And some, coeval with the earliest blush Of infant passion, scarcely dare to show Their pearly lustre, coming but to go;
And some break forth when others' sorrows crush The sympathizing heart. Nor these, nor yet The noblest drops to admiration known,
To gratitude, to injuries forgiven,
Claim Heaven's regard like waters that have wet The innocent eyes of youthful Monarchs, driven Το pen the mandates nature doth disown.
THE saintly Youth has ceased to rule, discrowned By unrelenting Death. O People keen
For change, to whom the new looks always green! Rejoicing did they cast upon the ground Their Gods of wood and stone; and, at the sound Of counter-proclamation, now are seen (Proud triumph is it for a sullen Queen!) Lifting them up, the worship to confound Of the Most High, Again do they invoke The Creature, to the Creature glory give; Again with frankincense the altars smoke Like those the Heathen served; and mass is sung; And prayer, man's rational prerogative,
Runs through blind channels of an unknown tongue.
How fast the Marian death-list is unrolled! See Latimer and Ridley in the might Of Faith stand coupled for a common flight! One (like those prophets whom God sent of old) Transfigured, from this kindling hath foretold A torch of inextinguishable light;
The other gains a confidence as bold; And thus they foil their enemy's despite. The penal instruments, the shows of crime, Are glorified while this once-mitred pair
Of saintly Friends the "murderer's chain partake, Corded, and burning at the social stake": Earth never witnessed object more sublime In constancy, in fellowship more fair!
OUTSTRETCHING flame-ward his upbraided hand, (O God of mercy, may no earthly Seat Of judgment such presumptuous doom repeat!) Amid the shuddering throng doth Cranmer stand; Firm as the stake to which with iron band
His frame is tied; firm from the naked feet
The shrouded Body to the Soul's command Answers with more than Indian fortitude,
Through all her nerves with finer sense endued, Till breath departs in blissful aspiration:
Then, 'mid the ghastly ruins of the fire,
Behold the unalterable heart entire,
Emblem of faith untouched, miraculous attestation! *
AID, glorious Martyrs, from your fields of light, Our mortal ken! Inspire a perfect trust (While we look round) that Heaven's decrees are just:
Which few can hold committed to a fight That shows, even on its better side, the might Of proud Self-will, Rapacity, and Lust, 'Mid clouds enveloped of polemic dust, Which showers of blood seem rather to incite Than to allay. Anathemas are hurled
From both sides; veteran thunders (the brute test
are met by fulminations new,
Tartarean flags are caught at, and unfurled,
Friends strike at friends, — the flying shall pur
And Victory sickens, ignorant where to rest!
* For the belief in this fact, see the contemporary Historians.
SCATTERING, like birds escaped the fowler's net, Some seek with timely flight a foreign strand; Most happy, reassembled in a land
By dauntless Luther freed, could they forget Their Country's woes. But scarcely have they met, Partners in faith, and brothers in distress, Free to pour forth their common thankfulness, Ere hope declines : - their union is beset
With speculative notions rashly sown,
Whence thickly-sprouting growth of poisonous
Their forms are broken staves; their passions,
That master them. How enviably blest Is he who can, by help of grace, enthrone The peace of God within his single breast!
HAIL, Virgin Queen! o'er many an envious bar Triumphant, snatched from many a treacherous wile!
All hail, sage Lady, whom a grateful Isle Hath blest, respiring from that dismal war Stilled by thy voice! But quickly from afar
Defiance breathes with more malignant aim; And alien storms with homebred ferments claim Portentous fellowship. Her silver car,
By sleepless prudence ruled, glides slowly on; Unhurt by violence, from menaced taint Emerging pure, and seemingly more bright: Ah! wherefore yields it to a foul constraint Black as the clouds its beams dispersed, while shone, By men and angels blest, the glorious light?
METHINKS that I could trip o'er heaviest soil, Light as a buoyant bark from wave to wave, Were mine the trusty staff that JEWEL gave To youthful HOOKER, in familiar style The gift exalting, and with playful smile: For thus equipped, and bearing on his head The Donor's farewell blessing, can he dread Tempest, or length of way, or weight of toil? More sweet than odors caught by him who sails Near spicy shores of Araby the blest, A thousand times more exquisitely sweet, The freight of holy feeling which we meet, In thoughtful moments, wafted by the gales From fields where good men walk, or bowers wherein they rest.
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