NATURAL HISTORY. St Andrews. Professor-D'Arcy W. Thompson, M.A., D.Litt., Dundee. BOTANY. St Andrews. Dundee. ANATOMY. St Andrews. Dundee. PHYSIOLOGY. Dundee. GEOLOGY. Assistant-David Raitt Robertson Burt, B.Sc. Reader and Lecturer-R. A. Robertson, M.A., B.Sc. Lecturer-G. West. Professor-David Waterston, M.A., M.D., C.M. Assistant-William George Robertson, M. B., Ch. B. Assistants-Miss Christina Jane Thomson, M.B., Professor-Percy Theodore Herring, M.D. Professor-Edward Waymouth Reid, B.A., M.B., Assistant-David Stiven, B.Sc. St Andrews and Dundee. Lecturer-D. E. I. Innes, M.A., M.C. Advisers of Studies. St Andrews. Professor A. Blyth Webster, 56 South Street, Dundee. St Andrews. Professor J. E. A. Steggall, M. A., Woodend, Perth Road, Dundee. Secretary of the University. Andrew Bennett, The University, St Andrews. PROGRAMME OF CLASSES AND TABLE OF FEES. 1922-1923. Note. The regulations for Inclusive Fees in the Faculty of Arts will be found on a subsequent page. The Fees for Practical Classes, except where specially marked, cover the instruction for two terms only. |