awarded in the class of Divinity, in memory of the late A. H. Johnstone, M.A., B.D., a student of the University of St Andrews. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SESSION 1922-1923. Programme of Classes. St Mary's College will be opened on Wednesday, 11th October. Principal-GEORGE GALLOWAY, M.A., B.D., D.Phil., D.D. Competition Bursaries Vacant. A Competitive Examination for the undermentioned Bursaries will be held on Friday, 13th, and Saturday, 14th October :A Taylour Thomson Bursary, of the value of £40, tenable for three years. The Exchequer Bursary, of the value of about £30, tenable for three years. A Foundation Bursary, of the value of £24, tenable for three years. A Beath Bursary, of the value of about £20, tenable for three years. An Endowment Association Bursary, of the value of about £12, tenable for three years. Candidates for these Bursaries will be examined in the follow ing subjects:— Latin.-Cicero, De Nat. Deorum, Bk. II. An unseen passage. Translation into Latin. Greek.-Xenophon, Memorab., Bk. II. Gen. i.-xxv. in LXX. Short unseen passage. Questions on Grammar. Short passage in Greek prose. Moral Philosophy -Mackenzie's Manual of Ethics. Apologetics.-Galloway's 'Philosophy of Religion,' Part I. Hebrew.-Paradigm of the Regular Verb, and of the Guttural Verb, with suffixes as appended both to verbs and nouns; the large print of the sections explanatory of the above in Gesenius's Grammar, or Davidson's Grammar, sections 1-31. Translation and grammatical analysis of Genesis iii. Scripture History.-1st and 2nd Samuel; the Acts of the Apostles. Muirhead's Times of Christ. None of the Entrance Bursaries open to competition shall be held by any successful candidate holding an outside bursary of £20 or more per annum, tenable for three or more years. No successful candidate shall hold a competition bursary along with any other competition or presentation bursary without the special permission of the College, and such permission will in no case be given when the combined value of the bursaries amounts to £30 or upwards. Presentation Bursaries Vacant. A Craig Buchanan Bursary, of the value of about £14, tenable for one year. Patrons-The Kirk-session of Kinross. A Bell or Dron Bursary, of the value of about £15, tenable for one year. Patrons-The Presbytery of Perth. One Garvie Bursary, of the value of about £25, tenable for four years. Patrons-The Presbytery of Perth. A Sharp Bursary, of the value of about £18, tenable for four years at any Divinity Hall. Patrons-The Presbytery of Perth. An Auld Bursary, of the value of about £12, tenable for one year, Arts or Divinity, at any University. Patrons-The Presbytery of Perth. PRIZES. GRAY PRIZE. A prize of about £5 will be awarded. Subect-Divinity: "The Christian Doctrine of the Logos from the Fourth Gospel to the Council of Nicea: its sources, development, and value." The essays must be given in to the Secretary of the University, with mottoes and sealed notes, not later than 5th January. GLADSTONE MEMORIAL PRIZE.-A prize of £20 (in books) will be awarded in Session 1922-1923 for the best Essay on The Rights of Small Nations." The competition is open to all members of the University the date of whose first matriculation as students is not earlier than 1st October 1920. The essays of competitors must be sent to the Secretary of the University not later than 12th February 1923, with mottoes and sealed notes containing a declaration by the writers that their essays are bond fide their own production. MACKENZIE SCHOLARSHIP OR DIVINITY PRIZE.—This Prize, founded under the will of the late Miss Eliza Bennie Mackenzie, Broughty Ferry, in memory of her brother, the late Rev. John Mackenzie, sometime minister of the parish of Kettins, of about £25, for an Essay on a prescribed subject connected with the History of the Christian Church, or the Forms of Worship thereof, or some special department of the Church's Work, is open to men studying for the Ministry of the Church of Scotland in the Divinity Halls of the four Scottish Universities, or to any Probationer of the Church of Scotland within a year after completion of studies in such Institution. Essays of Competitors must be lodged not later than 15th October in each year. For regulations, subject prescribed, &c., apply to Messrs J. & J. Ogilvie, Solicitors, 13 Albert Square, Dundee. The subject of the Essay for the year ending 15th October 1922 is: "The Theology of Robert Burns." SCHOLARSHIPS. BERRY SCHOLARSHIP. A Berry Scholarship in Theology will be open to competition at the close of Session 1923-1924. Candidates must have taken their whole course in Divinity at St Mary's College. Candidates must have passed all the examinations required for the Degree of B.D. within the two years preceding