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WO Years are now almoft elapsed, fince this Defign was first fet on foot, wherein there have been Six Numbers published, at the fole Expence of the Editor : And as it cannot be fuppofed, but that he must be in dif burfe on that Account, (befides his Trouble of compofing the Book, and diftributing of it Quarterly) he is perfwaded that none of his Readers would defire him to continue it under the above-mention'd Circumstances: He therefore now advertises them, that this it's probable will be the laft, except they approve of it so far as to fubfcribe towards the Expence. He defires not to gain any thing by the Undertaking, and is willing to give in his own Labour: And if there are 60 Perfons to be found, who will each fubfcribe for Half a Dozen (or more if any one pleases) every Quarter as they are published, (which will about defray the Charges of the Copper-Plate, Printing, Paper, &c.) it will be carried on as formerly. Such as are willing fo to do, may fend in their Names, and Places of Abode, drrected for the Author, to be left at Mr. THOMAS GENT'S, Printer, near the Star in Stone-Gate, YORK, Post paid, any Time before Chriftmafs next.


T Kirkleatham Hofpital, in the County of York, Cleaveland, are taught (in the muft eafy, concife and expeditious Methods) the following Arts and Sciences.

I. WRITING in the ufual Hands.

II. ARITHMETICK, Vulgar, Decimal, Logarithmical, Alge braical and Inftrumental,


IV. The Elements of GEOMETRY, applied to the Menfuration of all kind of Superficies and Solids: As alfo to Surveying aud Gauging, both in Theory and Practice.

V. TRIGONOMETRY, Plain and Spherical, with the Perfor mance thereof Geometricaly, Logarithmicaly, and Inftrumentaly. VI. ASTRON QM Y.

VII. NAVIGATION, in its feveral Branches, as follow. Imprimis, Plain Sailing. 2. Plain Sailing traverse. 3. Mercator's



Sailing. 4. Mercator's Sailing traverie. 5. Middle Latitude sailing. 6. By the Arch of a Great Circle. 7 By the Mean Parallel Diffe rence of Longitude. 8. The Method of Taking, Working and Projecting an Oervation of either Sun, Moon, Fixed or Erratick Star upon any Azimuth, in order to find the Latitude of the Place of Ofervation. 9. The Defcription and Ufe of the Amplitude, or Azimuth Compa's, in order to correct the Courfe fteer'd by the common Compass. 10. The most neceffary Parts herein-mention'd (and what elle arc requisite to be known, too tedious here to name) applied in the Method of keeping a Sea-Journal,


IX. The Direct and Inverfe Method of FLUX TONS.

XI. The Projection of the SPHERE on any Circle.

XII. The Ufe of both GLOBES in Geography, Navigation and Aftronomy; together with the Ufe of Spheres, Maps, and other Mathematical Inftruments.


With whom Young Gentlemen may board, and be compleatly and expeditiously inftructed (on reasonable Terms) for any Bufinefs relating to Accompts, or the Mathematicks; and by whom Gentlemen may have their Eftares carefully furvey'd, and Dyals made with or without Furniture.

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Lately Publish'd, and Sold by Mr. RICHARD WARE, (now also appointed the Publisher of Mifcellanea Curiofa, &c.) at the Bible and Sun in Warwick-Lane, LONDON.


HE History of Kingston-upon-Hull, from its Erection, by Order of the renowned and victorious King Edward the First, to the prefent Year, 1735. Containing a Series of the moft_remarkable Tranfactions Firit, As to Ecclefiaftical Matters, the Building of Churches, Convents, and Monafteries ; their once flourishing, and afterwards almoft ruin'd Condition; the prefent State of the former, with the Epitaphs, Monuments, and Infcriptions. Secondly, Civil Affairs, with the orderly Succeffion of its Magiftrates, and inferior Officers. Thirdly, Military Concerns, especially what relate to the unfortunate Sir John Hotham's Denyal of Enterance to King Charles the First, the Imprisonment and Tryal of the Knight, along with the Captain his Son; and their different Behaviour in their latest Moments upon the Scaffold: Likewife what Alterations happened, (particularly in Hull) both at the Restoration and the Revolution. Faithfully collected by Mr. T. G. Compiler of the Hiftory of York, and feveral remarkable Places of the Shire. To which in this latter Work he has added, The Antiquities of Bridlington, Scarborough Whitby, . Towns pleafantly fituated near the Ocean. Adorn'd with feveral Copper-Plates. Price bound (in Octavo ) 5 s.

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