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Char. Eight hundred pounds! Two thirds of this are mine by right Five hundred and thirty odd *) pounds! Gad, I never knew till now, that my ancestors were such va luable acquaintance. Kind ladies and gentlemen, I am your very much obliged, and most grateful humble servant.

[Bowing to the pictures.]

Enter Rowley.

*Ah! Rowley, you are just come in time to take leave of your old acquaintance.

Rowl. Yes, Sir; I heard they were going. But how can you support such spirits under all your misfortunes?

Char. That's the cause, Master Rowley; my misfortunes are so many, that I can't afford to part with my spirits.

Rowl. And can you really take leave of your ancestors with so much unconcern?

Charl. Unconcern! what, I suppose you are surprised that I am not more sorrowful at losing the company of so many worthy friends. It is very distressing to be sure; but you see they never move a muscle, then why the devil should I! Rowl. Ah, dear Charles!

Char. But come, I have no time for trifling; here, take this bill and get it changed, and carry an hundred pounds to poor Stanley, or we shall have somebody call that has a better right to it.

Rowl. Ah, Sir, I wish you would remember the proverb Char. Be just before you are generous. Why, so I would if I could, but justice is an old, lame, hobbling beldam, I can't get her to keep pace with generosity for the 'soul of me **)."

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Char. That's 'very true, as you say but Rowley, while

so damn your morality, and

I have, by heavens I'll give
away to old Stanley with the money.

Enter Sir Oliver and Moses.


Mos. Well, Sir, I think, as Sir Peter said, you have seen Mr. Charles in all his glory 'tis a great pity he's so extravagant.

*) Odd, mehr als eine runde Summe ausmachend, z. B. fifty and odd pounds, funfzig Pfund und etwas darüber.

** For the soul of me, so viele Mühe ich mir auch ge ben mag.

'Sir Oliv. True-
but he would not sell my picture.
Mos. And loves wine and women so much.

Sir Oliv. But he would not sell my picture.
Mos. And games so deep.

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'Sir Oliv. But he would not sell my picture. Oh, here comes Rowley.

Enter Rowley. 1

Rowl. Well, Sir, I find you have made a purchase.

Sir Oliv. Yes, our young rake has parted with his ancestors like old' tapestry.

Rowl. And he has commissioned me to return you an hundred pounds of the purchase - money, but under your ficficious character of old Stanley. I saw a tailor and two hosiers dancing attendance *), I know, will go unpaid, and the hundred pounds would just satisfy them.

Sir Oliv. Well, well. F'll pay his debts and his benevolence too. But now, I'm no more a broker, and you shall introduce me to the elder brother as old Stanley.


Enter Trip.

Trip. Gentlemen, I'm sorry I was not in the way to shew

you out. Hark'ye, Moses.

[Exit with Moses. ]

Will you believe it,

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that puppy intercepted the Jew on our coming, and wanted to raise money before he got to his master.

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Sir Oliv. And they are now planning an annuity business Oh, master Rowley; in my time servants were content with the follies of their masters when they were wore a little threadbare **); but now they have their vices, like their birth-day cloaths, with the gloss on. [Exeunt.]


The Apartments of Joseph Surface.

Enter Joseph and a Servant.

Jos. No letter from Lady Teazle.

Serv. No, Sir."

*) Dancing attendance, ein komischer Ausdruck für waiting. **) Der Sinn ist: Sonst nahmen die Bedienten die Thorheiten ihrer Herren doch erst dann an, wenn diese gleichsam abgetragen (threadbare) waren; jetzt aber eignen sie sich dieselben sogleich zu.

Jos. I wonder she did not write if she could not come I hope Sir Peter does not suspect me - But Charles's dissipation and extravagance are great points in my favour [knocking at the door] See if it is her.

Serv. 'Tis Lady Teazle, Sir; but she always orders her chair to the milliner's in the next street.

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Jos. Then draw that screen my opposite neighbour is a maiden lady of so curious a temper

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You need not wait.

[Exit Servant.] - My Lady Teazle, I'm afraid, begins to suspect my attachment to Maria; but she must not be acquainted with that secret till I have her more in my power.

Enter Lady Teazle,

L. Teaz. What, Sentiment in soliloquy *)! been very impatient now? Nay, you look so grave, sure you I came as soon as I could.

