Imágenes de páginas

Provincial Powers-continued.

Chinese, as to...


Co-equal and co-ordinate in all provinces (Prop. 65)54 6, 705-9
Colourable exercise of (Prop. 32).

Companies, incorporation of..

.372-81, 715, n. I

.236, 457-8, n., 632-43, 762


Concerned with only local or private matters.
Concerted action by different provinces (Prop. 67)..314-6, 751
Concurrent with Dominion, how far (Props. 27 and

[blocks in formation]

Corporations, Dominion and foreign, in respect to
(Props. 55 and 56).. 505, 617-44, 623-7, 634, n.,

.457-8, n.
386-7, 522 5

.674, 726, n. 2; also Addenda to p. 623, n. I.
Corporations of old province of Canada, as to......
Corporators, as to rights of....
County Court judges, as to.
Criminal matters, in relation to. ..51, 354-5, 379 80,
..466, n., 506, n. 2, 686, n. 1, 748, n. I

Delegated, not merely (Prop. 17)
Delegation of to municipal institutions, etc...33-4,

.222, 244-59

[blocks in formation]



Dominion area, incidental encroachment on.
how far subordinate to (Props. 17, 46, 61)
....107, 253-4, 318, n. 2, 355, 533-4, 670-1, 702-3
laws, supplementing
507-9, 538-40, 615-6

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legislating in pari materia with 352-5, 359-60
legislation may be interfered with (Prop.

-355, 545-6, 663-82

may share broad general subject with
361-4, 453, 477, 483-94, 499

officers, and salaries, as to
powers, not limited by possible range of
unexercised (Prop. 62)


-350-2, 683-8




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402, n., 656, 680-2

powers prevail where conflict direct (Prop.

subjects beyond reach of (Prop. 33) 381-6,

.380, n. 1, 385-6, 538-9, 650-1
tribunals and judges, in respect to..465, n., 522-5
.218.9, 250-1

Education, over....
Enumerated (Prop. 66)

170, 710-12

Exceptions out of Dominion powers (Prop. 40)..477, 483-94
Exclusive, or concurrent, how far (Props. 27 8) ...348-64
Executive authority

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258, 460, n. 2

Immigration, as to

Imperial Acts, as to power to affect in relation to


Imperial veto, none as to provincial Acts
Imprisonment for debt, as to

Incorporation of companies.

Indian title, as to....

.230.1, 366, n. 2


.415, 687-8, 768, n. I

236, 457-8, n., 632-43, 762

.98, 129, 593, 678-9

Indirect attempts to exceed (Prop. 34)..........

66 taxation, as to

.482-3, 730-41

Inherent powers of provincial legislatures..65-9, 346,

452, n., 712-3, 741-50
388 90, 506.7


Interest, as to
Juneta juvant
Justices of the Peace and other judicial officers, ap-
pointment of..71, 90-1, 123-4, 127-8, 136-76,
205-6, 240-1, 387-8

Lands, mines, minerals, and royalties, as to
Licenses under No. 9, sect. 92, 26-8, 36-7, 187-8, 373,
375-7, 394-408, 417-8, 423-4, 435-6, 484-6, 541-3,

[blocks in formation]

Local or private matters, as to (Prop. 59), 360, n. 1,
395, 401, 406-7, 416-7, 507-9, 565-6, 578-9,
648, 683-5, 735-40
works and undertakings, as to..391-2, 461-3.
520, n. 2, 641, n. 2, 739, n. 4

Marriage and solemnization of.

Mortmain, as to.....


.63. 362-4, 488-9


Motive of exercise not material (Prop. 20)...273-8. 374, n. I
Municipal institutions, as to....41, n. 1, 57-9, 386,

Navigation companies, incorporation of..
Notes and bills of companies, etc..

398, n. 1, 460, 521-2

.641-2, n.

Onus in impugning provincial Acts (Prop. 60).....
Pardoning powers, and indemnity Acts.. 39-40, 180-4,



..391, 749, n., and see Addenda.
Penal laws, as to.. 30-1, 38, 51, 354-5. 368-71, 379-80,
413-4, 419-23, 456, 463-8, 487, 506, n. 2, 686, n. 1, 748,n. I
Pharmacy Acts, restricting drug selling..
Plenary and sovereign within their own limits, (Props.
17 and 19)..18, 128-30, 222, 244-59, 270-2,
670-1, 702-3, 740-1

Police regulation. 35-6. 378, 395 6, 403-7, 408, n. 2,
410-3, 456, 556, n. 2, 653-4, 727, n. 3, 728, n. 5,

Presumption in favour of valid exercise of (Prop. 18)


730, n. I
260-9, 272, 342, n.

Privileges and immunities of legislatures.....40, n.,
64, n. 1, 68.9, 176, n. 1, 741-50

Privy Council, as to appeals to

Provincial Powers-continued.

Procedure as to penal laws..

