Imágenes de páginas

MR. ISAAC objected to the pro- | never have assented to his release. He

wished to make it clear to the lady's
friends, however, that he did not attach
any importance to those letters; but
only desired that anything in the custody
of the convict might be given up, in
order to prevent any annoyance at a
future period. Nothing was further
from his intention than to give any pain
to the lady or her friends, or to convey
the slighest imputation upon her.

MR. MONK asked, whether he under-
stood the right hon. Gentleman the
Home Secretary to state that he had no
Papers which he could lay upon the
Table of the House? There was a strong
feeling out-of-doors, originating with the
Press, against this man Theodoridi being
released, while his companion in crime,
who was, perhaps, less guilty than he
was, had been retained in prison. If
the Turkish Ambassador probably not
only called upon the right hon. Gentle-
man, but had communications with him,
he thought that they should be laid upon
the Table of the House; for, although
Theodoridi was a stranger to this coun-
try, and of a different religion to the Eng-
lish people, that was not sufficient rea-
son for his release. He should like to
have some further information upon this
matter-more particularly as to his right
hon. Friend's reason for refusing to
place upon the Table of the House such
Papers as he had received upon the

MR. CALLAN said, that he could see
no objection to the information for which
he had asked being furnished, as it was
necessary for the House to know the
facts of the matter fully before it could
come to any decision on the subject.
It was his intention to bring the subject
before the House at no very distant date.
he had already stated to the hon. Mem-
ber privately, as he would now state to
the House, that he had practically no
Memorials or Papers which he could lay
before the House. There had been no
Papers or Memorials of any sort or kind
which were suitable for laying before
the House. He had already stated all
the circumstances in connection with
this case. As he had said, there was a
difference between the case of Theodo-
ridi and of the man who was convicted
with him; and the difference was this
-that in the case of Theodoridi the
prosecutrix recommended him to mercy.
In releasing this man, he did it only on
condition that he should leave the coun-
try for good; and on condition that if
the annoyance of which he had been
guilty was repeated, he should again be
brought before the Court-it was solely
upon condition of his leaving the coun-
try and ceasing the annoyance, that
Theodoridi was released at the request
of the Turkish Ambassador. He thought
that there had been some misapprehen- MR. ASSHETON CROSS said, that
sion with regard to this case, and that he had now stated to the House nothing
some of the lady's friends had thought but what he had said on previous oc-
that the fact of Theodoridi's being re-casions when questions were put to him
leased had something to do with her.
So far as the lady was concerned, how-
ever, there ought not to be the slighest
idea entertained that the release of the
convict had anything to do with her.
From some letters having been men-
tioned in an earlier part of the case, he
had some idea that they had better be
given up, or they might be produced at
some future time. But on his demand-
ing them, as a condition of Theodoridi's
release, he was assured that there were
no such letters in existence. Ho had
thought it right to ask the Treasury
Solicitor whether there were any letters
in the custody of Theodoridi which it
might be desirable to get. The Treasury
Solicitor said he did not think that
Theodoridi had any letters; and unless
he had had that assurance he should

with regard to this matter. There were
no documents in relation to this convict
which he should be justified in laying
before the House. The only Papers re-
lating to it were some letters which were
private. The distinction between the
case of Theodoridi and his fellow-convict
was, that the lady who prosecuted in his
case recommended him to mercy. The
condition of his release was, as he had
stated, that he should leave the country
and never come back again, and should
cease any annoyance; whereas no such
assurance had been given by the other

Motion, by leave, withdrawn.

House adjourned at a quarter
after Two o'clock,








In Bills, Read 1o, 2o, 3o, or 1a, 2a, 3a, Read the First, Second, or Third Time.-In Speeches,
IR., 2R., 3R., Speech delivered on the First, Second, or Third Reading.-Amendt., Amend-
ment. Res., Resolution.-Comm., Committee.-Re-Comm., Re-Committal.-Rep., Report.-
Consid., Consideration.-Adj., Adjournment or Adjourned.-cl., Clause.--add. cl., Additional
Clause.-neg., Negatived.-M. Q., Main Question.-O. Q., Original Question.-O. M., Original
Motion.-P. Q., Previous Question.-R. P., Report Progress.-A., Ayes.-N., Noes.-M., Ma-
jority.-1st. Div., 2nd. Div., First or Second Division.-l., Lords.-c., Commons.

