Imágenes de páginas

JANUARY, 1796.]

Flag of France.

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You were the first defenders of the rights of man in France, at that time, by the form of its Government, another hemisphere. Strengthened by your example, assimilated to, or rather identified with, free people, and endowed with an invincible energy, the French saw in them only friends and brothers. Long accuspeople have vanquished that Tyranny, which, during tomed to regard the American people as her most faithso many centuries of ignorance, superstition, and base-ful allies, she has sought to draw closer the ties already ness, had enchained a generous nation. formed in the fields of America, under the auspices of victory, over the ruins of tyranny.

Soon did the people of the United States perceive that every victory of ours strengthened their independence and happiness. They were deeply affected at our momentary misfortunes, occasioned by treasons purchased by English gold. They have celebrated with rapture the successes of our brave armies.

None of these sympathetic emotions have escaped the sensibility of the French nation. They have all served to cement the most intimate and solid union that has ever existed between two nations.

The citizen ADET, who will reside near your Government in quality of Minister Plenipotentiary of the French Republic, is specially instructed to tighten these bands of fraternity and mutual benevolence. We hope that he may fulfil this principal object of his mission, by a conduct worthy of the confidence of both nations, and of the reputation which his patriotism and virtues have acquired him.

An analogy of political principles; the natural relations of commerce and industry; the efforts and immense sacrifices of both nations in the defence of liberty and equality; the blood which they have spilled together; their avowed hatred for despots; the moderation of their political views; the disinterestedness of their councils; and especially, the success of the vows which they have made in presence of the Supreme Being, to be free or die; all combine to render indestructible the connexions which they have formed.

The National Convention, the organ of the will of the French nation, have more than once expressed their sentiments to the American people; but above all, these burst forth on that august day, when the Minister of the United States presented to the National Representation the Colors of his country. Desiring never to lose recollections as dear to Frenchmen as they must be to Americans, the Convention ordered that these Colors should be placed in the hall of their sittings. They had experienced sensations too agreeable not to cause them to be partaken of by their allies, and decreed that, to them, the National Colors should be presented.

Mr. President, I do not doubt their expectations will be fulfilled; and I am convinced that every citizen will receive, with a pleasing emotion, this flag, elsewhere the terror of the enemies of liberty, here the certain pledge of faithful friendship; especially when they recollect that it guides to combat, men who have shared their toils, and who were prepared for liberty by aiding them to acquire their own.


The Answer of the President of the United States to
the Address of the Minister Plenipotentiary of the
French Republic, on his presenting the Colors of
France to the United States:

its value; having engaged in a perilous conflict to de-
Born, sir, in a land of liberty; having early learned
fend it; having, in a word, devoted the best years of
my life to secure its permanent establishment in my
thetic feelings, and my best wishes, are irresistibly ex-
own country; my anxious recollections, my sympa-
cited, whensoever, in any country, I see an oppressed

Doubt it not, citizens, we shall finally destroy the combination of tyrants. You, by the picture of prosperity, which, in your vast countries, has succeeded to a bloody struggle of eight years; we, by the enthusiasm which glows in the breast of every Frenchman. Astonished nations, too long the dupes of perfidious Kings, Nobles, and Priests, will eventually recover their rights, and the human race will owe to the American and French nations their regeneration and a last-nation unfurl the banner of freedom. But, above all, ing peace.

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Paris, 30th Vindemaire, 3d year of the French Republic, one and indivisible.

The Members of the Committee of Public Safety.
MERLIN (of Douai) &c.

OCTOBER 21, 1794.


Mr. President: I come to acquit myself of a duty very dear to my heart; I come to deposite in your hands and in the midst of a people justly renowned for their courage and their love of liberty, the symbol of the triumphs and of the enfranchisement of my nation.

the events of the French Revolution have produced the deepest solicitude, as well as the highest admiration. To call your nation brave, were to pronounce but common praise. Wonderful people! Ages to come will read with astonishment the history of your briliant exploits! I rejoice that the period of your toils and of your immense sacrifices is approaching. I rejoice that the interesting revolutionary movements of so many years have issued in the formation of a Constitution designed to give permanency to the great object for which you have contended. I rejoice that liberty, which you have so long embraced with enthusiasm; liberty, of which you have been the invincible defenders, now finds an asylum in the bosom of a regularly organized Government; a Government, which, being formed to secure the happiness of the French people, corresponds with the ardent wishes of my heart, while it gratifies the pride of every citizen of the United States by its resemblance to their own. On these glorious events, accept, sir, my sincere congratulations.