66 under Dominion Acts outside of..

Prohibition of importation

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.657, 680-2

378, n. 4, 399-402

.401, n. 1, 657, 680-2

Property and civil rights in the provinces (Prop. 68)
18-20, 279-88, 313-6, 396-7, 400-1,411-5,427, n. I,
444 447-9. 458, n., 459-60, 478-9, 482-3,
486-7, 500-1, 503-7, 531-2, 544, 562-3. 571,
582, 584-99, 594-8, 606, n. 1, 616, n. 1, 618-27,
678, n. 1, 752-70

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Property and civil rights,' meaning of
Property and civil rights in the province,' meaning


Provincial officers, appointment of.
Punishment by fine, etc..


134, 179-80

.30-1, 38, 368-71, 456

Queen's Counsel, as to...87-9, and Addenda, 133-6,

178.9, 233-4, 754, n. 2
596, n. 1, 605, n., 722-3

Railways, as to 399, n. 1, 520, n. 2,
Railway crossings, as to....
Rebate or percentage on taxes, as to..297, 370, n. 1,

· 399, n. 1, 605, n.

388-90, 421-2, 480-1

Residuary power over local or private matters 342-3,

.651-61, 712


Royal prerogative, power over..
Rule for testing validity of Acts (Prop. 58)....497-501, 645-6
Sanitary regulation, as to....
..384-5, 455 6, 508 9, 659-60, 693
Supplementing Dominion laws...
.507-9, 538-40, 615-6
Taxation, as to....25, 27-8, 185-6, 254 5, 361-2,
373, 375, n. 2, 4c8, n. 1, 480, 482-3, 486, n. 1,
489-91, 554, n. 2, 561, n., 614, n. 3, 642, n.,

.664-6, 669, n. 3, 671-7, 679 80, 712-41

See, also, supra Licenses under No. 9, of sect.
92,' and Indirect taxation.'

Trade and business, regulation of....410-11, 419 21,

·559, n. 3, 727, n. 3, 728, n. 5, 730, n. 1
Ultra vires Acts, complete nullity of (Prop. 23) 204-5, 300 5
Validity of Acts, rule for testing (Prop. 58)...497-501, 645-6
Vested rights and contracts, as to (Prop. 21).


Winding-up proceedings for companies... .458, n., 683 4
Public Works, see sub Local works and undertakings.'

Quebec Act, 14 Geo. III., c. 83, references to........ .10, 67, 324
Quebec Conference

Debates at not published....... .4, n. I, and see Addenda.

Quebec Resolutions

Despatch of Lord Monck transmitting..


"Secretary of State on receipt of.

549, n. I

Foundation of B.N.A. Act (Prop. 2)....1, 5 et seq., 356, n. 3
How far to be referred to in construing B.N.A.


Of 1864, elsewhere referred to.

Of 1887 referred to....

Quebec District Magistrates Act, 1888

Sir J. Thompson's report on......

4, n. 1, 26.7

210, n. 2
. 196, n. 2


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35-7. 447-8

Fawing to Dominon vader sched. 3. of B. NA. Act. 6012
Provincial Acts for protection of railway employees 306, r. 1
Act providing for senestration of

[blocks in formation]

597. a.


520, D. 2

605, 0.



591. n. 1. 609, n. 2, 611, D. I

520. and Adder da

399 n. 1, 445 6


Kailway Belt in British Columbia

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Committee of the Privy Counci
crossings, powers as t

Reference, legislation by

Regulation of trade and commerce

See rub 'Commerce, Regulation of trade and."

Responsible Government

In Canada...

In Australia



'Retail' and 'Wholesale,' distinction between 726 30
Retroactive and ex post facto legislation

As to customs duties

'Rivers and Lake Improvements' in Sched. 3,

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...282, 449, n. 2

.593, n. I

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Special reference to the argument before the Privy

398, n. I

Sanitary legislation

Boards of Health

Vaccination Act

659 60

.660, n. 3

Secretary of State for the Colonies, see sub

'Despatches,' and 'Colonial Secretary.'

Shipping and navigation, see sub Dominion Powers,'

and Merchant Shipping Acts.'

Situs of debts and choses in action...... 759, n. 1, 760, n.
'So far as this legislature has power so to enact'
Effect of such phrase in Acts...

IOI, n.

Solemnization of Marriage, see sub Provincial Powers.'
Stamp Acts

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.264, 275, 277, 423

.548, n. I

Presumption in favour of validity of (Prop. 18)..260-9, 337-8

Private bill legislation..

Recitals as to facts...

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Title may be disregarded to support validity
Ultra vires, two kinds of .

Union Act between England and Scotland.
Warehouse receipts, as to .....

.282, 284

384-5, 659-60

.53, 373, 417-8

.264, 275


.428 9, 553, n. 2

See also sub Legislative Power,' 'Dominion Acts,'

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