Also, one Bursary of the annual value of £18 15s. or thereby, tenable for four years. the time. Patron-The Minister of New Deer for 7. DENOON. Founded in 1725, by the Rev. Walter Denoon, Minister of Golspie, for Students of Sutherland or Ross-shire. One Bursary of the annual value of £5, tenable for four years. Patrons The Presbyteries of Tain and Dornoch. 8. G. DINGWALL. Founded in 1862, by the Rev. George Dingwall, M.A., Marisc. Coll., 1806, Minister of Auchterless, and regulated by Scheme of Commissioners under Educational Endowment Act, 1882. The annual value is about £15. The Presbytery of Turriff are the Patrons. In the appointment, preference is to be given to those of the names of Dingwall and Forsyth, and to those born in the Parish of Auchterless. Under the Scheme, it is considered that the Bursary may be held in any of the Faculties of the University. 9. DRUM. Founded in 1629, by Sir Alexander Irvine of Drum, and regulated by Schemes of Administration settled by the Court of Session, July 19, 1869 and subsequently. The number of Bursaries is eight, of the annual value of £31 10s. each or thereby, and tenable for four years. Patron-Alex. Forbes Irvine, Esquire of Drum. 10. ETTLES (ELGIN). Founded in 1863, by Misses Anna and Mary Ettles, Inverness, to be awarded by the Trustees after competition among those Students in the Elgin Academy who are natives of the Town and Parish of Elgin, or sons of parents who have been householders therein for five years preceding the competition, and who have been Students in said Academy for three years. The annual value of the Bursary is £15 or thereby, tenable for four years. Patrons and Trustees-The Sheriff-Substitute of Elgin and the two Ministers of the Parish of Elgin for the time. 11. ETTLES (INVERNESS).* Founded in 1863, by Misses Anna and Mary Ettles, Inverness, and to be awarded among persons who have been pupils in the Inverness Academy for at least twelve months before the date of * Regulated by the Inverness Royal Academy Order, 1907. examination. To be tenable for such period not exceeding four years, as the School Board may determine with attendance at a University or Technical School or College to be approved by the School Board. The annual value of the Bursary is about £30. Patrons and Trustees-The Inverness School Board. 12. FINDLAY. Founded in 1804, by the Rev. Robert Findlay, M. A., King's Coll., 1748. Minister of Clatt, and regulated by Ordinance (1889) No. 110. The number of Bursaries is now two, each Bursary consisting of one half of the free income of the Foundation, estimated at £15 or thereby, tenable for four years in the Faculty of Arts, and for three years more in that of Theology or Medicine. Preference to the sons of Clergymen, members of the Aberdeen Synod. Patrons-The Trustees of the late Col. George Moir of Scotston, C.В. 13. FORBES.* Founded in 1880, by George Fiddes Forbes, retired Surgeon Major, Ind. Med. Service (Bombay). Three Bursaries of the annual value of £30 each to be awarded among persons who have been pupils in the Inverness Academy for at least twelve months before the date of examination and to be tenable for such period not exceeding four years as the School Board may determine. A preference shall be given to boys of the name of Forbes belonging to or born in the Burgh or County whose parents require assistance to enable them to give their children a technical or University education. University Bursaries shall be held only at the University of Aberdeen. Trustees and Patrons---The Inverness School Board. 14. FRASER. Founded in 1730, by James Fraser, LL.D., King's Coll., 1725, Secretary of the Royal Hospital at Chelsea, and regulated by Ordinance (1858) No. 40. One Bursary of the annual value of £25, for a person educated at the Royal Academy of Inverness, tenable for four years, on passing the required examinations, and thereafter, provided the Student obtain the Degree of MA for other four years as a Student of Theology, and then increased to £30. Patrons-The Provost and four Baillies of Inverness, the three Ministers of Inverness, and three Delegates from the Presbytery of Inverness. * Regulated by the Inverness Royal Academy Order, 1907. Μ.Α., 15. GLENFARQUHAR (KINTORE). Founded in 1716, by Sir Alexander Falconer of Glenfarquhar, and regulated by Ordinance (1858) No. 45. One Bursary of the annual value of £16, tenable for four years. Preference to (1) boys educated at the School of Conveth; (2) boys educated at the School of Fordoun. Patron-The Right Honourable the Earl of Kintore. 16. GLENFARQUHAR (RAMSAY). Founded in 1716, by Sir Alexander Falconer of Glenfarquhar, and regulated by Ordinance (1858) No. 45. One Bursary of the annual value of £16 16s., tenable for four years. (Preferences as in preceding.) Patron-Sir Herbert E. Ramsay of Balmain, Bart. 17. GORDON. Founded in 1893, in terms of Bequest by Peter Gordon, Stoneware Merchant, St. Nicholas Street, Aberdeen. One Bursary of the annual value of £20, tenable for four years; restricted to the sons of parishioners of the Parish of Cabrach, Aberdeenshire. Preference to Students of the name of Gordon or related to the Founder. Patron - The Minister of the Parish of Cabrach. 