When in this Index a * is added to the Reading of a Bill, it indicates that no Debate took
place upon that stage of the measure.

When in the Text or in the Index a Speech is marked thus, it indicates that the Specch
is reprinted from a Pamphlet or some authorized Report.

When in the Index a † is prefixed to a Name or an Office (the Member having accepted or
vacated office during the Session) and to Subjects of Debate thereunder, it indicates that the
Speeches on those Subjects were delivered in the speaker's private or official character, as the
case may be.

Some subjects of debate have been classified under the following "General Headings: "-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Execution of Prisoners of War, Questions, Mr.
O'Donnell; Answers, Mr. E. Stanhope
May 9, 18

The Peace Negotiations. Observation, Viscount
Cranbrook May 19, 655;-Bases of Peace,
Observation, The Chancellor of the Exche-
quer May 19, 698; Observation, Viscount
Cranbrook May 26, 1204;-Signature of a
Treaty of Peace, Observations, The Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer May 26, 1266
General Roberts' Despatch-Capture of the
Peiwar Kotal, Questions, General Shute;
Answers, Mr. E. Stanhope May 12, 122;
May 26, 1233

Afghanistan and Zululand-Number of Bri-
tish Troops Engaged, Question, Mr. Waddy ;
Answer, Colonel Stanley May 19, 699

Africa-South Africa


Natal and the Transvaal

Appointment of Sir Garnet Wolseley as High
Commissioner, Statement, The Earl of Bea-
consfield; Question, The Earl of Kimber-
ley; Answer, The Earl of Beaconsfield
May 26, 1204: Questions, Observations,
The Earl of Carnarvon; Reply, Earl Cado-
gan; Question, The Earl of Kimberley;
Answer, Earl Cadogan May 27, 1329

The Zulu War

The Latest Telegrams, Observation, Earl
Cadogan May 12, 100
Re-inforcements, Question, Lord Truro: An-
swer, Viscount Bury May 15, 381;- Condi-
tion of the Regiments, Observations, Lord
Truro, Viscount Hardinge; Reply, Viscount
Bury; short debate thereon May 19, 666

Africa-South Africa


Papers and Despatches

The Latest Telegram, Observation, Sir Michael
Hicks-Beach May 12, 133

Negotiations with the Boers-Sir Bartle Frere's
Despatch, Question, Mr. W. E. Forster;
Answer, Sir Michael Ilicks-Beach May 19,

Lord Chelmsford's Despatches, Question, Sir
Alexander Gordon; Answer, Colonel Stanley
May 23, 1139

Further Papers, Questions, The Marquess of
Hartington, Mr. Chamberlain; Answers,
The Chancellor of the Exchequer May 26,


Sir Bartle Frere's Despatches, Question, Mr.
Courtney; Answer, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach
May 27, 1364; Observations, Mr. Sullivan;
Debate thereon May 27, 1364; Question,
Mr. Courtney; Answer, Sir Michael Hicks-
Beach June 16, 1919

Africa-South Africa-COMMONS-cont.

Drafts from Regiments, Question, Mr. Otway;
Answer, Colonel Stanley May 22, 1018
The Royal Marines, Questions, Mr. Otway,
Mr. Rylands, Sir Charles W. Dilke; An-
swers, Mr. W. H. Smith, Colonel Stanley
May 22, 1018

Re-inforcements from India, Question, Mr.
Rylands; Answer, Colonel Stanley May 23,

The Transvaal

Questions, Sir George Campbell; Answers,
The Chancellor of the Exchequer May 13,
234; Notice of Amendment to Motion, Mr.
O'Donnell; Observation, Mr. Speaker May 26,


