in Him we shall have the thorns into His temples. See, see, there peace. Surely this precious promise should He hangs, pierced in His head, hands, feet, strengthen our faith, and enable us to "FEAR and side-pierced for us; pierced by us!


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Our forgetfulness
Our preferring the
Our neglect of
And our doubt-
It was we who

Look, my soul, at the pierced One. It is Fear not; for thou shall not be ashamed." God's only Son that hangs on that Cross. He (Isaiah liv. 4.)

He who has a good hope, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, has a hope that maketh not ashamed, because his hope is based on the promise of Jehovah, who is unchangeably the same, and who will not alter the word which has gone forth from His mouth. He who trusts in Jesus alone and entirely, to a complete renunciation of self, may sing joyously,

created the heavens and the earth. He was before all things, and by Him all things consist. He is naturally and eternally Divine, and yet man. He was God by nature. He became man by choice. As God-man He suffers, bleeds, and dies. O my soul, look at Jesus! He is thy Substitute. He is there for thee. He is suffering death for thee. He is bearing the desert of thy sins in His own body on the tree. He is enduring thy curse, being made accursed for thee. He is revealing what is in man's nature, what is in God's heart, and what He is willing to do, suffer, or become, rather than I should perish. Yes, The Word of God declares to all who be- Jesus is there for me. He represents my lieve in Jesus, "I am the Lord, I change not; person, He answers for my crimes, He dies in therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." my stead. O Saviour, was ever love, was With this sweet word, and many precious ever agony, was ever death, like thine! exhortations, we, by God's rich grace, will Look, my soul, look to Jesus, the pierced

"Yes, I to the end shall endure,

As sure as the earnest is given; More happy, but not more secure,

The souls of the blessed in heaven."


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One, as Israel of old looked to the brazen

A CHRISTIAN lady slept,

And dreamt a dream of heaven;
She thought within its pearly gates
Entrance to her was given.

She stood upon the sea of glass,

Amid the white-robed throng;
She walked the golden streets, and sung
The everlasting song.

The conquering palm was in her hand,

She tasted bliss untold;

And on her radiant head she wore
A crown of shining gold.

Ah! clime of glory, no regret

May ever mar thy rest;

Yet sighed the sleeper, as she dreamt,
She was not wholly blest.
She marked the sparkling diadem
On many a princely brow,
Resplendent with the diamond's blaze,
And the rich ruby's glow.
O'er turquoise fair, and priceless pearl,
The emerald's glory streamed;
But in her heavenly crown, alas !
No radiant jewel beamed.

O that to grace her coronet

One gem she might yet win;
O could she but return to earth,

And save one soul from sin.
Full well she knew what jewels gave

These crowns so rich a blaze;
They were the souls of sinners shown
The error of their ways.

She woke, and lo! 'twas but a dream!
But in the Book Divine

She read who, in the courts of bliss,
Shall first in glory shine.

That they who unto righteousness
Do many sinners turn,
Like stars in heaven's firmament,
For evermore shalt shine.

Christians should be more earnest.

Poor sinner, if thou hast no desire after serpent, until thy guilt is removed, thy fears "CHRISTIANS," said Mrs. Judson, must Jesus, I dare not bid thee "Fear not;" for dispersed, and thy soul is saved! Look to pray more, they must give more, and from heaven, earth, and hell, thou hast much Him as the one great and all-sufficient sacri- make greater efforts to prevent the Misto fear, but nothing to give thee comfort. If fice for sin, by which sin is put away for ever, Every individual Christian should feel sionary flame from becoming extinct. thou desirest Jesus, and art seeking Jesus, God's justice eternally satisfied, and thy sal-himself guilty if he has not done all in then I can say to thee, Fear not;" for all vation made easy and honourable. Look, and his power for the spread of the gospel, who desire Jesus to be their salvation may mourn, because thy sins degraded, disgraced, and the enlightening of the heathen have Him; all who are seeking Jesus to be and put Him to grief. Look and rejoice, for world. On earth we serve God, in heathou shalt have dignity by His degradation, ven we enjoy Him, is a motto I have long honour by His disgrace, and life by His death. wished to adopt. When in heaven, we Look, and be sorry that thou hast ever sinned, can do nothing towards saving immortal and so caused Jesus to suffer. Look, and re- souls."

their Redeemer shall find Him. Look then, poor sinner, look to the crucified One, who only can give thee pardon. God help thee to do so, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

The Deaf and Dumb Boy.

