But vainly did the heath-flower shed Its moorland fragrance round his head; Not Ellen's spell had lull'd to rest The fever of his troubled breast. In broken dreams the image rose Of varied perils, pains, and woes: His steed now flounders in the brake, Now sinks his barge upon the lake; Now, leader of a broken host,
His standard falls, his honor's lost.
Then, from my couch may heavenly might
Chase that worse phantom of the night!— Again return'd the scenes of youth, Of confident undoubting truth; Again his soul he interchanged
With friends whose hearts were long estranged. They come, in dim procession led,
The cold, the faithless, and the dead; As warm each hand, each brow as gay, As if they parted yesterday,
And doubt distracts him at the view O were his senses false or true? Dream'd he of death, or broken vow, Or is it all a vision now?
At length, with Ellen in a grove He seem'd to walk, and speak of love; She listen'd with a blush and sigh, His suit was warm, his hopes were high.
He sought her yielded hand to clasp, And a cold gauntlet met his grasp: The phantom's sex was changed and gone Upon its head a hemlet shone;
Slowly enlarged to giant size,
With darken'd cheek and threatening eyes, The grisly visage, stern and hoar,
To Ellen still a likeness bore.
He woke, and, panting with affright, Recall'd the vision of the night. The hearth's decaying brands were red, And deep and dusky lustre shed, Half showing, half concealing, all The uncouth trophies of the hall. Mid those the stranger fix'd his eye Where that huge falchion hung on high, And thoughts on thoughts, a countless throng, Rush'd, chasing countless thoughts along, Until, the giddy whirl to cure,
He rose, and sought the moonshine pure.
The wild rose, eglantine, and broom, Wasted around their rich perfume: The birch-trees wept in fragrant balm, The aspens slept beneath the calm; The silver light, with quivering glance, Play'd on the water's still expanse,
Wild were the heart whose passion's sway Could rage beneath the sober ray!
He felt its calm, that warrior guest, While thus he communed with his breast: Why is it, at each turn I trace Some memory of that exiled race? Can I not mountain-maiden spy, But she must bear the Douglas eye? Can I not view a Highland brand, But it must match the Douglas hand? Can I not frame a fever'd dream, But still the Douglas is the theme? I'll dream no more, - by manly mind Not even in sleep is will resign'd. My midnight orisons said o'er,
I'll turn to rest, and dream no more."- His midnight orisons he told,
prayer with every bead of gold,
Consign'd to heaven his cares and woes, And sunk in undisturb'd repose;
Until the heath-cock shrilly crew,
And morning dawned on Benvenue.,
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