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wool has so considerably increased, attention to the improvement of the same has not been overlooked; hence the favourable impression created in the London market during the past year on behalf of this important article of colonial produce.

Your Committee beg also to draw the attention of this Society to the importance of encouraging competition in almost all articles of produce, in as far at least as will be found practicable, and the means of this Society allow. For it is by this means that a stimulus is exerted for improvement, particularly in this age of competition.

Your Committee would recommend this Society, at least, to commence this year with an encouragement for the show of Cattle and other produce of a general and daily demand, and your Committee need only refer to the result of the late exhibitions at the last general meeting of the Swellendam Agricultural Society, to satisfy this Society of the expediency and success which will follow such encouragement.

Whilst on this subject your Committee has the pleasure to communicate, that they have lately received, from one of their members, Andrew Steedman, Esq., a sample of Raw Silk, the produce of this colony, which they have also caused to be laid before this meeting. And your Committee, considering the large field open in the colony for silkworm, cannot but strongly recommend to this meeting the adoption of some resolution, by which the cultivation of this valuable article may encouraged.


Your Committee beg to report to this Society their conviction of the great benefit this colony will derive from the cultivation of Sugar, and therefore suggest that a premium be offered for the best sample of Raw Sugar, made from grape, in a quantity of not less than 100 lbs., the sample to be delivered to the Society on or before a certain day to be fixed by this meeting, together with a statement of the particulars of the mode of manufacturing of sugar, and the expense connected therewith.

Before closing this report, your Committee beg to bring to the knowledge of this Society, that the all-important subject of Emigration from the mother country having occupied their attention, they have lately addressed a Memorial to His Excellency the Governor, requesting that His Excellency may be pleased to make such representation to the Home Government as may lead to the encouragement and introduction into this colony of juvenile emigrants of good character. as a Government measure, in addition to which your Committee beg to state, that they have received a communication from Mr. W. N. Frushard, of Buitenkant, Cape Town, who is also greatly promoting the subject.

Persons wishing to make themselves more acquainted with the Cape Colony may advantageously consult the following authors:

Alexander, Barrow, Banister, Barnard, Fisher, Harris, Latrobe, Martin, Moffat, Pringle, Shaw, Stedman, Thompson, and Valliant.






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