When she broke her chains; when she proclaimed the imprescriptible rights of man; when, in a terrible war, she sealed with her blood the covenant she had made with Liberty, her own happiness was not alone the object of her glorious efforts; her views extended also to all free people. She saw their interests blended with her own, and doubly rejoiced in her victories, In delivering to you these sentiments, I express not which, in assuring to her the enjoyment of her rights, my own feelings only, but those of my fellow-citizens, became to them new guarantees of their independence. in relation to the commencement, the progress, and the These sentiments, which animated the French na-issue of the French Revolution: and they will cortion from the dawn of their revolution, have acquired dially join with me in purest wishes to the Supreme new strength since the foundation of the Republic. Being, that the citizens of our sister Republic, ou

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Case of Randall and Whitney.

magnanimous allies, may soon enjoy, in peace, that liberty which they have purchased at so great a price, and all the happiness which liberty can bestow.

I receive, sir, with lively sensibility, the symbol of the triumphs and of the enfranchisement of your nation-the Colors of France-which you have now presented to the United States. The transaction will be announced to Congress, and the Colors will be deposited with those archives of the United States, which are at once the evidences and the memorials of their freedom and independence. May these be perpetual, and may the friendship of the two Republics be commensurate with their existence.


UNITED STATES, January 1, 1796.

When the reading of the Message and papers

had been concluded

[JANUARY, 1796.

Mr. SHERBURNE observed, that the difference of opinion respecting the branch of Government to which the answer of the House should be addressed, furnished an additional reason for postponetion, and believed his own feelings on the present ment. He highly respected the author of the mooccasion as fervent as those of any member. And though the feelings of the House might not be as ardent on the morrow as at this moment, yet he presumed that the sentiment would be the same. He conceived that it would be more satisfactory to the Republic, and more consistent with the dignity of the House, that their answer should be the result of cool deliberation, than a sudden impulse of enthusiasm, which the present occasion was calculated to inspire. He would therefore move that the further consideration of the resolution on the table be postponed until to-morrow.

Mr. GILES informed the House that, having been aware that the Flag would be presented to Mr. SWANWICK thought a postponement in this the House this day, considering it as an additional case, as in any others, would only be a waste of testimony of the affection of France, and it hav-time. The motion was negatived. ing been the practice on analogous occasions for the House to express their sentiments independent of the other branch, he had prepared a resolution expressive of what he conceived would be their sense on the occasion. It was nearly in the words following:

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Mr. W. SMITH'S amendment was then taken up, and, after some conversation, was also negatived.

Mr. PARKER moved an amendment as follows: "That this House has received with the most sincere and lively sensibility," &c. The amendment was for inserting the two words in italics, to which the House consented. The message was then voted unanimously, and a thousand copies of the communications and resolution were ordered to be printed. A committee of two members was appointed to wait on the PRESIDENT, and inform him of the resolution agreed to by the House.

Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to make known to the Representatives of the French people, that this House has received, with the most lively sensibility, the communication of the Committee of Public Safety, of the 21st of October, 1794, accompanied with the Colors of the French Republic, and to assure them that the presentation of the Colors of France to the Congress of the CASE OF RANDALL AND WHITNEY. United States is deemed a most honorable testimony of Pursuant to the proceedings of the House on the existing sympathy and affections of the two Re-Friday last, Mr. SMITH, of South Carolina, Mr. publics, founded upon their solid and reciprocal interests; that the House rejoices in the opportunity of congratulating the French Republic on the brilliant and glorious achievements accomplished under it during the present afflictive war, and that they hope those achievements will be attended with a perfect attainment of their object, the permanent establishment of the liberty and happiness of that great and magnanimous people."

Mr. SEDGWICK wished that a thousand copies of the communications might be printed, and the further consideration of the Message deferred till


Mr. W. SMITH also recommended a delay. In the sentiments of the resolution they all agreed. Perhaps the wording might be somewhat altered. Mr. HARPER rose and moved that, for various reasons, which he stated, the resolution should be immediately taken up and acted upor.

Mr. SWANWICK was against postponing the consideration of the Message, and observed that the Convention, on receiving a similar present from this country, had proceeded instantly to a vote respecting it.

