Territorial Force, Royal Naval Reserve or Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, may, if eligible in point of age under the Regulations as they now stand for admission to the open competitive examination held in 1920, but over age in 1921, deduct from his actual age at the time of the open competitive examination held in 1921 : (a) The actual period of such service, if it has not exceeded three months. (b) One year, if the actual period of service has exceeded three months. No candidate will be allowed to deduct more than one year from his actual age. 2. The same concession may also be granted to those who have been employed during the same period in connection with the armed forces of the Crown at home or abroad giving their whole time and under obligation to serve for the duration of the war or until their discharge, or for any period not terminable at their own option, provided that their employment be not on ordinary commercial terms, such as that of Assistant Paymasters, Clerks, artisans, and the like. 3. The grant of the concession described in paragraph (2) will be at the discretion of the Civil Service Commissioners, whose decision in each case will be final. Candidates who contemplate applying for an age deduction under (2) will do well to apply to the Civil Service Commission for a ruling on their case. 4. Candidates to be eligible for the concessions in (1) or (2) must furnish an official certificate of the period and satisfactory character of their service, and if any doubt arise whether the service of any candidate is of the kind contemplated, the Secretary of State for India in Council reserves to the Civil Service Commissioners the right to decide the case upon its merits. NOTE.-Copies of the Syllabus of Examination in the various subjects can be seen at the Offices of the Secretary of the University or at the University Library. Total number of Matriculated Students for entire Academical year : NUMBER OF GRADUATES. 1917-1918. 1918-1919. 1919-1920. 1920-1921. 1921-1922. DIVINITY D.D. (Honorary) B.D. LIST OF PAST AND PRESENT PRINCIPALS AND PROFESSORS IN ST ANDREWS. Principal of the University. 1890. James Donaldson. 1920. JAMES COLQUHOUN IRVINE. PRINCIPALS OF THE COLLEGES since the Foundation. Principals of St Salvator's College. 1450. John Athalmer (Almare). Principals of St Leonard's College. ... 1537. Thomas Cunningham. 1553. John Duncanson. PRINCIPALS OF THE UNITED COLLEGE OF ST SALVATOR Greek. 1748. Walter Wilson. 1769. Alexander Morton. 1772. George Hill. 1789. Henry David Hill. 1820. Andrew Alexander. 1859. William Y. Sellar. 1863. Lewis Campbell. 1892. JOHN BURNET. Humanity. 1753. Alexander Morton. 1769. John Cook. 1773. John Hill. 1775. John Hunter. 1835. Thomas Gillespie. 1844. William Pyper. 1861. John C. Shairp. 1871. Alex. Roberts. Moral Philosophy. 1733. John Young. 1908. ALFRED EDWARD TAYLOR. Natural Philosophy. 1716. David Young. 1759. William Wilkie. 1772. George Forrest. 1795. George Rotheram. 1805. James M'Donald. 1809. Thomas Jackson. 1837. Adam Anderson. 1847. William L. F. Fischer. 1899. WALLACE MARTIN LIND- 1859. William Swan. PROFESSORS IN ST MARY'S COLLEGE for the last 150 years. Primarius Professors of Divinity. | 1854. John Tulloch. 1747. James Murison. 1779. James Gillespie. 1791. George Hill. 1886. John Cunningham. 1894. Alexander Stewart. 1915. GEORGE GALLOWAY. 1820. Robert Haldane. 1 At Professor Pettigrew's death this Chair became a Chair of Physiology. |