PROGRAMME OF CLASSES AND TABLE OF FEES, 1922-1923. Note.—The Regulations for the Inclusive Fees in the Faculty of Medicine will be found on a subsequent page. * The Junior Anatomy Class in Dundee is held during the Candlemas and Whitsunday Terms. 2 P.M. Principal Mac- *10 A.M. 12 noon 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. 11 A.M. to PROGRAMME OF CLASSES AND TABLE OF FEES-continued. *These Courses in Embryology and Anthropology may be held either in the Martinmas and Candlemas or in the Whitsunday Terms. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES AND TABLE OF FEES-continued. Hospital Ticket £1, 8s. for three months, or £4, 4s. a-year. Perpetual Hospital Ticket £13, 6s. 8d. in one sum, or £14 in instalments. * At the Royal Infirmary. † Second attendance, £4, 48. Second attendance, £2, 16s. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES AND TABLE OF FEES-continued. Hospital Ticket £1, 8s. for three months, or £4, 4s. a-year. Perpetual Hospital Ticket £13, 68. 8d. in one sum, or £14 in instalments. * At the Royal Infirmary. + Second attendance, £4, 4s. INCLUSIVE FEES IN THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE. Students of the Faculty of Medicine, whether studying at St Andrews or Dundee, taking a regular graduating course, and who began that course on and after the beginning of the Academical year 1921-22, will be required to pay Inclusive fees in accordance with the following Regulations made by the University Court. Students who began their courses before 1st October 1921 will continue to pay the Inclusive fees in accordance with the regulations in force at the time when they paid the first instalment of the Inclusive fees. All Inclusive fees are payable to the University Court, and entitle the student to attend classes either at St Andrews or Dundee, or partly at St Andrews and partly at Dundee. 1. The Inclusive fee for the University instruction required by Ordinance (other than Clinical Courses) for the Degrees of M.B., Ch.B., is one hundred and twenty guineas (£126), payable as follows: In each of the five years of the curriculum, twenty-four guineas (£25, 4s.) 2. The Inclusive fee for the Clinical Courses for the Degrees of M.B., Ch.B., is fifty-six pounds (£56), payable as follows: In each of the five years of the curriculum, eleven pounds four shillings (£11, 4s.) 3. The annual instalments are payable at the beginning of each academical year, until the full amount of the two Inclusive fees has been paid. 4. Every regular candidate for the Degrees of M.B., Ch.B. must pay the Inclusive fees. (A regular candidate means a student who matriculates, pursues his cur riculum, and graduates in the University of St Andrews in the usual manner, in accordance with the regulations for Graduation in Medicine.) 5. The Inclusive fees for the Ordinary Degrees of M.B., Ch.B., entitle the Student to attend forty-four graduating courses in the Faculty of Medicine, and also such non-graduating courses as may be determined by the University Court. 6. Where a subject is taught partly by lectures and partly by laboratory instruction, the lecture course shall count as one course and the laboratory (practical) course as one course. 7. No student will be admitted to a Degree Examination (except under special circumstances to be determined by the University Court) who has not paid in full the |