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Each Garth Bursar may hold his Bursary for four years in the United College, and for four years in the St Mary's College, subject to the following provisions: (a) If the holder graduate in Arts after the three years' course, he shall only retain his Bursary during the fourth year of tenure if he shall engage in a course of study approved by the Senatus Academicus in subjects included in the curriculum for Degrees in Arts or in Pure Science; (b) If the holder graduate in Divinity after the three years' course, he shall only retain his Bursary during the fourth year of tenure if he shall engage in a course of study in Divinity approved by the Senatus Academicus. Provided further, that he give regular attendance on the classes in the said Colleges, and that before entering on his Divinity course, in the fourth or fifth year, as the case may be, of his tenure of the said Bursary, he shall have obtained the Degree of Master of Arts, or shall have passed all the examinations necessary for his admission to that Degree.

A Garth Bursar who, at the end of the fourth year of his tenure of the said Bursary, has failed to pass all the examinations necessary for his admission to the Degree of Master of Arts, shall forfeit the said Bursary; and in that event it shall be lawful for the Patron to nominate a candidate, who shall be a Master of Arts, or shall have passed the examinations necessary for his admission to that Degree, and who shall be entering on his course of study in St Mary's College. Failing such nomination by the Patron, the Bursary shall be awarded by the Senatus Academicus to a candidate qualified as aforesaid, under such conditions as the Senatus Academicus shall prescribe. A Bursar so nominated shall not hold the Bursary for more than four years.

The patronage or right of presenting to two of the said Garth Bursaries shall be vested in and exercised by the Senatus Academicus of the University of St Andrews, and the patronage or right of presenting to two of the said Garth Bursaries shall be vested in and exercised by the Reverend A. Irvine Robertson, D.D., Minister of Clackmannan, and his heirs.

Any person may be appointed to a Garth Bursary without preference as to name or birth.


Founded in 1831 by the Rev. Dr Andrew Bell of Madras: four in number, and of the annual value of £20 each, tenable for three or four years. These Bursaries are restricted-except to relations of the Founder to Students who have been educated at the Madras College before proceeding to the United College. Patrons -The Governors of the Madras College.


Founded in 1861 by William Smith, Pharmaceutical Chemist in St Andrews. One Bursary of the annual value of £20, tenable for four years. The Bursar must belong to the Congregational Union in Scotland, and proceed to the ministry in connection with that Church. Patrons-The Committee of the Union.


These Bursaries were founded in 1868 by the Rev. John Spence, Minister of Kinnaird.

A scheme for the administration of the Spence Bursaries Endowment was made by the Commissioners under the Educational Endowments Act of 1882, and approved by her Majesty in Council on 17th November 1888, and this Scheme was, in 1897, amended by the Court of Session. Under the Scheme the endowment is administered by a governing body incorporated by the name of "The Spence Bursary Trust."

1. The Bursaries are awarded by competitive examination among deserving students of either sex, who, after passing the Preliminary Examination, or such other examination as may from time to time be accepted by the Joint Board of Examiners as equivalent thereto, have attended one winter session or its equivalent in the Faculty of Arts in the University of St Andrews or Edinburgh, and have attended at least two Classes qualifying for Graduation, and who intend to complete the course of study for the Degree of Master of Arts in the University of St Andrews or Edinburgh, as the case may be, and shall be tenable for two years in the Faculty of Arts at either of these Universities.

2. The Governors determine from time to time how many of the said Bursaries are to be open for competition in each University. The Bursaries are of the value of £30 for the first year of tenure, and £40 for the second year.

3. It is in the power of the Governors to award to any Bursar, if they shall be satisfied of his or her merit, a Continuation Bursary of an annual value of £50, tenable for one year, on condition that the Bursar shall for that year attend such a curriculum of study in any of the Faculties in either of the said Universities as the Governors may approve.

4. The subjects of examination are Latin, Greek, and Mathematics.

5. Intending Candidates must lodge their applications with the Factor before 1st September.

Factor of the Trust-Henry A. Pattullo, Solicitor, 1 Bank Street, Dundee, from whom forms of application may be obtained.


These Bursaries were founded in 1875 by the late Rev. Dr Forbes, Free St Paul's, Glasgow. He bequeathed the sum of £1000 to the College of St Salvator and St Leonard to institute two Bursaries: " one Bursary of say £22, 10s. to the most deserving entrant into the College in point of character and attainments, a preference being given to students from Perth and Dunkeld"; and another Bursary, of same amount, to be competed for by students during their second year of attendance at College; and both Bursaries to continue until the curriculum of the students has been completed. Dr Forbes also bequeathed the sum of £500 for Bursary to entrants, to be assigned by competition. The Bursaries are at present of the value of about £18.


