Imágenes de páginas

The Second Paper will contain an English prose passage for translation into French, and a test in free composition on some general subject.


The Examination in German will consist of two papers, two hours being allowed for each paper.

The First Paper will contain a passage for translation from English into German, and a test in free composition on some easy subject.

The Second Paper will contain—

(a) Two unseen translations into English (one in prose, one in verse).

(b) A simple exercise in literary criticism (to be answered in English) appreciatory of the poem in (a).

(c) Four questions (of which each candidate must choose one only) on the following prescribed books :

JUNE 1922.

Schiller-Wilhelm Tell.

Freytag-Soll und Haben (Harrap).

Selections from Heine's Poems (ed. White, Harrap).
Ludwig-Zwischen Himmel und Erde (ed. Meyer, Harrap).

JUNE 1923.

Selections from Heine's Poems (ed. White, Harrap).
Ludwig-Zwischen Himmel und Erde (ed. Meyer, Harrap).
Schiller-Maria Stuart.

Goethe-Dichtung und Wahrheit (ed. Buchheim, Clarendon

(d) Three questions (of which each candidate must choose
one only) on German History and the following great
writers of the Eighteenth Century: Lessing, Goethe,


No books are prescribed for the Examination in Gaelic or Spanish or Italian.

In each case the papers will include

(1) Translation from English into Gaelic or Spanish or


(2) Translation from Gaelic or Spanish or Italian into


(3) Sentences to test grammatical knowledge.


The Examination in Mathematics will include


Geometry (including Elements of Modern Geometry).

Trigonometry to the Solution of Triangles inclusive.
Co-ordinates of the Straight Line, graphs and simple


Heat and Light. - Thermometry, Conduction, Convection, Radiation. Co-efficients of expansion. Measurement of quantities of heat. Specific and Latent Heats.

Propagation of Light. Photometry, Reflection and Refraction. Simple optical instruments. Velocity of Light.

Magnetism and Electricity.-Properties and preparation of magnets. Induction. Fields. Determination of magnetic moments. Determination of the Dip, Declination, and Horizontal Intensity of the Earth's magnetic field.

Electrification by friction, Construction and use of the Electroscope, Electrophorus, Leyden jar, Condensers, and simple frictional machines.

Primary cells, Secondary batteries. Chemical, magnetic,

and thermal effects of currents. Resistances of wires. Ohm's Law. Induced currents.

Mechanics. Composition and resolution of forces. Moments and parallel forces. Couples. Centre of gravity. Friction. Simple machines. Graphic statics. Velocity and Acceleration. Units of force. Momentum and Impact. Circular motion. Harmonic motion. Simple pendulum. Hydrostatics, up to and including centre of pressure.


Laws of chemical composition and chemical change. The Atomic Theory, nomenclature, equations, chemical calculations. The general chemistry of the non-metals. The chemistry of the metals will be treated in less detail and will be confined to metals and their compounds in common use. The corresponding practical work will be expected to include dry tests, analysis of simple salts, and elementary quantitative estimations, which may be either volumetric or gravimetric, and questions bearing on these laboratory exercises will be set in the written paper.


ZOOLOGY.-Structure and classification of vertebrate types: fish, frog, bird, and rabbit. Structure and classification of

simple invertebrate types: amoeba, jellyfish, starfish, earthworm, crayfish, mussel. The corresponding practical work should include (1) the preparation of microscope slides; (2) the examination of skeletons; (3) the collection of specimens.

BOTANY.-Elementary knowledge of the structure and lifehistory of lower plants-algæ, fungi, mosses, and ferns. General knowledge of the internal and external structure of the organs of higher plants with reference to absorption, nutrition, transpiration, respiration, and reproduction, and in relation to environmental conditions. Classification of the commoner wild flowers.


The maximum number of marks shall be the same for each subject of examination and for the English Essay.


The Time-Table of the Examinations will be as follows:


Friday, 16th June.

9 to 11 A.M.

12 to 2 P.M.