A GENTLEMAN once being on a visit to a friend in Manchester, the conversation turned upon the great blessing of the Deaf and Dumb Institutions, when the former expressed his incredulity as to those thus affected really understanding what they were taught. His friend proposed he should visit the Institution, in order that he might have the opportunity of judging for himself. They accordingly went, and he was requested to write on the black board, which was hung up in the room where the children were sitting, any questions he wished to propose. He took the chalk and wrote,

"Who made all things?"

One of the little boys wrote,
"In the beginning God created

heavens and the earth."

stepped forward, and again shrank back. innocence, but (wondrous love!) His
At last he took courage, went out of the SON for poor LOST sinners.
College, and entered the house where he always tries to tell us lies about God.
heard the book was sold in secret. He Nothing could shew forth the riches of
bought the precious volume, and then His grace like this, that He has GIVEN
hastened to shut himself closely in his HIS OWN SON FOR POOR SIN-
As he read the book, NERS.
room, to study it.
"God commendeth HIS love
he came to the words, THIS IS A FAITH- toward us, in that, while we were yet sin-
FUL SAYING, AND WORTHY OF ALL ACCEP-ners, Christ died for us."
THE WORLD TO SAVE SINNERS, OF WHOM I requiring goodness from us? No! "He
AM CHIEF."' He laid down the Testa- is righteous and just to forgive us our
ment to reflect on the verse. As he sins" in estimating the worth of His
turned to it again, he cried, "Oh, saying own Son's work. "The blood of Jesus
of St. Paul, how sweet thou art unto my Christ His Son cleanses from all sin."
soul!" The result was, as he tells us, When we stand in the centre of God's
that "this one sentence, through God's love encompassed by it, we find it im-
inward teaching, did so rejoice my heart, measurable. "Come; taste and see that
being before almost in despair, that I the Lord is GOOD; blessed is the man
soon found peace." "Jesus Christ saves!" that trusteth in Him."-Extracted from
he cried; "yes, Jesus Christ saves!" "Words of Truth."
From that time he became a preacher of

the those "glad tidings of great joy" which

Asleep in Jesus.

had filled his own soul with comfort; How wondrous are the dealings of God with and at last he suffered as a faithful guilty, lost sinners. He who is rich in mercy Why was it Jesus Christ came into martyr." The eye of some dear uncon- manifests His grace in various ways to the

He again wrote,

this world?

The answer given,

"God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

He took the chalk again, and wrote, How is it that I can both hear and speak, whilst you are deaf and dumb? The little fellow's eyes filled with tears, whilst he wrote underneath,

"Ever so, Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight."

This touching answer rebuked the unbelief of the gentleman, who retired, not only convinced, but deeply affected.

The Cambridge Student.

verted student, for whom many prayers children of men. Marvellous truth - God is
have been made, may rest on this, and love! And He sent His well beloved Son to
his soul may long for a similar salvation save those who by nature love him not.
throngh Christ Jesus. "To you, my Every sinner who trusts in the Lord Jesus
friend, is the word of this salvation for salvation is delivered from guilt, condem-
sent:" "Jesus Christ saves! yes, Jesus nation, and eternal death.
Christ saves!" O that you so felt it

that you could die, if need be, for your
Saviour's sake. Whoever you are-if
you can make out yourself to be a sin-
ner-Christ Jesus came into the world
to save you, for He came to save sinners.
Come to Him now, and be saved for

God good, and righteous.


MATT. xix. 16-26.

