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Bay of Islands,
N. E. coast of the N.

a large, deep, and stimulating and is used for toilet purposes
safe harbor on the and as a liniment in various affections.
a general term for coarse-

Island of New Zea- Bay-salt, grained salt, but properly land. It is claimed to have been the seat of the first European settlement in New applied to salt obtained by spontaneous Zealand. Also a large bay formed by the or natural evaporation of sea-water in Gulf of St. Lawrence, on the west coast large, shallow tanks or bays. of Newfoundland. a window forming a or bay in a



Bayonet (bao-net), a straight, sharp-
pointed weapon, generally room projecting out-
triangular, intended to be fixed upon the wards, and rising
muzzle of a rifle or musket, which is thus from the ground or
transformed into a thrusting weapon: basement on a plan
probably invented about 1640, in Bayonne. rectangular, semi-
About 1690 the bayonet began to be fas- octagonal, or semi-
tened by means of a socket to the outside hexagonal, but al-
of the barrel, instead of being inserted as ways straight-sided.
formerly in the inside. A variety of the The term is, however,
bayonet, called the sword-bayonet, is now also often employed
pretty widely used in modern armies, sev- to designate a bow-
eral modifications of the arm being in use window, which more
among the armies of the different nations. properly forms the
segment of a circle,
and an oriel-window,
which is supported
on a kind of bracket,
and is usually on the



Bayonne (ba-yōn'), a well-built fortified town, the largest in the French dep. Basses-Pyrénées, at the confluence of the Nive and the Adour, about 3 miles from their mouth in the Bay of Biscay; with a citadel command- first floor. ing the harbor and city, a cathedral-a Baza (bä'thä), an old town of Spain, beautiful ancient building-shipbuilding Andalusia, prov. of Granada, and other industries, and a considerable formerly a large and flourishing city. In trade, the hams of Bayonne being in much 1810 the French, under Marshal Soult, request. Pop. 27,900. here defeated the Spaniards in a decisive battle. Pop. 15,964.


See Bazar.

Bayonne, Jersey, about 6 miles s. w.
a city of Hudson Co., New
of New York City. Its geographical posi-
tion between New York and Newark Bays Bazaine (bȧ-zan), FRANCOIS ACHILLE,
is favorable for manufacturing. Products
a French general, born in
include boilers, cables, machinery, copper,
1811. He served in Algeria, in Spain
brass, iron, launches, boats, petroleum, against the Carlists, in the Crimean war,
sulphur, edible oils, essential oils. Pop. and joined the Mexican expedition as gen-
(1910) 55,545; (1920) 76,754.
eral of division in 1862, and in 1864 was
He com-

Bayou (ba'yö), in the Southern United made a marshal of France.
States, a stream which flows

from a lake or other stream: frequently
used as synonymous with creek or tidal

manded the third army corps in the Franco-German war, when he capitulated at Metz, after a seven weeks' siege, with an army of 175,000 men. For this act he was tried by court-martial in 1873, found guilty of treason, and condemned to death.

Bayreuth (br'roit). See Baireuth. Bay Rum, a spirit obtained by dis- This sentence was commuted to twenty tilling the leaves of Myr- years' seclusion in the Isle St. Marguerite, cia acris, or other West Indian trees of from which he escaped. Died at Madrid the same genus. It is astringent and in 1888.



Bazar (ba-zar'), or BAZAAR, in the Beaches (běch'es), RAISED, a term East an exchange, market-place, applied to those long teror place where goods are exposed for sale, raced level pieces of land, consisting of usually consisting of small shops or stalls sand and gravel, and containing marine in a narrow street or series of streets. shells, now, it may be, a considerable disThese bazar-streets are frequently shaded tance above and away from the sea, but by a light material laid from roof to roof, bearing sufficient evidences of having and sometimes are arched over. Marts for been at one time sea-beaches. In Scotthe sale of miscellaneous articles, chiefly land such a terrace has been traced exfancy goods, are now to be found in most tensively along the coasts at about 25 European cities bearing the name of feet above the present sea-level. Beachy Head (be'chi), a promon

bazars. The term bazar is also applied

to a sale of miscellaneous articles, mostly of fancy work, and contributed gratuitously, in furtherance of some charitable or other purpose.

tory in the south of England, on the coast of Sussex, rising 575 feet above sea-level, with a revolving light, visible in clear weather from a displace here, June 30, 1690, in which a French fleet under Tourville defeated an English and Dutch combined fleet under Lord Torrington.

Bazarjik (ba-zar-jek'), a town of tance of 28 miles. A naval battle took

Bulgaria, southeast of Silistria. Has an important annual fair. Pop. about 11,000.

