Imágenes de páginas

290. Should lave. Cf. MS., "did lave."

293. Matins. Do you see any connection between matins and matinée ?

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321-322. Oak .. rock. This is an imperfect rhyme. Distal guish such from Scotch pronunciation.

831. Silver strand. Really such.

842. Naiad. See mythology for this and line 844.

848. Sportive toil. Explain contradiction.

352. Courtly. Here, belonging to the court. Cf. Milton's Comus, 823-326.

353. Measured. Governed by court etiquette.

362. A Chieftain's daughter. Proofs, 363-364.

363. Snood. The silken ribbon about the flowing hair which distinguishes a Scotch maiden from a matron.

Plaid. See note on 321-322 above.

877. Confessed. How different from present meaning?

384. Indignant spirit. Illustrate from Scottish history.

385. One only passion. Cf. Shakespeare, Julius Cæsar, I. ii. 157 "When there is in it but one only man." 99

404. Prune. Arrange damaged plumage.

408. Wont. Past tense of Anglo-Saxon wonan, to dwell. Hert nsed as a present, meaning "are wont."

409. On... sage. Show force of personification.

413. Forward and frolic. What part of speech?

425. Slighting. Paying little attention to.

433. Open. What do you know of Highland hospitality? 438. Couch. Heather.


441. Mere. Lake, as in Grasmere, where Scott used to visit the nature-poet, Wordsworth.

443. Rood. Cross, a common oath. What palace was named from the rood?

449. Fair. Young lady. Cf. Midsummer Night's Dream, I. i. 182.

457. As far as. What is omitted?

457. Yesternight. Obsolete, but cf. yesterday, fortnight.

458-460. Foretold. . . bent. Ask some old Scotch lady to tell you instances of second sight.

461. Dappled. Spotted. Cf. Milton's L'Allegro, 1. 44.

464. Lincoln Green. Made in Lincoln. Cf. the dress of Robin Hood's merry men.

475. Errant-knight. What was a knight-errant ?

476. Sooth. Adj., truthful.

478. Emprise. Enterprise, but a more poetic word.

490. Frequent. Part of speech? Find other similar examples of such exchange.

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492. Rocky Isle. "It is a little island, but very famous in Romance land as Ellen's Isle'; for Ellen .. was the name of the Lady of the Lake... It is mostly composed of dark gray rocks, mottled with pale and gray lichen, peeping out here and there amid trees that mantle them, chiefly light, graceful birches, intermingled with red-berried mountain ashes and a few dark green spiry pines. A more poetic, romantic retreat could hardly be imagined; it is unique. It is completely hidden, not only by the trees, but also by an undergrowth of beautiful and abundant ferns and the loveliest of heather." HUNNEWELL'S

Lands of Scott.


500. Winded. Why did he not say wound?

504. Here, for retreat. Scott says in a note: "The Celtic chief

tains had usually, in the most retired spot of their domain, some place of retreat... a tower, a cavern, or a rustic hut in a strong and secluded situation. One of these last gave refuge to the unfortunate Charles Edward, in his perilous wanderings after the battle of Culloden.

525. Idæan vine. Idean is derived from Mt. Ida near Troy Read the opening stanza of Tennyson's Enone for the description of the home of another "fay in fairy land."

528. Plant ... bear. Ellipsis. Common in Shakespeare.

545. Trophies. An interesting word. Find its cousins. This whole description might have applied to a room in one of Scott's own residences.

558. Tapestry. How many syllables here? What is tapestry? 566. Brook. Endure.

573. Ferragus or Ascabart (Ascapart). Two fabulous sons of the giant Anak. See Ariosto's Orlando Furioso.

580. Though.

knew. Meaning?

587. Fellest. Most dreadful.

591. Snowdoun. Former name for Stirling Castle.

596. Wot. Knows. We still use "to wit," the noun wit, etc. 602. Require. Ask, merely, as always in Elizabethan English. 616. Weird women. Watch for alliteration and see how it adds to the music. What did Ellen mean?

622. Harp unseen. "They (the Highlanders) delight much in music, but chiefly in harps and clairschoes of their own fashion the strings of the harps [are made] of sinews. They

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take great pleasure to deck their harps and clairschoes with silver and precious stones.'

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624-648. Soldier ...


stamping. Notice the effect of the trochaic

measure. How do you explain the indentation of the margin ?


631. Dewing. Bedewing. Cf. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, IL i. 230,"The honey-heavy dew of slumber."

638. Pibroch. A Highland air usually played on the martial bagpipe; or the bagpipe itself. Cf. Whittier's "The Pipes at Lucknow";

"Pipes of the misty moorlands,

Voice of the glens and hills,
The droning of the torrents,
The treble of the rills.

"Sweet sounds the Gaelic pibroch,
O'er mountain, glen, and glade,
But the sweetest of all music,

The pipes at Lucknow played."

642. Bittern. . . drum. Cf. Goldsmith's Deserted Village, L. 44, "the hollow-sounding bittern."

651. Cadence. Originally a falling.

655. Spells. Carrying out the idea of "weird Sisters."

669. Dreamed. Transitive?

674-706. In broken dreams

If you cannot, keep it in mind.

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woke. Interpret his dream.

704. Grisly. Horrible and weird; a favorite word in old poetry,

721. Aspens.

out the metaphor.

Why are they especially mentioned? Follow

781. Douglas. See Tales of a Grandfather.

732. Brand. Sword.

738. Orisons. Prayers. Find other words from same root.

745. Morning dawned. Why does the canto close with the dawn and not with undisturbed repose?


1. Poetry differs from prose in respect to its mission and style. What have you learned in Canto I. regarding each of these? How does the diction of poetry differ from that of prose? The arrangement of the words?

2. Imagine a series of paintings that might be made from descriptions in this Canto.

3. Recall beautiful descriptive passages from your previous reading: passages by Irving, Hawthorne, Ruskin, Muir, Burroughs, and other masters.

4. Collect all the proofs of the delicacy and high breeding of the Knight and his hosts. Are they characteristics of the Highlanders? Have you read Ian Maclaren's sketches of Drumtochty? If so, you remember instances of fine courtesy among humble folk.

5. Compare the Knight's reception by Ellen Douglas with that of Ulysses by the Princess Nausicaa as told in the Odyssey. Book VIII.


LINE 7. Minstrel gray. "Highland chieftains, to a late period, retained in their service the bard, as a family officer." SCOTT. It was the duty of this minstrel to improvise and sing accounts of clan battles and other warlike stories pertaining to the family.

9. Express the subject of this first stanza in two or three words. 10–16. Not ... days. Give carefully in prose order. How many points of resemblance can you find between benefits, and the spray and ripple? Is there a suggestion here that the minstrel guessed the stranger's name?

20. Battled line. Line of battle.

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