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themselves; whereas they are now too often infirm and melancholy."

5. Temperance greatly increases a man's means of usefulness.

It gives him firmer health and greater bodily vigor: and thus enables him, uninjured, to sustain a greater amount of physical and intellectual labor. The want of this corporeal energy meets us at almost every step, as an apology for scanty and inefficient efforts in the cause of benevolence and religion. Every man, therefore, whose heart burns to do good, and to push his conquests as far as possible into the usurped empire of sin and Satan, will feel it to be an invaluable blessing to be free from the invalid's debility and irresolution. And in a large majority of cases, men have only to practice the temperance which I advocate, in order to secure that vigor of body which can cheerfully and safely cope with efforts the most intense and protracted.

Nor is vigor and clearness of mind less essential to great and successful exertions in the cause of benevolence. And this too, is the fruit of temperance. The man given to dietetic excesses in a peculiar sense sees through a glass darkly; and the movements of his mind are sluggish and inefficient. But temperance takes off the incubus and imparts an almost unearthly elasticity to the intellect. And here is the grand secret of the astonishing amount of labor performed by some men of feeble constitution in past days. They have left behind them an influence that has already been felt in the four quarters of the globe, and which will descend to unborn generations.

Temperance tends likewise to impart a deeper tone of piety to the soul, and thus to rouse it to more efficient action in the cause of religion and humanity. And a low standard of piety is the grand reason why most Christians scarcely touch the cross with one of their fingers. Lift a man out of the slough of excess, and out of the murky atmosphere of animal indulgence, and the beams of the Sun of righteousness will shine bright and warm into his soul, through the cloudless medium of temperance. And under the genial influence the plants of holiness and trees of righteousness will expand, and bloom, and bring forth much fruit.


Finally, temperance enlarges a man's pecuniary means of usefulWho was ever thoroughly and habitually temperate and not industrious? And rarely does increased industry, in our country at least, fail of a pecuniary reward. Nor are Christians in general at all aware, how the curtailing of their unnatural bodily wants, would fill their coffers; nor how many unnecessary expenditures in furniture, dress, and equipage, would cheerfully be given up, were they to

become truly and universally temperate. They now feel that their stinted charities to the treasury of benevolence are as great as their means will allow. But I doubt not that the day is at hand, when, through the redeeming influence of temperance, they will cast in ten times the amount, and feel it less than they now do their insignificant donations. Let temperance but prevail in the church of Christ, and it would be easy to fill the treasuries of all our benevolent societies, so that there should henceforth be no lack of money. O how delightful a change, to see every Christian, by means of greater bodily vigor and more elasticity and clearness of mind, and a more ardent love to the Savior, and a resolute rejection of all superfluities, multiplying his efforts and means of doing good in a ten-fold ratio. Blessed fruits of temperance! Would that the bright vision might enkindle every disciple's heart, and arouse him to labor for so glorious a consummation!

Two inferences, and I have done.

First: The world can never be converted till Christians adopt the general principles of this system of temperance in all things.

The primitive Christians adopted and acted upon these principles; and, therefore, they found the means, the strength, and the courage, to carry the conquests of the Redeemer's cause into nearly every habitable land. Christians at the present day are engaged in the same glorious enterprise: but although their numbers and means are multiplied a hundred fold beyond those of Apostolic times, the work of the world's conversion moves on comparatively slow. We do not come up to the effort with the physical and moral preparation of primitive times. The standard of self-denial and labor and pecuniary sacrifice is yet among most of us exceedingly low. We know but little of the meaning of the phrase, Holiness to the Lord, which God commands us to write upon our possessions and ourselves. Ninetenths of what God claims as his, we inscribe, Devoted to the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eye, and the pride of life: devoted to the luxuries of the table-to dress-to entertainments-to equipage. In order to keep up even the present tardy movements of benevolence, it is necessary to keep in action a complicated and powerful array of agencies, and to press the cause upon Christians, (to their shame and humiliation be it spoken,) as though it were in a desperate state. And it must be so, until the principles of universal temperance and correspondent retrenchments are adopted by the church. Men cannot do much more than they now do, until they make this reformation. But in order to accomplish the world's conversion, they must increase

their donations and prayers and self-denial a hundred fold. And it is matter of joy that temperance brings in her train the means for making such an increase. Oh what a day of triumph to this degraded and benighted world will that be, when Christians shall have learnt thus to send forth streams of salvation from the pure fountains of temperance! For,

Secondly: The prevalence of universal temperance will usher in the millenium.