Mr. W. SMITH, recommended to alter the wording of the resolution, by inserting the Executive of France, instead of the Representatives of the French people, to whom the message in reply was o be directed.

MURRAY, of Maryland, Mr. GILES, of Virginia, and Mr. Buck, of Vermont, delivered in at the Clerk's table their several informations in writing, subscribed with their names, respectively, in the cases of Robert Randall and Charles Whitney; which are as follow:

WILLIAM SMITH, one of the Representatives of the State of South Carolina in the Congress of the United States, declares

That, on Tuesday last, the twenty-second instant, a person who called himself Randall, and who is said to be from the State of Maryland, applied to him at his lodgings, in the city of Philadelphia, and requested a private and confidential conversation of an hour, which the informant agreed to; and at the time appointed, which was the same evening, the said Randall being alone with the informant, communicated to him a proposal for procuring from the Legislature of the United States a grant of about eighteen or twenty millions of acres in the Northwestern Territory, between Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Erie. That the said Randall observed, that the grant he proposed would be of great service to the United States, from the persons who would be interested therein, (to wit: certain Canada merchants at or near Detroit, whose names he did not mention.) having great influence over the Indians, who General Wayne; and that the said. persons would exwere not pacified by the late Treaty concluded with tinguish the Indian claims at their own expense; and after setting forth the saving of expense, by the cessa

JANUARY, 1796.]

Case of Randall and Whitney.

[H. of R.

tion of the Indian war, and other reasons to induce and advise with him upon proper measures for the dea belief that the proposed grant would be of public tecting of the full extent of the scheme, and crushing utility, he proceeded to inform the informant, that the it: That he had no opportunity of talking to Mr. Henry intention was to divide the land into about forty shares, on that day; but early on the morning of the twentytwenty-four of which would be allowed to, or distributed fourth instant, communicated the intelligence to Mr. among, such persons (meaning, as this informant un- Henry, who recommended that Mr. Smith should imderstood him, from the whole purport of his conversa- mediately inform the President: that on the said day, tion, members of Congress) as would favor the measure: Mr. Randall, of Maryland, was introduced to him, the that of these twenty-four shares, he had the management informant, and requested a confidential interview at his, or distribution of twelve for the Southern part, (meaning, the informant's lodgings, which the informant readily as the informant understood, the Southern members of promised him, to be at five, for the purpose of developCongress,) and another person, whose name he did not ing his scheme. That Randall came at or near five, mention, had the disposition of the other twelve, for the that day last named, to wit: on Thursday, and comEastern part, (still, as the informant understood and municated to Mr. Henry and himself, in general terms, believes, meaning as aforesaid.) That he, the said Ran- the outline of a plan by which he, Randall, and his dall, proposed subdividing the said shares into so many Canada friends, would extinguish the Indian title to all portions, as to have a sufficiency to obtain a majority, the lands between lakes Erie, Huron, and Michigan, as (meaning, as the informant understood him, a majority marked on a map which Randall then showed, containof Congress,) and that gentlemen, after the session was ing from eighteen to twenty millions of acres. That over, or when they returned to private life, might then he, the informant, then asked Randall into his aparthave such parts of shares, as the said twenty-four shares ment, where they were alone. That Randall expatiated would be reserved for such of them as would favor the at first upon the public utility of his scheme, which was, business, on the same terms as the original associators. that Congress should grant to him and his company, That the view of him, the said Randall, and of those all the land aforesaid mentioned, for five hundred thouconcerned with him, was to present a memorial on the sand, or, at most one million of dollars; and that he following Monday, to Congress, to obtain the said grant would undertake, in four months, that the harmony of for a small price, mentioning half a million of dollars; the Indians should be secured to the Union: or, if Conand that he supposed the land was worth more than gress thought proper, that the Indian tribes now on two shillings an acre. On taking leave, he pressed the said land should be removed to the British side, or down informant for an early and decisive answer to the fore- lake Michigan, reserving to some aged chiefs a few going proposals; to which the informant replied, that miles square; that his company and himself had deterhe would not wish to see him again before Friday mined to divide the lands aforesaid into forty (or fortymorning, and requested him to call on him at Congress, one) shares. That of these shares twenty-four were to and not at his lodgings; but the House did not sit on be reserved for the disposal of himself and his partner, Friday, and the informant has not seen him since. The now in town, for such members of Congress as assisted informant further says, that the foregoing is the sub- them, by their abilities and votes, in obtaining the grant stance and purport of the communication to him made aforesaid: That of these twenty-four shares, his partner by the said Randall, on the subject above set forth; and had twelve under his management for the Eastern memthat the impression clearly made on the mind of the in-bers of Congress, and that he, Randall, had the other formant, by the overtures, was, that, under a pretext of twelve shares under his management for the Southern public utility, the object of the application was, to secure members of Congress. That these shares were to be so the informant's influence, as a member of Congress, by divided as to accomplish the object by securing a majoa temptation of great personal advantage. That the in- rity of Congress. That the informant started an objecformant, the next morning, communicated the sub- tion to land speculation as troublesome, and that he, stance of the foregoing to Mr. Murray, one of the mem- Randall, said, if you (meaning the informant) do not bers from Maryland, and consulted him on the most choose to accept your share of the land, you shall have proper mode of proceeding on so delicate an occasion; cash in hand for your share. That the informant apthat Mr. Murray advised a consultation with Mr. Henry, pointed Randall to meet him in the lobby of the House of the Senate; and that, in consequence of such con- on Monday, the twenty-eighth instant. That Randall sultation with Mr. Murray and Mr. Henry, on the fol- told him a memorial was to be handed in upon this sublowing day (Thursday) it was resolved, that the inform-ject on said Monday; but refused to inform the inant should immediately communicate the whole transaction to the President of the United States; which he accordingly did.