Have you
I as-

Jos. Oh, madam, punctuality is a species of constancy – a very unfashionable custom among ladies.

me if



[both sit]

L. Teaz. Nay, now you wrong me; I'm sure you'd pity situation knew Sir Peter really grows so peevish, and so ill-natured, there's no enduring him; and then, to suspect me with Charles that Jos. I'm glad my scandalous friends keep up report. [Aside. ]

L. Teaz. For my part, I wish Sir Peter to let Maria marry him Wou'd n't you, Mr. Surface?

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Jos. Indeed I would not [Aside.] Oh, to be sure; and then my dear Lady Teazle would be convinced how groundless her suspicions were, of my having any thoughts of the silly girl.

L. Teaz. Then, there's my friend Lady Sneerwell has and, what's very propagated malicious stories about me provoking, all too without the least Jos. Ah! there's the mischief


for when a scandalous

story is believed against one, there's no comfort like the consciousness of not having deserved it.

L. Teaz. And to be continually censured and suspected, it would alwhen I know the integrity of my own heart


most prompt me to give him some grounds for it.

*) Wie, ein solcher sentimentaler Mann in einem Selbstge spräch! Oder: finde ich den sentimentalen Mann ganz allein?


Jos. Certainly for when a husband grows suspicious, and withdraws his confidence from his wife, it then becomes a part of her duty to endeavour to outwit him.

it to the natural privilege of your sex.

L. Teaz. Indeed!

You owe

Jos. Oli yes; for your husband should never be deceived in you, and you ought to be frail in compliment to his discernment *).

L. Teaz. This is the newest doctrine.

Jos. Very wholesome, believe me.

L. Teaz. So, the only way to prevent his suspicions, is to give him cause for them.

Jos. Certainly.

L. Teaz. But then, the consciousness of my innocence

Jos. Ah, my dear Lady Teazle, 'tis that consciousness of your innocence that ruins you. What is it that makes you imprudent in your conduct, and careless of the censures of the world? The consciousness of your innocence. What is it that makes you regardless of forms, and inattentive to your husband's peace?. Why, the consciousness of your innoNow, my dear Lady Teazle, if could only be prevailed upon to make a trilling faux-pas, you can't imagine how circumspect you would grow.


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L. Teaz. Do you think so?


Jos. Depend upon it. Your case at present, my dear Lady Teazle, resembles that of a person in a plethora ➡ you are absolutely dying of too much health.

L. Teaz. Why, indeed, if my understanding could be. convinced.

Jos. Your understanding! Oh yes, your understanding should be convinced. Heaven forbid that I should persuade you to any thing you thought wrong. No, no, I have too much honour for that.

L. Teaz. Don't you think you may as well leave honour out of the question? [Both rise.]

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Jos. Ah! I see, Lady Teazle, the effects of your country education still remain.

*) Eigentlich: Sie sollten einen Fehltritt begehen, um seinem Scharfsinn ein Kompliment zu machen, d. h. wenn er einen Argwohn gegen Sie hegt, so machen sie es so, dass Sie denselben verdienen.

L. Teaz. They do, indeed, and I begin to find myself imprudent: and if I should be brought to act wrong, it would be sooner from Sir Peter's ill treatment of me, than from your honourable logic, I assure you.

Jos. Then, by this hand, which, is unworthy of [kneeling, a Servant enters] What do you want, you scoundrel?

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I thought you would not

L. Teaz. Sir Peter: Oh, I am undone!

I do?

Hide me some where, good Mr. Logic.

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Jos. Here, here, behind this screen, [she runs behind the screen] and now reach me a book. [Sits down and reads. ] Enter Sir Peter..

Sir Pet. Ay, there he is, ever improving himself. Surface, Mr. Surface.


Jos. [Affecting to gape.] Oh, Sir Peter!

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I was got over a sleepy book here

to see you


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I rejoice to see

I am vastly glad I believe you have

Books, books you

I thank you for this call not been here since I finished my library know, are the only thing I am a coxcomb in.

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Sir Pet. Very pretty, indeed why, even your screen hung round with maps I see.

is a source of knowledge

Jos. Yes, I find great use in that screen.

Sir Pet. Yes, yes, so you must when you want to find out any thing in a hurry.

Jos. Yes, or to hide any thing in a hurry. [Aside.] Sir Pet. But, my dear friend, I want to have some private talk with you.

Jos. You need not wait.

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Sir Pet. Pray sit down [both sit] I want to impart to you some of my distresses Lady Teazle's behaviour of late has given me very great uneasiness. She not only dissipates and destroys my fortune, but I have strong reasons to believe she has formed an attachment elsewhere.

Jos. I am unhappy to hear it.

Sir Pet. Yes, and between you and me, I believe I have discovered the person.

Jos. You alarm me exceedingly.

Sir Pet. I knew you would sympathize with me.

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