the Examination for the Scholarship. The scholar must undertake to pursue advanced studies in the subjects of his department, under the supervision of the Professors, and to give, if required, five hours a-week to tutorial work, under the direction of the Professors in his department. Either of the following departments may be taken: Divinity and Church History, or Biblical Criticism and Hebrew. The Scholarship is of the value of £160, tenable for one year. The subjects of examination are the same as those prescribed for the B.D. Degree, but on a higher standard. Candidates send in their names not later than 2nd February. A Scholarship will not be awarded unless candidates of sufficient merit present themselves. COOK AND MACFARLAN SCHOLARSHIP. This Scholarship, of about £21, tenable for one year, will be open for competition at the annual Scholarship Examination at the close of next Session. For subjects of examination see Berry Scholarship. If there are no candidates for the Berry Scholarship, the Cook and Macfarlan Scholarship may be awarded to a candidate who has made at least 65 per cent in any two of the subjects at the ordinary B.D. Examinations in March. Candidates must give in their names to Principal Galloway on or before the 2nd of February 1923. TULLOCH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP. This Scholarship, of about £20, tenable for one year, will be open for competition at the annual Scholarship Examination at the close of next Session. For subjects of Examination see Berry Scholarship. If there are no candidates for the Berry Scholarship, the Tulloch Memorial Scholarship may be awarded to a candidate who has made at least 65 per cent in any two of the subjects at the ordinary B.D. Examinations in March. Candidates must give in their names to Principal Galloway on or before the 2nd of February 1923. CROMBIE SCHOLARSHIP IN BIBLICAL CRITICISM. The Trustees under the Will of the late Professor Crombie, of St Andrews University, will offer for competition by examination, to be held in St Andrews in the latter part of May 1923, a Scholarship of the value of £40, tenable for one year, or, in the option of the Trustees, for two years. Candidates must be Graduates in Arts of a Scottish University who have taken First Class Honours in Classics, and may or may not be Students of Divinity. They may be of any religious denomination. The Subjects of Examination will be : I. Comparison of Hebrew and Septuagint Version. (b) Jeremiah and Job in general. II. Old Testament quotations in the Gospels in relation to the Hebrew and their Greek prototypes. III. The Gospel according to according to St Mark (Text and Introduction). IV. The Epistle to the Ephesians (Text and Introduction). V. The Synoptic Problem. Names to be sent to Principal Galloway before 1st May. CHURCH OF SCOTLAND ENTRANCE AND EXIT EXAMINATIONS. At a General Meeting of the Board appointed under Acts of the General Assembly for the Examination of Students entering the Divinity Halls, the following programme of books and subjects, on which all students entering the Divinity Halls for the Session 1922-1923-with the exceptions undernoted-will be examined, was unanimously agreed to: LATIN. (1) Cicero, De Senectute; Virgil, Æneid, II. (2) Prose Composition and translation of unseen passages. GREEK. (1) Xenophon, Memorabilia, I.; St Mark's Gospel. (2) Translation of unseen passages and Prose Composition. HEBREW.-First Hebrew Reader, by Rev. D. Cameron, B.D. (Messrs T. & T. Clark). MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Mackenzie's Manual of Ethics, 4th Edition, pp. 1-273. SCRIPTURE KNOWLEDGE.—(1) Knowledge of English Biblethe following books specially prescribed: 1st and 2nd Kings; St Luke's Gospel; Epistle to Corinthians. (2) Shorter Catechism. Students who produce a diploma of M.A. of any of the Universities of Scotland, or of B.A. after an undergraduate course at a British or Irish or approved Colonial University, or who produce certificates of having satisfied the preliminary requirements of the Scottish University authorities for the time being in force, and of having given attendance on a degree course in Arts, and of having passed in subjects with a view to the degree of M.A. at a Scottish University, will be exempted from examination in the subjects covered by the degree or certificates. All students graduates as well as non-graduates-will be examined in Scripture Knowledge and New Testament Greek, and those whose certificates in their progress to a degree do not cover Greek, Latin, Moral Philosophy, and Hebrew, will, in addition, be examined in any or all of those subjects not included. Under the provisions of Act of Assembly 1916, students who fail at the Entrance Examination in October in not more than |