(b ȧ-z i-g å r s′), a tribe of

Bazigars East Indians dispersed Beacon (be'kon), an object visible to

some distance, and serving to notify the presence of danger; commonly applied to a fire-signal set on a height to spread the news of hostile invasion or other great event; and also applied to a mark or object of some kind placed conspicuously on a coast or over a rock or shoal at sea for the guidance of vessels, often an iron structure of considerable height. Beacon,

throughout the whole of Hindustan mostly in wandering tribes. They are divided into seven castes; their chief occupation is that of jugglers, acrobats, and tumblers, in which both males and females are equally skillful. They present many features analogous to the gypsies of Europe. Bazoche (ba-zosh'), or BASOCHE (a corruption of Basilica), a brotherhood formed by the clerks of the parliament of Paris said to have origina city of Dutchess Co., N. Y., ated among the class of procureurs or adon the Hudson River, 59 miles vocates. They had a king, chancellor, and N. of New York. In 1913 the villages of other dignitaries; and certain privileges Matteawan and Fishkill Landing were were granted them by Philip the Fair consolidated and incorporated as Beacon early in the fourteenth century, as also City. Pop. (1920) 10,996.

by subsequent monarchs. They had an Beaconsfield (be'konz-feld), a village annual festival, having as a principal

of Buckingham, Eng

feature dramatic performances in which land, burial place of Edmund Burke.

satirical allusions were freely made to Beaconsfield, BENJAMIN DISRAELI,

Bdellium (del'i-um),

EARL OF, an eminent

passing events. The representation of these farces or satires was frequently in- English statesman and novelist, of Jewterdicted, but their development had a ish extraction; eldest son of Isaac D'Isconsiderable effect on the dramatic litera- raeli, author of the Curiosities of Literature of France. ature; was born in London December 21, 1804. He attended for some time a private school, and was first destined for the law, but showing a decided taste for literature he was allowed to follow his inclination. In 1826 he published Vivian Grey, his first novel; and subsequently traveled for some time, visiting Italy, Greece, Turkey, and Syria, and gaining experiences which were afterwards reproduced in his books. His travels and impressions are embodied in a volume of letters addressed to his sister and his father. In 1831 another novel, The Young Duke, came from his pen. It was followed at short intervals by Contarini Fleming, Alroy, Henrietta Temple, Venetia, The Revolutionary Epic (a poem), etc. In 1832, and on two subsequent

an aromatic gum resin brought chiefly from Africa and India, in pieces of different sizes and figures, externally of a dark reddish brown, internally clear, and not unlike glue. To the taste it is slightly bitterish and pungent; its odor is agreeable. It is used as a perfume and a medicine, being a weak deobstruent. Indian bdellium is the produce of Balsamodendron Roxburghii; African of B. Africanum; Egyptian bdellium is obtained from the doum palm; and Sicilian is produced by Daucus gummifer, a species of the genus to which the carrot belongs. The bdellium mentioned in Gen., ii, was apparently a precious stone, perhaps a pearl.



occasions, he appeared as candidate for chancellor of the exchequer. They imthe representation of High Wycombe, mediately brought in, and carried, after with a program which included vote by a violent and bitter struggle, a Reform ballot and triennial parliaments, but was Bill on the basis of household suffrage. unsuccessful. His political opinions In 1868 he became premier on the resiggradually changed: in 1835 he unsuccess- nation of Lord Derby, but his tenure of fully contested Taunton as a Tory. In office was short. In 1874 he again be1837 he gained an entrance to the House came prime-minister with a strong Conof Commons, being elected for Maidstone, servative majority, and he remained in His first speech in the house was treated power for six years. This period was with ridicule; but he finished with the marked by his elevation to the peerage in prophetic declaration that the time would 1876 as Earl of Beaconsfield, and by the come when they would hear him. During prominent part he took in regard to the his first years in parliament he was a Eastern question and the conclusion of the supporter of Peel; but when Peel pledged Treaty of Berlin in 1878. In 1880 parhimself to abolish the corn-laws, Disraeli liament was rather suddenly dissolved, became the leader of the protectionists. and the new parliament showing an overAbout this time he became a leader of whelming Liberal majority, be resigned what was known as the Young Eng office, though he still retained the leaderland' party, professing a sort of senti- ship of his party. Within a few months of his death the publication of a novel called Endymion (his last preceding, Lothair, had been published ten years before) showed that his intellect was still vigorous. Among others of his writings besides those already mentioned are: A Vindication of the English Constitution, 1834; Alarcos, a Tragedy, 1839; and Lord George Bentinck, a Political Biography, 1852. He died April 19, 1881. Bead (bed), originally a prayer; then a small perforated ball of gold, pearl, amber, glass, or the like, to be strung on a thread, and used in a rosary by Roman Catholics in numbering their prayers, one bead being passed at the end of each ejaculation or short prayer; latterly any such small ornamental body. Glass beads are now the most common sort; they form a considerable item in the African trade.-In architecture and joinery the bead is a small round molding. It is of frequent occurrence in architecture, particularly in the classical styles, and is used in picture-frames and other objects carved in wood.-St. Cuthbert's Beads, the popular name of the detached and perforated joints of encrinites. Beadle (be'dl), an officer in a univer


Lord Beaconsfield.

sity, whose chief business is to walk with a mace in a public procession; also, a parish officer whose business is to punish petty offenders, and a church officer with various subordinate duties, as waiting on the clergyman, keeping order in church, attending meetings of vestry or session, etc.