DECEMBER 28, 1795.


formant what member was to present it: That Randall told him, that he, Randall, mentioned his plan to some members in the general way only-meaning thereby, as he understood him, a view of the sounder part of the plan, as being conducive to public utility. That, in the early part of the confidential and secret conversation, Mr. MURRAY declares, that, on Wednesday last, the Randall said, that the members of Congress who would twenty-third instant, Mr. Smith, member of Congress, behave handsomely, should come into their shares on of South Carolina, informed him that a man of the name the same terms upon which the company obtained the of Randall, of Maryland, had, the evening before, at-grant; but soon after, made proposals more openly setempted to bribe him in Western lands, on condition of his supporting an application which Randall told him he should soon make to Congress; the object of which application was, a grant from Congress of from eighteen to twenty millions of acres of land, between Erie, Huron, and Michigan. That Mr. Smith was extremely solicitous that some other gentleman should immediately be informed of the infamous proposal, and that he said he would mention it to Mr. Henry, of the Senate, 4th CON.-8

ductive and corrupt; closing them with the offer of cash in hand as aforesaid. That the informant, on that evening, when Randall went away, told Mr. Henry of the whole of Randall's offers aforesaid; then called on the Secretary of State, and communicated the same to him; and the next morning, early, informed the President of the transaction.

DECEMBER 29, 1795.


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WILLIAM B. GILES, a member of the House of Representatives in the Congress of the United States, declares

That in the evening of Thursday, the seventeenth of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, as well as this informant recollects, a person called upon this informant at his lodgings, under the name of Robert Randall, with an introductory note from Mr. Gabriel Christie, in the usual form, dated the fifteenth of the said month.

That the said Robert Randall informed this informant, that he had some business of importance to communicate to this informant, which would probably come before Congress: That it respected the fur trade at present carried on by the British traders with the Indians, through the lakes. He observed that it would be important to change the course of that trade into some channel through the United States: That he believed he could put Congress upon some plan for effecting that object: That the plan was of a secret nature: That he was not then prepared to disclose it, and requested a private interview with this informant for that purpose, at some other time. Upon which request, this informant appointed the next Saturday, at twelve o'clock, (being the nineteenth of December,) to receive the communication.

[JANUARY, 1796.

Congress from New York, entered the room, and the said Randall left it, without further observation, as well as this informant recollects. This informant immediately communicated the contents of this conversation to Mr. Livingston, and declared that he considered the proffer of the unappropriated shares to the members of Congress, as a direct attempt at corruption.

This informant, on the same day, communicated the substance of the conversation to the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States, to Messrs. Blount, and Macon, of North Carolina, and to Messrs. Madison, and Venable, of Virginia. It was deemed advisable by all these gentlemen, as well as by this informant, to permit the plan to be brougnt before Congress in the usual way, by memorial, and to cause a detection, by means of a committee, to whom the said memorial should be referred: and in the mean time, if the said Randall should again call on this informant, he should proceed to make further discovery of the real state and nature of the transaction.

