ΧΙ. THE FAERY CHASM. No fiction was it of the antique age: A sky-blue stone, within this sunless cleft, Is of the very foot-marks unbereft Which tiny Elves impressed; - on that smooth stage Dancing with all their brilliant equipage In secret revels - haply after theft Of some sweet babe, flower stolen, and coarse weed left For the distracted mother to assuage Her grief with, as she might ! - But, where, oh! where Is traceable a vestige of the notes That ruled those dances wild in character? - Deep underground ? Or in the upper air, On the shrill wind of midnight? or where floats XII. HINTS FOR THE FANCY. ON, loitering Muse - The swift Stream chides us -on! Bright liquid mansions, fashioned to endure When the broad Oak drops, a leafless skeleton, And the solidities of mortal pride, Palace and Tower, are crumbled into dust! The Bard who walks with Duddon for his guide, Shall find such toys of Fancy thickly set: Turn from the sight, enamoured Muse - we must; And, if thou canst, leave them without regret! XIII. OPEN PROSPECT. HAIL to the fields - with Dwellings sprinkled o'er, By wasteful steel unsmitten, then would I XIV. O MOUNTAIN Stream! the Shepherd and his Cot By fits and starts, yet this contents thee not. XV. FROM this deep chasm - where quivering sunbeams play A gloomy NICHE, capacious, blank, and cold; |