18. GRANT. Founded in 1795, by the Rev. James Grant, M.A., King's Coll., 1771, Minister of Urquhart, Inverness-shire. One Bursary of the annual value of £10 or thereby, tenable for four years. Patron-The Heir of Sir James Grant of Grant-The Countess of Seafield. 19. GREIG AND MACINTOSH. The Greig Bursary, founded in 1724, by John Greig, Merchant in Old Aberdeen, and the Macintosh Bursary, founded in 1728, by Lachlan Mackintosh of Mackintosh, were, by Ordinance (1889) No. 113, conjoined into one Bursary, consisting of the free income of the two Foundations, estimated at £10 or thereby, tenable for four years. Patrons-The Heir of Andrew Robertson, Esq., late of Foveran, and The Mackintosh of Mackintosh; the right of presentation being exercised by the Patrons by turns. 20. GREIG (WILLIAM). Founded in 1882, by William Greig, Feuar, Stuartfield, Aberdeenshire. One Bursary of the annual value of £10 or thereby, tenable for four years. Preference to: 1st, Any person of the name of Greig who can prove his relationship to the founder; 2nd, Of the name of Greig of good moral character and abilities; 3rd, Any young man of good character and abilities, a native of, or connected with, or residing in, the Parish of Old Deer; and 4th, Failing any of these, to any young man, a native of Scotland, who may carry the Bursary by competition in the usual way. Patrons in the three first cases-The Ministers of the Established and Free Churches of Old Deer, Mr. Robert Wilson, Schoolmaster, and others. 21. LAUNIE. Founded in 1838, by Mrs. Josephine Booth or Launie, and regulated by Ordinance (1889) No. 102. One Bursary, consisting of the free revenue of the Foundation, estimated at £15 or thereby, tenable for four years. Patrons-The Trustees of the Founder. 22. LEYS. Founded in 1648, by Sir Thomas Burnett of Leys, Bart., and regulated by Ordinance (1858) No. 44. One Bursary of the annual value of £15, tenable for four years. Patron-Sir Thomas Burnett of Leys, Bart. 23. JOHN LORIMER. Founded in 1793, by John Lorimer, M.D., of Charlotte Street, Marylebone, London, M.A., Marisc. Coll., 1754, and regulated by Ordinance (1858) No. 42. One Bursary of the annual value of £14, tenable for four years. Patrons-The Moderator and Kirk-Session of Mortlach. 24. WILLIAM LORIMER. Founded in 1764, by William Lorimer (Alumnus, Marisc. Coll., 1733-37), of St. James's, Westminster, and regulated by Ordinance (1858) No. 41. Two Bursaries of the annual value of £16. Each Bursar, after attending for one year at the High School of Aberdeen, is entitled to hold his Bursary at the University for four years as a Student in Arts, provided he pass the Entrance Examination required of Presentation Bursars and the Examinations for the Degree of M.A. Patrons-The Moderator and Kirk-Session of Cullen. 25. LYON GIFT. Founded in 1885, by the late Felix W. Lyon, M.D., King's Coll., 1850, Edinburgh. The Gift or Prize is of the value of £4 or thereby, tenable for one year, and will be conferred towards the end of each Winter Session on some deserving Student in Arts of the first or second year, who has either no Bursary or a small onethe Junior Class possessing the smaller amount of Bursaries to have the preference. Patrons-The Senatus. 26. MACKAY (GRINACHARY). Founded in 1903 by the late Angus Mackay, Watten, for the purpose of aiding the education in the Arts curriculum in Aberdeen University of young men of the surname of Mackay from one of the Parishes of Tongue, Reay or Watten, or failing these from the county of Sutherland. Annual value £10. Patrons The Senatus. 27. COLONEL HECTOR MACKENZIE'S BURSARIES, Founded in 1887 by Colonel Hector Mackenzie (Alumnus, King's Coll., 1819-20) of Fortrose, late H.E.I.C.S. (Madras), who bequeathed £2000 to the University for two Bursaries of the annual value of £30 each, or thereby, tenable for four years. Preference in favour of first, Candidates who are of the Founder's own kindred, and require pecuniary aid for education; secondly, such as are of the name of Mackenzie; and thirdly, such as are born in the Parish of Rosskeen, and, failing thereof, then in the County of Ross. Intending Candidates are required to sit the Arts Bursary Competition. Patrons-The Principal and Professors. 28. MACLEOD. Founded in 1806, by Rev. Hugh Macleod, M.A., King's Coll., 1755; D.D., 1780, Professor of Church History in the University of Glasgow. One Bursary of the annual value of £6 or thereby, tenable for four years. Patrons-The Senatus of the University. 29. MILNE (LIEUT.-COLONEL ALEX.). Founded in 1903 under the will of the late Lieut.-Colonel Alex. Milne, C.I.E., Surma Valley Light Horse Volunteers, sometime of Cachar, India, who bequeathed the residue of his estate to the University "to help in the education of poor and struggling youths of merit". Under a Scheme of Administration approved by the Court of Session, bursaries of varying amount are awarded by the University Court, on report from the Senatus, to such students as may be considered to require pecuniary assistance to enable them to prosecute their studies at the University. Bursars may be reappointed from year to year. Applications are made on a special form which must be returned not later than the last Saturday of October. For further particulars apply to the Secretary of the University. 30. MILNE (INVERKEITHNY). Founded in 1880 (and came into operation in 1884), by Mrs. Isabella Milne, of Pitglassie, Widow of Rev. James Milne, M. A., |