The Zulu War

The Fight at Rorke's Drift, Question, Mr.
Stacpoole; Answer, Colonel Stanley June 16,
1916;-Surgeon Major Reynolds, Question,
Mr. Errington; Answer, Colonel Loyd
Lindsay May 12, 123

Expenses of Military Operations-Estimates of
Expenditure, Question, Mr. Childers; An-
swer, The Chancellor of the Exchequer
May 15, 399; Question, Mr. Whitwell;
Answer, The Chancellor of the Exchequer
May 15, 401; Question, Sir George Camp-
bell; Answer, The Chancellor of the Exche-
quer May 26, 1237; Questions, Mr. Childers,
Sir George Campbell; Answer, The Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer June 12, 1695
Transport Service in Natal, Questions, Mr. W.
H. James; Answers, Colonel Stanley May 20,


The Forces in Zululand, Questions, Mr.
Waddy; Answer, Colonel Stanley May 22,

Alleged Cruelties of the British Troops, Ques-
tions, Mr. O'Donnell; Answers, Sir Michael
Hicks-Beach May 22, 1015; June 12, 1708
The Civil and Military Commands, Statement,
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Ques-
tion, Mr. W. E. Forster May 26, 1227;
Explanation, Sir Robert Peel May 26, 1241
Returns of Killed, &c., Question, Sir Wilfrid
Lawson; Answer, Colonel Stanley May 27,

Instructions of Sir Garnet Wolseley, Question,
Mr. Sullivan; Answer, The Chancellor of
the Exchequer May 27, 1357; Questions,
Mr. Parnell; Answers, The Chancellor of the
Exchequer June 10, 1562; June 12, 1721
The War, Question, Mr. O'Donnell; Answer,
Sir Michael Hicks-Beach May 27, 1363

Overtures of Peace, Question, Mr. Sullivan;
Answer, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach May 26,
1235; Question, Sir Wilfrid Lawson; An-
swer, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach June 13,
1810-Detention of Messengers, Question,
Sir Wilfrid Lawson; Answer, Sir Michael
Hicks-Beach June 9, 1432


Railways, Question, Colonel Beaumont; An-
swer, Colonel Loyd Lindsay May 12, 181
Indenture of Natives in Natal, Question, Mr.
O'Donnell; Answer, Sir Michael Hicks-
Beach May 22, 1016

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

ARGYLL, Duke of

Foreign Policy of Her Majesty's Government,
380, 508, 530, 539, 556, 560

India Telegraphic Communication with India,
Address for Papers, 920

Landed Estates Court (Ireland), Motion for
Returns, 664

Tenant Right (Ireland), 2R. 807, 809



Army Medical Service - Invalided Medical
Officers, Question, Mr. Gourley; Answer,
Colonel Stanley June 12, 1697
Army-Military Pensions-Royal Warrants,
1877, 1878, Question, Colonel Arbuthnot;
Answer, Sir Henry Selwin-Ibbetson May 15,

Army Organization--The Departmental Com
mittee, Question, Observations, Lord Truro ;
Reply, The Lord Chancellor May 30, 1416;
Question, Mr. Gourley; Answer, Colonel
Stanley June 10, 1551; Observations, Mr.
Gourley; short debate thereon June 10, 1553;
Question, Observations, Lord Truro; Reply,
Viscount Bury; short debate thereon June 16,

Army Regulation Act Cashiered Purchase
Officers, Question, General Shute; Answer,
Colonel Stanley June 13, 1807

Balances of Deceased Soldiers, Question, Major
O'Beirne; Answer, Colonel Stanley May 22,