Dear reader, I will tell you a little about a poor sinner who believed in Jesus, and could rejoicingly exclaim, "We love Him, because He first loved us." (1 John iv. 19.)

Eliza B spent the greater part of her life in serving the prince of this world, "the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience." Vain and sinful pleasures

were her delight, the reading of God's word
was neglected, nor did she attend a place of
worship. Whilst thus pursuing the road
leading to destruction, it pleased the Lord to
awaken her soul in a very remarkable man-
ner. Relating the circumstance to me some
years after it occurred, she said the thing
seemed even then plainly before her mental
vision. "One day, when walking home near
the village of A, I saw a strange light
around me, and the impression made then
upon my mind was, that it was the "fire of
From that time she felt the heary
burden of sin, and sought deliverance from
unbeliever; nor did she seek in vain. By
that punishment which she knew awaited the

JESUS did not come to cultivate the good of human nature, but to SAVE the BAD and the LOST; therefore, He tells the Is the reign of Henry the 8th, a young Pharisees, "The publicans and the harstudent at Cambridge, named Thomas lots go into the kingdom of God before Bilney, was in deep anxiety about the you." (Matt. xxi. 31.) salvation of his soul. He went again "There is none good," says Jesus, of and again to his confessor, and told him human nature (and this is His account of all his sins. The priest at one time pre-you, dear reader), but there is ONE good scribed severe fasts, at another time, prolooking to the Lamb of God, and resting in longed prayers, and then masses for When summing up the sins of the simple faith upon the finished work of the which he had to pay dearly. The stu- Gentiles, the Apostle tells us, "God gave Lord Jesus, she proved the love of God, and dent devoutly followed these directions, them over to a reprobate mind." Why? her soul was filled with sweet peace and jor but found no hope or comfort. His Because "they did not like to retain God Her walk and conversation plainly declared bodily strength wasted away under the in their knowledge;" this was the root, that she had Christ for her portion, and was discipline, his mind became more dis-all other sins were but fruits. God does learning of Him. The writer could tell much turbed and his purse became empty. not ask for our goodness, He wants the about her trials, but it will be sufficient to 'Alas!' said the weary man, my last heart, and this man does "not like" to say that these, whether persecution or other state is worse than the first: what shall give. sorrows, were meekly borne. She had reI do to obtain peace?' At that time no Paradise was God's being good to good who said, "Love your enemies, bless them ceived some gracious instruction from Him English version of the Bible had been people. The law was God's being right that curse you, do good to them that hate printed, and the Hebrew and Greek cous to bad people. you, and pray for them which despitefully Scriptures were forbidden for private What we want is, God good to bad use you, and persecute you, that ye may be nse, so that Bilney had not yet read people; where shall we find this? In the children of your Father which is in heathese 'true sayings of God.' One day the Gospel. You may object, That is ven; for He maketh His sun to rise on the he heard his friends talking about a favouring the wicked." (Isa. xxvi. 10.) evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the book: it was a recent translation of the Jesus came, was sent, to the LOST. just and on the unjust." During the time of New Testament into Latin. Bilney was GOD IS GOOD. This is what Satan long illness I was privileged to mark more highly attracted by their praises of its always tries to make us disbelieve, and especially, "what great things the Lord had done for her soul." While her wasting body style, and was in the act of taking it into what our proud hearts do not like to acbecame more feeble daily, her soul seen.ed his hands, when he suddenly recollected credit. Satan said (in effect) to Eve, to gain strength. She knew for a certainty that his confessor had forbidden him to 'God wants to keep an apple from a man that her portion was "everlasting life." and read the Scriptures. Yet he thought, who is innocent; He is afraid you will always expressed a confidence in the love Is it not the Testament of Jesus Christ? be gods, like himself, knowing good and of an "Unchanging One." Speaking of May not God have placed some words evil.' But what has God done? He has some severe trials, she said, "God gives me there which can heal my soul?' He GIVEN, not simply an apple to one in patience to bear them," and to my enquiry,


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