instalment of the Inclusive fee for the academical year in which he enters for the examination and the instalments for each preceding year of his curriculum. 8. No student shall be allowed to graduate until he has paid the full Inclusive fee for the Degree which he desires to be admitted to. 9. After a candidate has paid all the annual instalments of the Inclusive fees, he may, in subsequent years, attend additional graduating courses without further payment, provided that the total number of graduating courses attended by him does not exceed the stated number to which the fee so paid entitles him (ie., 44 graduating courses in all), and he may also attend such non-graduating courses as the University Court may determine. 10. A student who has paid an Inclusive fee and has attended the full number of graduating courses to which such fee entitles him (ie., 44) shall, if he attends further graduating courses, pay for each individual course the normal fee set forth in the preceding Table of Fees. Such payment shall not entitle the student to attend any additional nongraduating course, unless the University Court shall so determine. 11. Students who are not regular graduating students in the Faculty of Medicine may attend any course on payment of the normal fee for such course as set forth in the preceding Table of Fees. Such payment shall not entitle the student to attend any additional nongraduating course unless the University Court shall so determine. 12. A student who becomes a regular graduating student after having paid a fee or fees for an individual class or individual classes under the immediately preceding article, shall be entitled to have the fee paid for any such individual class subsequently allowed to count for graduation, credited as a payment to account of the Inclusive fee, subject to the provision that any class so allowed to count for graduation shall be reckoned as one of the graduating courses to which the Inclusive fee admits, but no fee paid before the beginning of the academical year 1912-1913 shall be so credited. 13. A candidate for the degrees of M.B., Ch.B., who has attended elsewhere the courses required by ordinance for the First Professional Examination, and having been granted exemption in respect of such courses by the University of St Andrews, proposes to complete his curriculum in the University of St Andrews, shall be required to pay the full amount of the two Inclusive fees to the University of St Andrews, subject to a deduction of Thirty-five Pounds (£35); and a candidate who has attended elsewhere the courses required by Ordinance for the First and Second Professional Examinations, and having been granted exemption in respect of such courses by the University of St Andrews, proposes to complete his curriculum in the University of St Andrews, shall be required to pay the full amount of the two Inclusive fees, subject to a deduction of Seventy Pounds (£70); and in either case the candidate shall, in respect of such payment, be entitled to attend such further graduating courses in the Faculty of Medicine in the University of St Andrews as, with those already attended in the former university or recognised institution, shall make up the stated number to which the Inclusive fee admits; provided always that before he is admitted to graduation evidence shall be presented by him that he has paid in all a sum not less than the full Inclusive fee. 14. A candidate whose attendance elsewhere, on a greater number of courses than those required by Ordinance for the First and Second Professional Examinations, has been accepted by the Senatus as qualifying for graduation, and who proposes to complete his curriculum at the University of St Andrews, shall be required to pay the normal fee, according to the preceding Table of Fees, for each individual course of instruction in the University of St Andrews. 15. All Inclusive fees or instalments thereof shall be payable to the Secretary of the University, or to some one authorised by him or by the University Court to receive fees. 16. The student on paying an Inclusive fee, or an instalment thereof, shall receive an official receipt therefor in a form to be prescribed by the University Court. 17. The student shall not be entitled to attend as one of the courses covered by an Inclusive fee, any course which has not been approved by the Adviser of Studies as a suitable course for the curriculum he has chosen to pursue. 