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NOTE.-These Bursaries can be held by Students of Medicine normally for two years at St Andrews, and cannot be retained for the remainder of the Course (taken in Dundee or elsewhere).


The Malcolm Medical Bursaries will be competed for at the time and under the conditions announced for the Entrance Bursary Competition. These Bursaries can only be held by Students in the Faculty of Medicine. A medical student who has attended a qualifying class during a Whitsunday Term (or Summer Session) only, shall not be thereby disqualified as a competitor for the Malcolm Medical Bursaries.

The Bursars in the first and second years of their course are required to attend the classes in the United College, and in their third, fourth, and fifth years the classes in University College, Dundee. All Bursars must graduate in the University of St Andrews.



The Taylour Thomson Bursaries for women are from a fund bequeathed to the University by the late Sir William Taylour Thomson, "to assist females, as far as practicable, by means

of such Bursaries, to qualify themselves to enter the medical profession."

They are tenable for two years, but the period may be extended to three years in the case of a student who desires first to attend graduating courses qualifying for an Arts or Science Degree, and subsequently to proceed to a Medical Degree.

The competition will be open to all entrant Students, including those who, although they may have completed the Preliminary Examination, have not since then attended in any Scottish University any class qualifying for graduation. (Ă (A medical student who has attended a qualifying class or classes during a Whitsunday Term (or Summer Session) only, shall not thereby be disqualified.) But no candidate shall be entitled to a Bursary who has not completed the Preliminary Examination.

Those who propose to enter at once on their Medical Studies must, before the commencement of the Martinmas Term of the University Session in October 1922, have passed the Medical Preliminary Examination or its equivalent. They need not be entrant Students at the University. Those who propose to take a course of study in Arts or in Science will be entitled to hold a Bursary only if, before the commencement of the Martinmas Term of the University Session in October 1922, they have completed the Preliminary Examination for Degrees in Arts or Science or recognised equivalent examinations. They will be entitled to compete for a Taylour Thomson Bursary when they are about to begin their Medical Studies, whether they have already held one or not. Holders of the Bursaries must undertake to graduate in Medicine at St Andrews University.

Preference will be given to Students who sign a declaration that they intend to proceed to the study of Medicine, and those who are about to begin a Medical Course at once will be preferred to those who intend first to graduate in Arts or Science.

A Bursary will not be awarded to a competitor who does not reach a sufficient standard in the Bursary Competition.


The Ramsay Bursary is in the patronage of Sir Herbert Ramsay of Balmain, Bart., who has devolved the award of the Bursary on the Principal of the United College. Applicants must enter the Bursary Competition, and must also send in a special application form with reference to the Ramsay Bursary. The Bursary is tenable for four years in the United College, and thereafter for three years in St Mary's College. The holder, before entering on his Divinity Course, must have obtained the

Degree of M.A., or must have passed all the examinations necessary for admission to that Degree, otherwise he shall forfeit his Bursary. Applicants must be between the ages of 15 and 19 years on the first day of the Session in the United College.


It is strongly recommended that women students who are holders of Bursaries should reside at University Hall or other approved hostel, if they do not reside with a parent in St Andrews.


The Competition Bursaries vacant at the beginning of the Academical Year 1922-23 will be awarded by Competitive Examination, to be held in the United College in June 1922.

The Competition is open to all Entrant Students, including those who, although they may have completed their Preliminary Examination, have not since then attended in any Scottish University a class that qualifies for Graduation.

No one shall be entitled to hold a Bursary who has not, before the commencement of the Martinmas Term of the University Session in October 1922, completed the Preliminary Examination for Graduation in the Faculty, or one of the Faculties, to which the Bursary is attached.

An English Essay will be set, and this must be written by every Candidate. (A reasonably wide choice of theme will be given.) Candidates may select four, but not more than four, of the following subjects: English, Latin, Greek, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Gaelic, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology (Botany and Zoology).

In each of these subjects two papers of two hours each will be set. The papers set will closely resemble those set in the Bursary Competitions held in June from 1915 to 1921. Candidates must write their answers to the Examination questions in ink.

NOTE.-Copies of the Papers set in previous years may be had from the Secretary, price Is. for each year's papers.

No practical examination is held in connection with the Bursary Competition, but before admission to the examination in Physics, Chemistry, or Biology, the candidate must produce a certificate from the Head of his or her School that an approved course of practical work bearing on the subjects of examination has been followed.


The Syllabus of work in the several subjects for June 1922 will be as follows:


The Examination will consist of two papers and comprise :— (1) Questions on the Outlines of British History, social and political.

(2) Questions on the Outlines of English Literary History (Text-book: Saintsbury's First Book in English Literature -Macmillan), and on the language and subject-matter of the following prescribed books :

June 1922.

Chaucer Squire's Tale.

Shakespeare-Henry IV., Part I.
Golden Treasury, Book III.
Scott-The Legend of Montrose.

June 1923.

Chaucer-Clerk's Tale.

Shakespeare-King John.
Scott-Heart of Midlothian.

Golden Treasury, Book II.

NOTE. It is not intended to prescribe Saintsbury's First Book in English Literature, but rather to indicate the kind of book the competitor may profitably read.


The Examination in Latin will include Translation, Prose Composition, and the History of Roman Literature. The passages for translation will be taken

(1) From a Prose author not prescribed;

(2) From a Verse author not prescribed;

(3) From Virgil, Eneid, Book VI., and Horace (Odes, Book IV.), with questions upon the language and subject-matter.

In June 1923 the prescribed work in Latin will be Virgil, Eclogues; Horace, Odes, Book III.; with questions upon the language and subject-matter.


The Examination in Greek will comprise

(1) Translation from an Attic prose author not prescribed; (2) Translation from Homer;

(3) Translation from the Ion of Euripides and the Apology of Plato, with questions upon the language and subject


(4) Greek Prose Composition.

(5) Questions on the history of Greek literature.

In June 1923 the following will be the prescribed work under (3): Translation from the Alcestis of Euripides and the Apology of Plato, with questions upon the language and subject-matter.


The Examination in French will consist of two papers-two hours being allowed for each paper.

The First Paper will contain—

(a) One prose passage and one verse passage for translation into English;

(b) One question to test knowledge of grammar and idiom; (c) Four questions (of which each candidate must choose one only) on the following prescribed books :


JUNE 1922.

France-Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard.

Balzac-Le Colonel Chabert (Camb. Univ. Press).


JUNE 1923.

Balzac-Le Colonel Chabert (Camb. Univ. Press).

A. Daudet-Lettres de mon Moulin.

(d) Three elementary questions (of which each candidate must choose one only) on French life and institutions, the great events of French history, and the principal French writers of the Seventeenth and Nineteenth Centuries,

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