3 to 5 P.M.

Saturday, 17th June.

9 to 10 A.M.

Mathematics, First Paper.
Mathematics, Second Paper.
Latin, First Paper.

English Essay.

10.30 A.M. to 12.30 P.M. English, First Paper.

2 to 4 P.M.

English, Second Paper.

9 to 11 A.M.

Monday, 19th June.

12 to 2 P.M.
3 to 5 P.M.

Tuesday, 20th June.

9 to 11 A.M. 12 to 2 P.M. 3 to 5 P.M. Wednesday, 21st June.

9 to 11 A.M.
12 to 2 P.M.
3 to 5 P.M.
Thursday, 22nd June.

9 to 11 A.M.
12 to 2 P.M.
3 to 5 P.M.

Friday, 23rd June.

9 to 11 A.M.

Latin, Second Paper.
French, First Paper.
French, Second Paper.

Physics, First Paper.
Physics, Second Paper.
Greek, First Paper.

Greek, Second Paper.
German, First Paper.
German, Second Paper.

Chemistry, First Paper.
Chemistry, Second Paper.
Biology, First Paper.

Biology, Second Paper.

The days and hours of the Examinations in Gaelic, Spanish, and Italian will be fixed after the names of candidates in these subjects have been intimated, and will be arranged, as far as possible, within the period from 16th to 23rd June.

In 1923 the Competition will begin on Friday, 15th June, and end on Friday, 22nd June.


Intending competitors must obtain from the Secretary of the University a schedule, and lodge the same, properly filled up, with him on or before Tuesday, 16th May 1922. (In 1923 the date will be Tuesday, 15th May.) No entry fee is charged for the Bursary Competition.

Competitors who enter for the Examination in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, or Biology, must lodge with the Secretary on or before 19th June the required certificate of having completed a course of practical work.


A list of the Competitors in the order of Merit will be sent to each competitor as soon as possible after the close of the Examination.

Allocation of Bursaries.

Bursaries will be allocated to the successful Candidates on the afternoon of Thursday, 12th October. Candidates who are then absent, and have not delegated some one to represent them, will forfeit any bursary to which they would, if present, have been entitled.

Every student to whom a Bursary or a Grant is given is required to pass, not later than the following October, such part or parts of the Preliminary Examination not already passed by him as are necessary to his taking the degree of M.A. or B.Sc.

During the tenure of their Bursaries, Bursars must attend two full classes, or their equivalent, at the United College, in each Academical year.1

1 For further Regulations as to Bursaries, see p. 503.


(Tenable by men only.)

A Bruce Bursary of about £30 for three years will be open to competition.

The subjects, conditions, and time-table of the competition will be the same as for the Entrance Bursary Competition, but the following special conditions apply to this Bursary :

1. The competition will be open to students about to enter on the second year of their studies in the literary classes of the University, or to students who, not later than the commencement of the Martinmas Term 1922, completed the Preliminary Examination and do not require to pass any further preliminary examination on a higher standard in order to enter these classes.

2. A second year student may, subject to the condition in No. 3 hereof, if successful, hold a Bruce Bursary in addition to another University Bursary already held by him. 3. It shall not be competent for any person to hold a Bruce Bursary along with any other Bursary or appointment yielding to him an annual income of £30 or upwards. Intending competitors must obtain from the Secretary of the University a schedule, and lodge same properly filled up with him on or before Tuesday, 16th May 1922. No entry fee is charged for the competition.


A Forbes Bursary, of about £17 for two years, will be open to competition.

1. The competition will be open to students of second year. 2. Competitors must, not later than the 12th day of October 1922, be enrolled in at least two classes in the United College.

Candidates for this Bursary will be examined in three subjects, in two of which the corresponding classes must have been attended. Two of the subjects must be taken from (a) Latin or Greek, (b) English or French, (c) Mathematics or Natural Philosophy, and the remaining subject may be any one of the other subjects qualifying for the General Examination for the Degree of M.A.

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