mental advocacy of feudalism. This spirit showed itself in his two novels of Coningsby and Sybil, published, respectively, in 1844 and 1845. Having acquired the manor of Hughenden in Buckinghamshire, he was in 1847 elected for this county, and he retained his seat till raised to the peerage nearly thirty years later. His first appointment to office was in 1852, when he became chancellor of the exchequer under Lord Derby. The following year, however, the ministry was defeated. He remained out of office till 1858, when he again became chancellor of the exchequer, and brought in a reform Bead-snake (Elaps fulvius), a beadbill which wrecked the government. Durtiful snake of North ing the time the Palmerston government America, inhabiting cultivated grounds, was in office Mr. Disraeli led the opposi- especially plantations of the sweet-potato, tion in the lower house with conspicuous and burrowing in the ground. It is ability and courage. In 1866 the Lib- finely marked with yellow, carmine, and erals resigned, and Derby and Disraeli black, Though it possesses poison-fangs came into power, the latter being again it never seems to use them.

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Beagle (bel) a small bound, for St. Ignatius's bean is not really a bean,
merly kept to hunt hares, now but the seed of a large climbing shrub,
almost superseded by the harrier, which of the order Loganiaceæ, nearly allied to
The the species of Strychnos which produces
sometimes is called by its name.
beagle is smaller than the harrier, com- nux vomica.

pactly built, smooth-haired, and with pen- Bean-goose of wild goose, a mi-
(Anser segětum), a spe-
dulous ears. The smallest of them are
gratory bird which arrives in Britain in
little larger than the lap-dog.
a long straight and autumn and retires to the north in the
Beam (bēm),
strong piece of wood, iron, or end of April, though some few remain to
Being rather smaller than the
steel, especially when holding an impor- breed.
tant place in some structure, and serving common wild goose, it is sometimes called
for support or consolidation; often equiv- the small gray goose.
alent to girder. In a balance it is the Bean-king, Twelfth Night festivities
the person chosen king in

in virtue of having got the piece of cake containing the bean buried in the cake for this purpose.

Bear (bar), the name of several large plantigrade carnivorous


part from the ends of which the scales
are suspended. In a loom it is a cylin-
drical piece of wood on which weavers
wind the warp before weaving; also, the
cylinder on which the cloth is rolled as
it is woven. In a ship one of the strong
transverse pieces stretching across from mals of the genus Ursus. They belong to
one side to the other to support the decks the canine branch of carnivores, the dog
and retain the sides at their proper dis- and the bear having a common ancestor,
tance: hence a ship is said to be on her Amphicyon of the Miocene Age. Like the
beam ends' when lying over on her side. dog they have forty-two teeth, but the
Beam-tree (Pyrus aria), a tree of the dental development differs from that of
same genus as the apple, other carnivores in being less highly spe-
mountain-ash, and service-tree, having cialized for the mastication of animal food
berries that are edible when quite mel- and more adapted for grinding miscel-
low, and yielding a hard and fine-grained laneous soft food, such as fruit, roots,
nuts, honey, insects, etc. Most of the
wood, used for axle-trees and other pur- bears are expert at climbing, though the
Bean (ben), a name given to several adult grizzly bear is said to have lost
kinds of leguminous seeds and


Brown Bear (Ursus arctos).

the plants producing them, probably orig-
inally belonging to Asia. They belong to
several genera, particularly to Faba, gar-
den and field bean; Phaseolus, French or
kidney bean; and Dolichos, tropical bean.
The common bean (F. vulgāris) is culti-
vated both in fields and gardens as food
for man and beast. There are many
varieties in gardens, and the horse or
tick bean in fields. The soil that best
suits is a strong, rich loam. The seed of
the Windsor is fully an inch in diameter;
the horse-bean is much less, often not
much more than half an inch in length
and three-eighths of an inch in diameter.
Beans are very nutritious, containing 36
per cent of starch and 23 per cent of this power. The bear family is of wide
nitrogenous matter called legumin, anal- distribution geographically, its range em-
ogous to the casein in cheese. The bean bracing the high and low latitudes of the
is an annual, from 2 to 4 feet high. The two hemispheres. In the Arctic regions
flowers are beautiful and fragrant. The the white or polar bear (Ursus mariti-
kidney-bean, French bean, or haricot is mus) is found. It is yellowish-white in
the Phaseolus vulgāris, a well-known cul- color and long in body and neck, also in
inary vegetable. There are two principal the length of head, its cranial development
varieties, annual dwarfs and runners. differing considerably in this respect from
The beans cultivated in America and other species. It is fierce in disposition,
largely used as articles of food belong an adept swimmer, getting its food prin-
to the genus Phaseolus. The scarlet-run- cipally from the sea, and is altogether
ner bean (Phaseolus multiflorus), a native carnivorous. The great brown bear Ur-
of Mexico, is cultivated on account of its
long rough pods and its scarlet flowers.

sus arctos) inhabits northern Europe and Asia. its range extending from Siberia

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