Imágenes de páginas


There is a kind of relationship between this composition and that of the holy family known by the mane of the Vierge au linge, already described at no. 13; but notwithstanding the grace displayed in this picture, the harsh style it is painted makes it appear a copy, or more probably by a pupil of Raphael, after a drawing by that celebrated master.

This picture more than a century ago was in the possession of a roman gentleman named Jerome Lotterius, who in 1717 presented it to the chapel of notre Dame de Lorette. At the approach of the french army, it was removed to Rome, deposited with the nephew of Pius VI, and from thence brought to the Paris Museum from whence it was taken away in 1815.

Height, 4 feet; breadth, 3 feet.



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ÉCOLE ITALIENNE. **** GUIDO RENI, ... MUsée de bolognF.


Guido Reni, âgé de 35 ans, abreuvé de tourmens, accablé des traits de l'envie, et justement affligé de la mort d'Annibal Carrache, son maître, avait pris la résolution de quitter Rome et d'abandonner pour jamais la peinture; il était déjà revenu à Bologne, sa ville natale, où il était marchand de tableaux : quelques reproches faits par des amis lui inspirèrent le désir de produire un nouveau tableau, dans lequel il espérait montrer qu'il était capable de traiter avec succès de grandes compositions. C'est dans cette intention qu'il exécuta le Massacre des Innocens ; ce tableau obtint promptement une grande célébrité, et plaça son auteur dans un rang élevé. Il avait été fait le pour comte Bero, l'un des plus zélés protecteurs du Guide, et il fut placé dans l'église de Saint-Dominique à Bologne; il vint depuis au Musée de Paris, et a été reporté au Musée de Bologne, dont il est un des principaux ornemens.

Il existe plusieurs gravures de ce tableau ; la dernière est due au burin de Bartholozzi, alors âgé de 82 ans.

Haut., 8 pieds; larg., 5 pieds.


Guido Reni, at the age of 35 years, sinking under misfortune, assailed by the attacks of envy, and justly afflicted at the death of Annibal Caracci, his master, came to the resolution of quitting Rome, and of abandoning his profession for ever. He had already arrived at Bologna his native city, and become a picture-dealer: the reproaches of his friends however inspired him with the desire of producing a new work, wherein he hoped to show that he was able to treat a grand composition with success. It was with this feeling that he executed the murder of the innocents, which picture directly obtained great celebrity, and placed its author in an elevated rank. It was painted for count Bero, one of the most zealous patrons of Guido, and placed in the church of Saint-Dominico at Bologna; it was brought afterwards to the Museum at Paris, and has been carried back to that of Bologna, of which it forms one of the principal ornaments.

There are many prints of this picture existing; the last is from the graver of Bartholozzi, when he was 82 of age. Height, 8 feet 6 inches; breadth, 5 feet 4 inches.


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