XVII. WICLIFFE. ONCE more the Church is seized with sudden fear, Yea, his dry bones to ashes are consumed Thus speaks (that Voice which walks upon the wind, Of Severn, Severn to the narrow seas, An emblem yields to friends and enemies XVIII. CORRUPTIONS OF THE HIGHER CLERGY. "WOE to you, Prelates! rioting in ease And cumbrous wealth, -the shame of your estate; You, on whose progress dazzling trains await Of pompous horses; whom vain titles please; Who will be served by others on their knees, Yet will yourselves to God no service pay; Pastors who neither take nor point the way XIX. ABUSE OF MONASTIC POWER. AND what is Penance with her knotted thong; Wan cheek, and knees indúrated with prayer, If cloistered Avarice scruple not to wrong And rob the people of his daily care, Scorning that world whose blindness makes her strong? Inversion strange! that, unto One who lives XX. MONASTIC VOLUPTUOUSNESS. YET more, round many a Convent's blazing fire Unhallowed threads of revelry are spun ; There Venus sits disguisèd like a Nun, While Bacchus, clothed in semblance of a Friar, To stay the precious waste. Through every brain Of its grave echoes, swells a choral strain, Whose votive burden is, "OUR KINGDOM 'S HERE!" XXI. DISSOLUTION OF THE MONASTERIES. THREATS come which no submission may assuage, The tapers shall be quenched, the belfries mute, Lead unmolested lives, and die of age. The owl of evening and the woodland fox For their abode the shrines of Waltham choose: Proud Glastonbury can no more refuse To stoop her head before these desperate shocks, She whose high pomp displaced, as story tells, Arimathean Joseph's wattled cells. XXII. THE SAME SUBJECT. THE lovely Nun (submissive, but more meek pursue With equal wrath the steps of strong and weak While through the Convent's gate to open view XXIII. CONTINUED. YET many a Novice of the cloistral shade, Their liquid world, for bold discovery, In all her quarters temptingly displayed! Hope guides the young; but when the old must pass The threshold, whither shall they turn to find Alms may be needed) which that House bestowed? XXIV. SAINTS. YE, too, must fly before a chasing hand, Let not your radiant Shapes desert the Land: The fond heart proffered it, the servile heart; And therefore are ye summoned to depart, |