That on the next day the said Randall did again call on this informant, and informed him, that he, the said Randall, then proposed to disclose his plan more particularly; and after some general remarks upon the public utility, as well as individual benefit of the plan, he said that it was in substance as follows;

That about the time appointed, the said Robert RanThe tract of country before described was to be didall called on this informant, and after some general vided into forty-one shares, five of which were to be reconversation, informed this informant, that an associa- served to the Indian traders at Detroit; the other thirtytion had been formed by himself and others, with some six were to be divided into two departments; eighteen of the most influential traders at Detroit, for the purpose to the Eastern and eighteen to the Southern departof purchasing all the lands contained in the Peninsula ment. That six out of the eighteen shares were to formed by lakes Erie, Huron, and Michigan, and the be reserved to his Eastern partner and associates, and waters connecting those lakes, amounting in the whole six out of the remaining eighteen, to himself and his to twenty or thirty millions of acres, if the consent of associates. That the remaining twenty-four shares Congress could be obtained for the extinguishment of were to be left unappropriated, for the use of such memthe Indian claims thereto. The said Randall then pro-bers of Congress as should support the measure. That duced a map of the Peninsula and Lakes.

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the names of those members were not to be made known until after the law for the extinguishment of the Indian claims had passed; and then requested this informant to prepare some writing which would compel the ostensible persons to surrender the unappropriated shares to the real supporters of the measure, after it should be effected. That one million of dollars were spoken of as the price of the lands; but that he deemed that sum by far too much; and as Congress would have to fix the price, they might make the terms such as to in

That this tract of country was to be divided into shares, and that a number of shares was to be left unappropriated, until the necessary law of Congress should pass, authorizing the extinguishment of the Indian claims; and might then be filled up by those who might think proper to concur in the plan, and should give their aid for procuring the passage of such law. Upon this intimation, this informant observed, that he hoped the said Randall did not intend to address the information of the unappropriated shares particularly to this in-sure considerable emoluments to the purchasers. That formant.

To which the said Randall replied that he did not; that he only meant it as general information; but he could see no impropriety in the members of Congress being concerned in the scheme, if the public good was to be promoted by it; and that thirty or forty members were already engaged in its support; or words to that effect.

After some further conversation of a general nature, respecting the present state of the fur trade, the value of the lands contained in the peninsula, and the probable effect of the late Treaty upon that trade and country, the said Randall inquired of this informant "whether he deemed his plan advisable, and whether it would meet with the support of this informant in Congress.' To which this informant replied, that if the said Randall should bring his proposals before Congress, this informant would give them the consideration which his duty required, and should give such vote as he deemed right; or words to that effect. Very shortly after this conversation, Mr. Edward Livingston, a member of

a majority of the Senate had consented to give the plan their support, and within three of a majority of the House of Representatives. After much further conversation on the subject, which this informant thinks unnecessary to particularise, the said Randall promised to wait again on this informant, at his lodgings, on Tuesday evening, at seven o'clock, and introduce to this informant his Eastern associate.

The said Randall did not call at the appointed hour, and this informant did not see him again until Friday, the twenty-fifth of December, when the said Randall again called on this informant, and, after making an apology for not calling at the appointed hour of the preceding Tuesday, informed him at the door of his apartment, that his memorial to Congress would be ready to be presented on the next Monday; but as several gentlemen were in this informant's room at that time, the said Randall did not enter, and no further conversation was then had; since which time this informant has not seen the said Randall, until he was brought to the bar of the House of Representatives, in custody.

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This informant further saith, that he communicated the substance of every material conversation with the said Randall, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and to the several gentlemen before mentioned. WILLIAM B. GILES.

JANUARY 1, 1796.

I, DANIEL BUCK, inform and say, that about ten days previous to my setting out on my journey to Congress, (which was on the thirtieth day of November last,) a stranger whom I now know to be Charles Whitney, in custody of the Sergeant-at-Arms, called at my office in Norwich, in the State of Vermont, introduced himself by the name of Whitney, and informed me that he had some business of importance which he wished to converse with me upon. I asked if he wished to be in private; he signified that he did, upon which my clerk withdrew; and the said Whitney proceeded to inform me that the business of which he wished to converse

[H. of R.