18. A student who has paid the instalments fallen due of the Inclusive fee for the curriculum he has chosen to pursue, or the normal fees of individual classes, will obtain from the Secretary of the University a Class Card, on which the classes he is entitled to attend for the academical year or term then ensuing or current shall be marked and initialled by the Secretary of the University, or his authorised substitute, and by the Adviser of Studies. No student shall be entitled to attend a class unless it is so marked and initialled on his Class Card. 19. No student shall receive a Class Card for any academical year or term unless he has at the same time or previously paid the Matriculation Fee for the academical year (£2, 2s.) or the Reduced Matriculation Fee due for a Whitsunday Term taken alone (£1, 1s.), as the case may be, and has received a Matriculation Card. 20. No student shall receive a Matriculation Card unless he has paid the instalment of the Inclusive fee for the year to which such Matriculation Card applies, or has paid the normal fee for at least one individual class. 21. Students who have resolved to attend a class as part of the curriculum covered by the Inclusive fee must be regular in their attendance upon the meetings of the class, and must duly perform the work of the class. If they fail to receive a certificate from the Professor or Lecturer that they have fulfilled these requirements, the course will nevertheless be counted as one of those covered by the Inclusive fee, and a second attendance shall count as another such course. A student who has begun to attend a course shall not be entitled to withdraw from it at any time later than twenty-one days from the opening of the term; and if he wishes to withdraw within twenty-one days from the opening of the term, he must obtain the consent of the Professor or Lecturer. 22. Every student shall, on being required to do so, be bound to exhibit to the Professor or Lecturer conducting any class he is attending a Class Card, marked and initialled by the Secretary, or his authorised substitute, and by the Adviser of Studies, showing that he is entitled to attend such class. INCLUSIVE FEES FOR COMBINED COURSES. In addition to the fees mentioned in the foregoing Regulations, the following fees for Combined Courses have been fixed provisionally by the University Court, but may be altered, after consultation with the Courts of the other Scottish Universities. Meanwhile they do not apply to students who follow out their courses of study partly in one Scottish University and partly in another : 1. Inclusive fee for the Degrees of M.A., and M.B., Ch. B., taken together-Two hundred and seven pounds fifteen shillings (£207, 15s.), payable in five annual instalments of £36, 8s. each, and one instalment (in the sixth year) of £25, 158., admitting to fifty graduating courses. 2. Inclusive fee for the Degrees of B.Sc., and M.B., Ch.B., taken together-Two hundred and twenty pounds (£220), payable in six annual instalments of £36, 13s. 4d. each, admitting to fifty-two graduating courses. 3. Inclusive fee for the Degrees of M.A., B.Sc., and M.B., Ch. B., taken together Two hundred and thirty-five. pounds ten shillings (£235, 10s.), payable in six annual instalments of £39, 5s. each, admitting to fifty-five graduating courses. NON-GRADUATING COURSES. The University Court have determined that the following shall be non-graduating Courses, which a student who has paid an Inclusive Fee in the Faculty of Medicine shall be entitled to attend : Junior Greek. Junior German. Embryology Lectures (St Andrews). Regional Anatomy Lectures Medical Tutorial Class. Summer Class in Practical Midwifery. Those who have paid a combined Fee, including the Faculty of Arts, will also be entitled to attend Introductory Hebrew. FEES NOT COVERED BY INCLUSIVE FEE. The following fees shall not be held to be covered by the Inclusive Fee--viz.: (a) Fee for Hospital Ticket; (b) Fee for Cases of Labour; (c) Laboratory Fees for use of Apparatus, &c. SYLLABUS OF COURSES. Earlier Stage of Curriculum, PHYSICS. ST ANDREWS. The Professor, Mr W. G. Robson, and Mr J. C. Bagot. I. Lecture Course.-This Course will be held daily at noon during the Whitsunday Term. The subjects of Lecture will be Elementary Mechanics, Properties of Matter, Heat, Light, Sound, Electricity, and Magnetism. Text-book.-Crowther's Manual of Physics. II. Practical Class.-The Laboratory is open from 9 to 12 A.M., and from 6 to 7 P.M. DUNDEE. Professor Peddie and Mr J. Forrest. For Medical and Dental Students: I. Lectures.-9 to 10 A.M. during Martinmas and Candlemas terms, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Practical.-Two hours weekly. Tutorial.-9 to 10 A.M. on Tuesday and Thursday. Text-book-Daniell, Physics for Medical Students; Candy, Manual of Physics. II. Laboratory Course.-The Laboratory is open from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. and from 2 to 4 P.M. daily. Class Examination Dates, 1922-23.-Tuesdays, Nov. 14, Dec. 12, Feb. 13, March 13. CHEMISTRY. ST ANDREWS. Professor Robinson, Dr Macbeth, and Dr Steele. THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY. Ordinary Class.-The Ordinary Class, which qualifies for the First Professional Examination in Medicine, meets daily during the Martinmas and Candlemas terms. One hour weekly is devoted to tutorial instruction. |