Imágenes de páginas

Message from the President of the United States, transmitting copies of the laws of the territory, January 2, 1801. Published by order of the House of Representatives. Contains laws enacted by the Governor and Judges from June 30 to December 31, 1799.


16 p. 8°.

Assembly, 1st Session, Dec. 1, 1804. 136 p. 8°. [4th Assembly.]

5th Assembly, 1st Session, Feb. 1809. p. 1-19. 6th Assembly, 1st Session, Nov. 6, 1809. p. 21-156. 6th Assembly, 2d Session, Nov. 1810. 39 + (10) p.

[Contains appendix.]

n.p. N.D.

Bound in 1 vol. 156+ (12) p.



[blocks in formation]

[2d Assembly], 3d Session, Jan. 3, 1820. 118 + (11) p. 8°.

4th Session, [Jan.] 1821. 120 + (15) p. 8°.

5th Adjourned Session, June 1822. (Without index.) n.t.p. 408 p.

[blocks in formation]

13th Session, [Jan.

4] 1830.

4] 1830.

206 + viii + (14) p.

Bound in 1 vol.

146 + xviii p.

172 + xviii p. 12mo.



14th Session, [Nov. 15] 1830. 15th Session, [Nov. 21] 1831. 16th Session, [Jan. 7] 1833. 252 + xxv p. Bound in 1 vol. 12mo. 17th Session, [Nov. 16, 1833.] 200 p. Regular Biennial Session, Jan. 1836. viii+ 440 p. 8°. Adjourned Session, Jan. 1837..

[Called Session, Apr. 1837.] viii + 390 p. 8°. n.t.p. Regular Biennial Session, Jan. 1838. viii +368 p. 8°.

Adjourned Session, Jan.
Regular Session, Jan. 1840.


xii + 491 p. 8°.

xii + (2) + 366 p. 8°.

[Contains constitution of Oct. 26, 1832 in appendix.]

xvi + 285 p. 8°.

Adjourned Session, Jan. 1841. (12) + 302 p. 8°.
Regular Biennial Session, Jan. 1842.
Called Session, July 1843. vii +
Regular Biennial Session, Jan. 1844.
Regular Biennial Session, Jan. 1846.

135 p. 12mo.

xxi + 395 p. 12mo.
608 p. 12mo.

Regular Session,

Jan. 1848.

584 p. 8°.

[blocks in formation]

544 p. 8°.

Called Session,

[blocks in formation]

48 p. 8°.

[blocks in formation]

xxviii + 537 p. 8°.

Called Session, Oct.


xvi + 219 p. 8°.

Regular Session,

Jan. 2, 1854.

xxvi + (1) + 612 p. 8°.

[blocks in formation]


xvi + 455 p. 8°.

[blocks in formation]

125 p. 8°.

[blocks in formation]

197 p. 8°.

Called Session, Νον.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1859]. 600 p. 8°. n.t.p.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

STATUTES (Compilations, Revisions, Digests, Codes). 1



Statutes of the Territory (1807), revised and digested [under] authority of the General Assembly, by Harry Toulmin. xiii + 616 p. 8°. Natchez, 1807. (1816), containing constitution of the United States; ordinance for the government of the Northwest Territory; ordinance of the cession between United States and Georgia; and Acts of Congress relating to Mississippi territory. Digested by authority of General Assembly. Printed by Peter Isler. 495+ (27) p. 8°.

Natchez, 1816.

1 For earlier compilations, etc,, see commencement of session laws, ante.


Revised Code of Laws (1824), comprising all Acts of a public nature in force at the end of the year 1823. [By George Poindexter]. Published under Acts of the General Assembly.

iv + 743 p. 8°.

Revised Statutes (1836).


In Harvard Law School.

Natchez, 1824.

Jackson, 1836.*

Laws of a Public Nature (1824-38), from January session, 1824, to January session, 1838 inclusive. Published by authority. xviii+932 p. 8°.

Jackson, 1838.

Digest of Laws (1839) of a general nature, including Acts of session of 1839. By T. J. F. Alden and J. A. Van Hoesen. 1009 p. 8°.

New York, 1839.

Statutes (1840) of a public and general nature; with constitutions; also appendix containing Acts of Congress, and a manual for clerks, sheriffs, etc. Published by authority. Compiled by V. E. Howard and A. Hutchinson. xii + 885 p. 8°.


New Orleans, 1840.

Code of Mississippi (1848). An analytical compilation of the public and general statutes, of territory and state; with references to local and private Acts from 1798 to 1848, also constitutions, cessions by Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians, and Acts of Congress, by A. Hutchinson.

1111 p. 4to.

Jackson, 1848.

Revised Code (1857) of statute laws. Published by authority of the legislature. [W. L. Sharkey, W. L. Harris, and H. T. Ellett, commissioners.]

iv + 943 p. 8°.

Jackson, 1857.

(1871) of statute laws, adopted, January session, 1871. Published by authority. [A. R. Johnston, commissioner.]

788 p. 4to.

Jackson, 1871.

(1880) of statute laws, adopted at biennial session, 1880, with decisions applicable to the statutes. Published by authority. Prepared by J. A. P. Campbell.

941 p. 4to.

Jackson, 1880.

Annotated Code (1892) of general statute laws, adopted by the legislature at regular session, 1892. Prepared by R. H. Thompson, G. G. Dillard, R. B. Campbell. 1253 p. 4to.

Nashville, 1892.

Mississippi Code (1906) of public statute laws, prepared under Act of March 19, 1904; adopted at special session in 1906. With annotations. A. H. Whitfield, T. C. Catchings, W. H. Hardy [commissioners].

viii+1531 p. 4to.

Nashville, 1906.


Note. The constitution at present in force in this state is that of 1890.


Journal of convention of western part of Mississippi territory, held in Washington, July 7-Aug. 15, 1817.

108 p. 12mo.

Port Gibson, repr. 1831.

Shown in Bulletin No. 98, New York State Library, Albany, 1905.


Journal of constitutional convention, held Sept. 10-October 26, 1832, at


304 p. 12mo.

Jackson, 1832.

Shown in Bulletin No. 98, New York State Library, Albany, 1905. Constitution, Oct. 26, 1832, contained in laws of regular session, Jan. 1840; also in laws of regular session, Mar. 1850; also in laws of regular session, Nov. 1859; also in laws of called session, Dec. 1862.

A copy of this constitution is contained in United States Charters and Constitutions, Part II, p. 1067, where it appears that the same was framed by a convention which met at Jackson, Sept. 10, 1832, and was ratified by the people at the next general election.

[blocks in formation]

Journal of convention, ordinances and resolutions, adopted Mar. 1861. Published by order of convention.

104 p. 8°.

Jackson, 1861.

New York State Library shows same of a convention commenced Jan. 7, 1861. Jackson, 1861. 256 p. 8°.

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