And whatever else may be understood by the millenium, it certainly means the world's conversion. Now when the soldiers of the cross shall become also the soldiers of temperance, men enough can easily be obtained for this mighty work; men too, not merely prepared by hardihood of constitution for the enterprise, but with clear heads and pure devoted hearts. Nor will money be wanting, when men shall pour their superfluities into the treasury of the Lord. And when Christians enter into this work with the capability of physical endurance and the entire self-consecration of Apostolic times, that blessed divine influence which alone gives life and success to means, will go along with them from one conquest to another, until speedily great voices shall be heard in heaven, saying, the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever. Happy, thrice happy period, when temperance and religion shall have poured their life-giving streams over every land! The principles of God's government do not permit either of these to complete the work alone. But issuing from the sanctuary in the same channels, they sweep away the strong holds of sin and Satan, and, at the same time, cause the wilderness to bud and blossom as the rose. The wail of human suffering is drowned and hushed in the general anthem of holy joy and praise. Man will still find, indeed, enough of sin and sorrow to show him that he does not inhabit a perfectly holy and happy world. But he will find, nevertheless, that where temperance and religion prevail, they neutralize the bitterness of that curse, which rests upon our fallen world; and bring back the essence of Eden's joys. Oh, Christian, gaze upon this heavenly vision, until you feel its inspiration, and are led to exhibit in your example, a transcript of MILLENIAL TEMPERANCE, MILLENIAL PIETY, and MILLENIAL HAPPINESS.

The subject to be concluded.]


"Allow me to express my decided approbation of the object and plan of the National Preacher. It has opened a new channel for the religious influence of the press. It gives a durable form to a selection of able discourses; and probably gains for them a more attentive perusal, by distributing them, not in volumes, but in smaller portions, at regular intervals of time. The execution, so far as I have observed, is such as to satisfy the public expectation."


"I have read, as I have had opportunity, the Numbers of the National Preacher with great satisfaction. I regard it as a work peculiarly desirable to Clergymen, and at the same time, as worthy of a place in every intelligent family."


"Mr. Dickinson has a clear and discriminating mind; and is himself at once an able writer and preacher. Having spent four years at the South and West, and become extensively. acquainted with Ministers and Christians of different denominations!; and having at the same time, an intimate knowledge of the religious state and wants of New-England; perhaps no man is better qualified to make a powerful and salutary impression on the public mind, by combining, (and in a sense directing) the talents of our most eminent divines in his Monthly Preacher. "Most sincerely do we wish him the co-operation of those whose name and influence may make the work a blessing to many thousands."


"The plan, proposed by the Rev. Austin Dickinson, of publishing a Monthly Series of Sermons, from the pens of respectable ministers of different denominations of Christians in the United States, is one, which, in our opinion, may be rendered highly interesting, and extensively useful. We do therefore willingly recommend the undertaking to the patronage of the Christian community."


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"We do not hesitate to say, that Mr. Dickinson has adopted one of the hap piest expedients hitherto devised, for eliciting that diversity of gifts,' in the Christian ministry, which infinite wisdom and benevolence have bestowed for the edification of the body of Christ, and for bringing sinners to the foot of the cross."

NEW AGENTS.-Providence, R. I, Isaac Wilcox; Pawtucket, R. 1.,

Charles Simmons; Laurel Hill, N. C., Francis Hawley; Lex-
ington, N. Y., Timothy Edwards; Newark, N. J., Esech
Graves; Durham, N. Y., Joseph Bassett; Aaronsburg, Pa.,
Charles Coburn; Paterson, N. J., Sylvester Eaton.

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