being concerned in the business, as I should thereby only connect my private interest with the public good; and while I was advancing the greatest interest of my country, might put two or three thousand dollars into my own pocket. Upon my suggesting, that, by a late Treaty, a peace was already concluded with the Indians, important national question, as, by the Treaty, the right and that this was a business that might involve in it an of purchasing lands of the Indians, was reserved to the United States, the said Whitney replied and said, that the Indians were greatly dissatisfied with the Treaty, and would not keep it; and that another war would be the certain consequence, unless other measures were adopted. He then renewed the protestation of the purity of his intentions, and said that he conceived that him) should so clearly evince the utility of the plan, as they (meaning himself and associates, as I understood that there could be no doubt of its propriety in the mind thought it would be hard to suppose that members of of any well-wisher to his country; and said, that he Congress were, in consequence of their appointment, to be deprived of those advantages to acquire property which might be taken by others. The said Whitney agreement between the associates, which appear to be showed me a plan of the country, and the articles of the same as have been read in Congress: he also said much upon the magnitude of the object, in respect to the subscribers and partners; and though I cannot now repeat his expressions, yet I can truly assert, that I then clearly understood him, that if I would subscribe the grant was obtained, if I chose to relinquish my share as a partner, my name might be kept secret, and after in the lands, I might receive money in lieu of it; has already been stated; and the conversation finally though no specified sum was mentioned, other than broke off, upon my declaring that I would make no engagement in the business, until I was better informed as to the merits of the question.

JANUARY 2, 1796.


was of great importance to the public, as well as to the individuals immediately concerned. That it would come before Congress, but was so circumstanced as to render it necessary to make a previous statement to some of the members, that they might be able to explain to others; and the whole thereby be better prepared to judge upon the business: he declared he wished for nothing improper, and that he did not want that I should favor the plan unless I saw it to be consistent: for he said he wanted nothing but what was perfectly just and honorable, and was confident that if the matter could be understood, it would appear to be of great public utility. He then stated that he and his associates had discovered a large and immensely valuable tract of land, between or contiguous to lakes Erie, Huron, and Michigan, (if I mistake not the names,) which he said might be purchased of the Indians at a low rate: That this purchase would conciliate the affections, and secure the friendship of the hostile tribes: That he, the said Whitney, together with Ebenezer Allen, Doctor Randall, and a number of Canadian merchants at Detroit, had formed an association for the purpose of extinguishing the Indian title, and petitioning Congress for the pre-emption right to those lands; that if they succeeded, it was their intention immediately to make settlement on them: That those merchants had such influence with, and control over the Indians, that there would be no difficulty with them; and that such a settlement would be a barrier against the savages, and effectually secure peace to the United States: That those merchants were then employed in the business among the Indians; and that his partner, Doctor Randall, and his other associates, had such connexions, that there was a fair prospect of success. That it was not their intention, however, to engross all this property to themselves; but that it was to be divided Mr. Lewis then rose. He observed, that these into a number of shares, and that he and the said Ran- declarations had been made in the absence of the dall had the disposal of them. That he, the said Whit- prisoner, who, as he conceived, was entitled to have ney, was then directly from Philadelphia, and that it was been present. His request was, that the informants agreed that Randall should dispose of a part amongst might now be placed in a situation to be examinhis friends, and the influential characters in the South-ed by the prisoner and his counsel, and that the ern States; that he, the said Whitney, was to distribute information may now be given in the prisoner's the other part amongst his, the said Whitney's friends, hearing. The prisoner and his counsel were or

and the influential characters in the Eastern and Northern States. That they had already got a number engaged, but that the subscription was not full, and that I might become an adventurer if I wished for it; and as he conceived that I could make myself acquainted with the facts, they, the said associates, would be able so clearly to demonstrate the public utility of the measure, that there could be no impropriety in my

It was then moved that Robert Randall should be brought to the bar of the House. He was brought in accordingly. Seats were placed for the Judge of the District of Pennsylvania, and the two counsellors for Randall, Mr. Lewis and Mr. Tilghman, jr. The informations given in by Mr. W. SMITH, Mr. MURRAY, and Mr. GILES, were read over, and the SPEAKER asked the prisoner, what he had to say in his defence? I am not guilty. You declare yourself not guilty? Yes. Have you any proof to cite that you are not guilty. No. Are you ready to answer.

dered to withdraw.

Mr. JEREMIAH SMITH made the following motion :

"That the prisoner be informed, that if he has any questions to propose to the informants, or other members of the House, he is at liberty to put them, [in the mode already prescribed,] and that they be sworn to

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