year 1921-22, and will be re-opened on 16th September 1922 with additional accommodation. The Residence Hall is under the management of a Committee, on which the resident students are represented, and the Committee is responsible to the University Court. The accommodation available in Chattan House is limited, and it is desirable that those who propose to become Residents should send in their names promptly. A waiting list will be kept, and will be the main factor in determining the allocation of the rooms in the Residence Hall. All needful provision will be made for the comfortable board and lodging of the Residents, who will be entitled to use the Common Rooms in the Hall under such conditions as may be fixed by the Committee of Management. The fee payable for residence in the Hall will be £60 for the three terms of the University Teaching Session (Arts and Science), and £2, 5s. per week will be charged for periods of residence outside of the teaching session (e.g., for the first fortnight of Medical Whitsunday term, and for residence during examination periods, &c.). Form of application for admission may be obtained from the Secretary of the University. DUNDEE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL STUDY GREY LODGE SETTLEMENT, DUNDEE. The University, in order to meet the demand for a theoretical and practical training for all who desire to take part in Social Work, has co-operated with the Committee of Grey Lodge Settlement in the establishment of the Dundee School of Social Study and Training. The object of the School is to provide courses of study and training for, among others (a) Persons desirous of preparing themselves for the duties of Members of Local Governing Bodies, (b) Persons desirous of becoming officials of Central and Local Government Departments (e.g., Factory Inspectors Employment Exchange Officers, Health Visitors), or of engaging in such work as that of welfare supervision in factories. (c) Persons desirous of taking part as volunteers or officials in social or philanthropic work in connection with the Churches or other organisations. The University grants a Diploma to University Graduates after a two years' course of study and examination called The Diploma in Social Study and Training; and also, to candidates duly qualified by preliminary examination, a Certificate in Social Study and Training after two years of study and examination. Certificates are also granted by the Council of the School. Lectures and classes are held in University College, Dundee, or in the School, and Practical Training is organised from Grey Lodge Settlement. For particulars application should be made to the Warden, Grey Lodge, Wellington Street, Dundee. ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY FOR ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE SCOTTISH UNIVERSITIES ENTRANCE BOARD. UNIVERSITY COURT ORDINANCE No. LXX. ORDINANCE OF THE UNIVERSITY COURTS OF THE UNIVERSITIES WHEREAS by Section 21 of the Universities (Scotland) Act, 1889, it is enacted that, after the expiration of the powers of the Commissioners under the said Act, the University Court of each University shall have power to make such Ordinances as they think fit, with the approval of His Majesty in Council, inter alia, altering and revoking any of the Ordinances affecting such University which had been or might be framed and passed under the Universities (Scotland) Act, 1858, or the said recited Act itself, and making new Ordinances : And whereas the powers conferred on the said Commissioners have expired: And whereas it is expedient that the normal test of fitness for admission to the Scottish Universities should be the production of evidence duly attested by a competent authority of the satisfactory completion of a suitable course of secondary education: And whereas there may be applicants for admission to the Universities who are not in a position to produce duly attested evidence as aforesaid, and are either by reason of age or on account of exceptional circumstances unable to fulfil the normal conditions: And whereas the University Courts of the Universities of St Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh have severally resolved that it is accordingly expedient to alter the Regulations as to Preliminary Examinations contained in Ordinances No. 12 (General No. 7) and No. 13 (General No. 8), as modified by Supplementary General Ordinances Nos. 43, 44, 148, 152, and 155, and by other Supplementary Ordinances affecting the Universities severally, all of the said Commissioners; and also in certain Ordinances of the University Courts, jointly or severally, concerning Regulations for Degrees in Law, Medicine, Arts, Science, and Music respectively, for Examinations, and for Bursaries : And whereas parts of these and certain other Ordinances make reference directly or indirectly to the Regulations as to Preliminary Examinations set forth in the foregoing Ordinances or some of them, and it is expedient that these references should be made to apply to the provisions of this Ordinance as hereinafter set forth: Therefore the said University Courts hereby statute and ordain as follows: REGULATIONS AS TO ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITIES. I. A Scottish Universities Entrance Board (hereinafter called the Entrance Board) shall be constituted, consisting of sixteen members, to be appointed in the manner hereinafter provided. II. The University Court of each of the four Universities shall appoint four members of the Entrance Board; and of these members two at least shall be Professors or Lecturers who conduct courses of instruction qualifying for graduation in Arts. III. On the occasion of the first appointment of members, each University Court shall appoint four members to hold office from the first day of February next following the date on which this Ordinance comes into operation, namely, one member for four years, one member for three years, one member for two years, and one member for one year. Thereafter each University Court shall, not later than the last day of November of each year, appoint one member to hold office for four years from the first day of February in the following year. A retiring member shall be eligible for reappointment. In the event of a casual vacancy, the University Court concerned shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy, and he shall hold office for the remainder of his predecessor's term. IV. The Entrance Board shall elect one of its members as its Chairman, to hold office for such period as it shall determine; it shall appoint a suitable person as its Secretary, and determine from time to time the Secretary's duties, tenure of office, and emoluments; it shall make provision for such clerical assistance to the Secretary as may be necessary; and it shall provide a convenient central office at one of the University towns or elsewhere for the transaction of its business. V. The duties of the Entrance Board shall include the following:(1) In the case of schools in Scotland which regularly present candidates for the Group Certificates of the Scottish Education Department, to determine, after consultation with the said Department, as to the length and general character of the course or courses of secondary education, the satisfactory completion of which, as attested by the Group Certificates of the Scottish Education Department, may from time to time be deemed suitable by the Universities as entitling applicants for admission thereto to enter upon a course of study qualifying for graduation in any Faculty; and to frame General Regulations accordingly; (2) In the case of other schools in Scotland, to determine whether their curriculum of secondary education is of such a character that evidence of its satisfactory completion, as attested by the Group Certificates of the Scottish Education Department or otherwise, may from time to time be deemed suitable by the Universities as entitling applicants for admission thereto to enter upon a course of study qualifying for graduation in any Faculty; and to frame General Regulations accordingly; (3) To determine what Leaving or other Certificates shall be accepted as qualifying for admission to the Universities in the case of applicants for admission from outside Scotland; and to frame General Regulations accordingly; (4) To determine all questions relating to the tests of fitness |