The Selkirk Bursary of £25 per annum, tenable for four years, founded by the late Mr George Selkirk, merchant, Markinch, in 1871, open to students not under 14 years of age, from the schools of Markinch, studying for the ministry at the University of St Andrews. Patrons-Mr Selkirk's Trustees: viz., the Minister and Schoolmaster of Markinch, ex officiis, and three elected Members.


The late Mrs Agnes Carmichael or Blyth, of Castle Garden, Crail, by her settlement, dated 14th June 1878, bequeathed a sum for the foundation of one or more Bursaries in one or other of the Colleges of St Andrews. She directed the Patrons, in nominating and presenting students, to prefer, in the first place, such as are of the kindred of her late husband, Mr Charles Bell Blyth, whom failing, such as are of her own kindred; secondly, such as are of the name of Blyth; thirdly, such as are of the name of Carmichael; and failing students of the above kindred or name, then such as should be found best qualified and most deserving of the same.

It is estimated that the revenue from the fund will amount to about £40 a-year.

The Patrons have resolved-(1) To establish two Bursaries of the annual value of about £20 each. (2) That each Bursary shall be tenable for three years. (3) That students, while hold

ing the Bursaries, shall attend the United College of St Andrews. The Bursaries are open to women students.

For further particulars application may be made to Messrs Gray, Robertson, & Co., Solicitors, 69 Reform Street, Dundee, factors for the Trustees and Patrons.


These Bursaries were founded by Miss Isabella Macdougall of Perth, "for the encouragement of education in the county and city of Perth, and to afford pecuniary assistance to meritorious students born in said county and city of Perth, who may be attending the classes in the Faculty of Arts in the Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, and St Andrews."

The Bursaries are to be "of liberal amount," but are "not to exceed £50 per annum," are to be tenable for a period "not exceeding three years," and are to be "held in equal proportions" by students attending each of the Universities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, and St Andrews."

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They are to be conferred on "students of whatever religious denomination, after such competitive examinations" as the Trustees may determine. If, in the case of any one of the three Universities named, there be no qualified student from the county or city of Perth attending the Arts Classes, the Trustees may confer the Bursary, naturally accruing to a student of that University, on a qualified student of either of the other two Universities.

The agent for the Trust is Mr W. Cochrane Young, Solicitor, Perth.


Founded in 1912 by Miss Louisa Innes Lumsden, LL.D., who was Headmistress of St Leonard's School, St Andrews, and afterwards Warden of University Hall. The Fund is to be vested in the University Court. The Scholarship is of the annual value of about £30, and is tenable at University Hall by a woman student studying for the M.A. Degree with Honours in Classics or History or Modern Languages, who has received her education or part of it at St Leonard's School, St Andrews. It is tenable in the ordinary case for four years, but in case of illness, &c., it may be extended for a further period. The patrons are the Headmistress and Council of St Leonard's School. In case of a duly qualified candidate not being presented by them within a specified period, the Scholarship may be thrown open by the Senatus Academicus to competition

among women students who have been educated in a Scottish or English school governed by a headmistress. This Scholarship, which is designed primarily to aid the scholar in paying Residence Fees, may be held along with another Bursary or Scholarship of the United College.

Bursary in the Faculty of Science.

Bursary Open to Competition.


A sum of £2000 was gifted to the University Court in 1920 by William J. Matheson, Esq., LL.D., New York, for the institution of Bursaries in Chemistry in the United College. The following are the conditions governing these Bursaries :

(1) The Matheson Bursary shall be awarded to a student who, after having been attested by the Scottish Universities Entrance Board, has attended in the United College, for one or two years, classes qualifying for graduation in the Faculty of Science. One who has taken the degree of M.A. or completed the graduating course for that degree will be eligible. The Bursaries are open either to men or to women students.

(2) The patrons of the Bursaries are-The Principal of the University, the Dean of the Faculty of Science, and the Professor of Chemistry in the United College, St Andrews; and they shall award the Bursaries after receiving the report of the Professor of Chemistry or such other person as they shall appoint to conduct an examination of the candidate in Chemistry.

(3) One Bursary of £50, tenable for two years, shall be awarded annually, provided a suitable candidate presents himself. If the patrons shall consider that none of the candidates in any year is of sufficient merit they may withhold the Bursary for that year.

(4) Applications for the Matheson Bursaries must be sent in to the Secretary of the University not later than 31st May. The examination to determine the award of the Bursary shall take place on a date after the time for receiving applications has expired.

(5) Holders of the Bursaries shall, during the period of tenure, attend Chemistry classes in the United College, and will be expected to prepare for Honours in Chemistry in the B.Sc. degree examination.

(6) The Bursary shall be payable to the holder in three instalments, at the times fixed for payment of instalments of United College Bursaries.

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