Beards, Question, Mr. Stacpoole; Answer,
Colonel Stanley June 16, 1916


Civil Employment for Discharged Soldiers,
Question, Sir Henry Havelock; Answer,
Colonel Stanley May 22, 1010
Commissariat and Transport Departments-
Re-organization, Question, Sir Henry Have-
lock; Answer, Colonel Stanley May 9, 12
Compulsory Retirement The Royal War-
rant of May, 1878, Question, Mr. Stacpoole
Answer, Colonel Stanley June 12, 1707
Court of Inquiry at Netley in 1873, Questions,
Sir Alexander Gordon; Answers, Colonel
Stanley May 20, 837
First-Class Army Reserve-Volunteers, Ques-
tion, Colonel Mure; Answer, Colonel Stanley
May 22, 1012; Question, Colonel Arbuthnot;
Answer, Colonel Stanley June 13, 1811
Flogging in the Army-1st Dragoon Guards,
Question, Mr. Hopwood; Answer, Colonel
Stanley May 20, 836

National Fund for Relief of Families of Sol-
diers, Sailors, &c., Question, General Shute;
Answer, Colonel Stanley June 13, 1806
Regimental Commands The Five Years'
Rule, Question, Major Nolan; Answer,
Colonel Stanley May 22, 1010

Soldiers in Uniform, Observations, Colonel
Mure; Reply, Colonel Stanley; Observa-
tions, Sir Walter B. Barttelot June 13, 1868
The 42nd Regiment (Cyprus), Questions, Mr.
H. Samuelson; Answers, Colonel Stanley
June 16, 1915

The 58th Regiment-Foreign Service, Question,
Mr. Wheelhouse; Answer, Colonel Stanley
May 19, 694

The 88th Regiment - Volunteers, Questions,
Sir Henry Havelock; Answer, Colonel
Stanley May 22, 1011

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Execution of Prisoners of War, Questions, Mr.
O'Donnell ; Answers, Mr. E. Stanhope
May 9, 18
The Peace Negotiations, Observation, Viscount
Cranbrook May 19, 655;-Bases of Peace,
Observation, The Chancellor of the Exche-
quer May 19, 698; Observation, Viscount
Cranbrook May 26, 1204 ;-Signature of a
Treaty of Peace, Observations, The Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer May 26, 1266
General Roberts' Despatch-Capture of the
Peiwar Kotal, Questions, General Shute;
Answers, Mr. E. Stanhope May 12, 122;
May 26, 1233

Afghanistan and Zululand-Number of Bri-
tish Troops Engaged, Question, Mr. Waddy ;
Answer, Colonel Stanley May 19, 699

Africa-South Africa


Natal and the Transvaal

Appointment of Sir Garnet Wolseley as High
Commissioner, Statement, The Earl of Bea-
consfield; Question, The Earl of Kimber-
ley; Answer, The Earl of Beaconsfield
May 26, 1204: Questions, Observations,
The Earl of Carnarvon; Reply, Earl Cado-
gan; Question, The Earl of Kimberley;
Answer, Earl Cadogan May 27, 1329

The Zulu War

The Latest Telegrams, Observation, Earl
Cadogan May 12, 100

Re-inforcements, Question, Lord Truro; An-
swer, Viscount Bury May 15, 381;- Condi-
tion of the Regiments, Observations, Lord
Truro, Viscount Hardinge; Reply, Viscount
Bury; short debate thereon May 19, 666

Africa-South Africa


Papers and Despatches

The Latest Telegram, Observation, Sir Michael
Hicks-Beach May 12, 133

Negotiations with the Boers- Sir Bartle Frere's
Despatch, Question, Mr. W. E. Forster;
Answer, Sir Michael Ilicks-Beach May 19,

Lord Chelmsford's Despatches, Question, Sir
Alexander Gordon; Answer, Colonel Stanley
May 23, 1139
Further Papers, Questions, The Marquess of
Hartington, Mr. Chamberlain; Answers,
The Chancellor of the Exchequer May 26,

Sir Bartle Frere's Despatches, Question, Mr.
Courtney; Answer, Sir Michael Hicks-Beach
May 27, 1364; Observations, Mr. Sullivan ;
Debate thereon May 27, 1364; Question,
Mr. Courtney; Answer, Sir Michael Hicks-
Beach June 16, 1919


Drafts f

The Ro

Mr. I

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