Imágenes de páginas

80. Crest. Helmet or its plumes. Here apparently the head. 35. Hap. Misfortune. Erewhile. Formerly.

52-53. Blighted tree. Note the effectiveness of introducing the tree.

55. Reverend. Worthy of reverence.

56. As from. As if from.

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79. My lyre. Whose lyre? Why?

80. Fair would. Fair that would. Is spy a pleasing word to apply to Ellen's interest?

87. Prize of festal day. Refers to tournaments.

94. Parts. Departs. Common in our older English.

109. Graeme. So spelled for the measure. Usually Graham. An ancient and powerful family who held large tracts in the counties of Dumbarton and Stirling. It included Wallace's comrade, Sir John the Graeme, who fell at Falkirk in 1298; the Marquis of Montrose, sung by Aytoun; and Claverhouse, Viscount of Dundee, the hero of Old Mortality.

115. Martial. Derivation. What month is named from the same source?

121. All unwont.


130. Tuneful fathers. Earlier bards.

131. Erst. Formerly.

Saint Modan.

One of the numerous Scotch abbots. He lived

in the seventh century.

141. Bothwell's bannered hall. A beautiful ruined castle nine miles above Glasgow on the Clyde.

142. Ere Douglases to ruin driven. "The Earl of Angus had married the queen dowager, and availed himself of the right which he thus acquired, as well as of his extensive power, to retain

the king [James V.] in a sort of tutelage, which approached very near to captivity. Several open attempts were made to rescue James from this thraldom, with which he was well known to be deeply disgusted; but the valor of the Douglases and their allies gave them the victory in every conflict. At length the king,

while residing at Falkland, contrived to escape by night out of his own court and palace, and rode full speed to Stirling Castle, where the governor, who was of the opposite faction, joyfully received him." Scott goes on to tell how James then summoned such peers as were hostile to the Douglas, and they decided to call the great earl, his brother and other kin, to appear before a certain day, or be banished. "But the earl appeared not, nor none for him; and so he was put to the horn, with all his kin and friends : so many as were contained in the summons, that compeared not, were banished, and were holden traitors to the king."

159. From Tweed to Spey. The southern and northern border rivers of Scotland, respectively.

170. Reave. Tear away. We still use participle reft. Cf. bereave and bereft.

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170-171. The grieve. What was the stem ? What the foliage?

200. Bleeding Heart. The cognizance of the Douglas, because Robert Bruce, dying, bequeathed his heart to his friend, Lord James Douglas. The story of its adventure with the Moslems is familiar. The heart is now in Melrose Abbey.

206. Strathspey. A Highland dance. See note to line 159.

214. Loch Lomond. The largest lake in Scotland, about twenty. three miles by five.

216. Lennox foray. The Lennox family lived south of Locb Lomond. This means a foray into their territory.

$220. Black Sir Roderick. Dhu is Gaelic for Black.


221. Holy-Rood. Holyrood Palace. Such murders were not uncommon, even in the presence of the sovereign. Cf. the death of Rizzio, the favorite of Mary Queen of Scots.

235. Guerdon. A fine poetic word for reward.

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236. Dispensation. Formal permission from the Pope for the two cousins to marry each other.

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254. Shrouds. Protects. Cf., in Comus, line 147, shrouds."

66 run to your

260. Votaress. A woman set apart from the world by a solemn


Maronnan's cell. A little chapel on the eastern side of Loch Lomond.

270. Bracklinn. A cascade near Callander.

271 Save. Unless.

272. Chafe. Mood of chaje?

274. Claymore. The large sword used by the Gaels. 287-300. Do you think Ellen was prejudiced?

294. Shadowy plaid. To fit his title of "the Black."

306. Tine-man. The unfortunate Archibald, third Earl of Douglas, who was so called because he tined or lost all his battles.

307. What time. At the time when.

308. Hotspur. The famous Percy of Shakespeare's Henry IV. 309. Self-unscabbarded. See Canto I., lines 536 and 537.

319. Beltane game. May-day game. Beltane Bealltain or Beal's fire. Beal is probably Gaelic for sun, though the origin of the word is very obscure. In the Celtic beltane, or May-day, celebration, great bonfires were kindled on the hills.

331-438. Could a hero be introduced in a more stirring manner?

835. Glengyle. A valley at the north end of Loch Katrine.

340. Bannered Pine. The banner bearing the pine as an emblem. 360. Wailed. Meaning?

368. Battered earth. Why called battered?

892. Burden.


405. Bourgeon. Bud.

408. Roderigh Vich Alpine dhu.

"Black Roderick, the de

scendant of Alpine,” an epithet belonging to him as the head of the clan.

416. Menteith.

See note to Canto I., 1. 89.

Breadalbane. A district between Lochs Lomond and Tay.

Notice the effect of the dactylic metre of this song. Can you recall any other poem of the same metre? Tennyson's Charge of the Light Brigade is one example.

419. Glen Fruin. Southwest of Loch Lomond, and overhung by Bannochar Castle. See next line.

420. Slogan. War cry.

421. Glen Luss and Ross-dhu. Valleys near Glen Fruin. 423. Saxon. Lowland.

426. Leven-glen. Towards the Clyde.

431. Rosebud. Who is meant?

465-472. Some . head. Please memorize.

476. Weeped. For the rhyme.

497. Percy's Norman pennon. Captured in the foray which led to the battle of Otterburn, in 1388. See ballads of Chevy Chase.

504. Waned crescent. An allusion to the author's friends of the house of Buccleugh. This family was defeated in its efforts to restore James V. to his power.

506. Blantyre. A priory near Bothwell Castle, faqat


513. Out-beggars all. Makes all seem poor in comparison. 525. Unhooded. With head uncovered for flight.

527. Goddess. Apparently Diana. Is this consistent with lines just preceding?

534-563. Almost a photograph.

548. Ben Lomond. The highest of the Scottish mountains, though only 3192 feet.

549. Sob. Panting.

551. Frank. Derivation of word?

574. Glenfinlas. See map.

577. Royal ward. The king was guardian of such noble or phans as were under age.

583. Strath-Endrick. A valley drained by Endrick Water, southeast of Loch Lomond.

606. Glozing. Glossing, or smoothing over, the truth. Cf. Comus, line 161, "well-placed words of glozing courtesy."

615. Vindictive pride. Scott says, "In 1529 James made a convention at Edinburgh for the purpose of considering the best mode of quelling the Border robbers, who, during the license of his minority and the troubles which followed, had committed many exorbitances." With a hastily gathered army of ten thousand men he swept through Ettrick Forest and hanged several leaders. Among them was one, Piers Cockburn, who is said to have prepared a feast for the king's reception.

623-626. The Meggat flows into the Yarrow, the Yarrow into the Ettrick; the Ettrick and Teviot flow into the Tweed, on whose banks lived Walter Scott.

634. Fate of Border Chivalry. Scott tells us that James strove equally to restrain rapine and feudal oppression in every part of his dominions.

687. Espial. Discovery. A poetic word.

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