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38. See also Troops, Military
reserve fund

Arrow, affair of the, 1. 226
Attorney-General, ordered to prose-
cute offenders, 1. 575; 11. 818;
formerly excluded from House of
Commons, 111; unable (in 1830)
to get a seat, 293; entitled to a
chief justiceship on a vacancy,
821; is never in the cabinet, 293;
office of, 818-824. See also Law
Officers of the crown

Audit, application of system of, to
public accounts, 11. 47-67; origin
of, 47; administrative, 52; appro-
priation, nature of, 53-67; naval
and military accounts, 58, 59; first
complete system of, 60


Board of, dependent on Treasury,
11. 48; is a board of verification,

Office, enlarged functions of, 11.
50; fees payable to, Ib.; indepen-
dent position of, Ib.; department,
564-582; constitution of, 572; its
special duties, 574; in relation to
the Treasury, 576

Auditor-General, appointment of, 11.
569; annual reports of, 577
Australia, democracy in, 1. 21; par-
liamentary government in, 11. 342;
procedure for removal of judges
in, 880, 887

BALANCE of powers under prero-
gative government, 1. 5
Balances, unexpended, surrender of,
1. 759; 11. 44-46

Banda and Kirwee prize money, case
of, 1. 723

Banks, Canadian, report of committee
on insolvent, 1. 605

Barber, Mr. W. H., case of, 1. 586
Barons forced to recognise the rights
of the burgesses, 1, 69
Barrington, Sir J., case of, 11. 867
Barry, Mr. E., case of, 1. 678
Barry, Sir R. (judge), case of, 11.

Barwis v. Keppel, 1. 521 n.
Bath, order of, appointments to, 1.


Bath and Wells, case of the bishop
of, 1. 573 n.
Baylis v. Bradley, 1. 30 n.

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Bell, J., case of, 1. 586 n.
Bentham, Mr. J., compensation to,
for breach of contract, 11. 10
Bethell, Mr., case of, 1. 685
Bewicke, Mr., case of, 1. 587
Bill of Rights, 1. 104

- pro forma, 1. 406
Bills, deficiency, 11. 11

-in which House they should be
initiated, 1. 38; suspended and
resumed at next session, 388;
imposing public charges, 693,
765; introduction of, 11. 366–393;
on government questions, brought
in by private members, 375;
House should not be divided on
leave to introduce government,
369; ministers expected to origin-
ate important, 370; fate of im-
portant, when introduced by pri-
vate members, 376; introduced by
the opposition, 382; government,
based on general resolutions, 385;
proceeding by resolution instead of
by, 388; private, 388-393; un-
official attitude of ministers to-
wards, 388; officer for drafting
government, 825

s.o. relating to public, 11. 915,

relating to Law, Courts of Jus-
tice, Trade, &c., s.o. concerning,
11.923. See also Crown, Ministers,
Private Bills

Birch's case, 1. 663 n.

Births of eminent statesmen, coinci-
dences in dates of, 1. 341
Bishops, see Church of England
Board of Trade, its constitution and
functions, 11. 789 803; depart-
ments under:-Railway, Marine,
800; Harbour, Standards, Finan-
cial, Commercial, 801; Establish-
ment, Solicitor's, Registrar-general
of Shipping, Fisheries, Patent
Office and Bankruptcy, 802
Boards, objections to, for administra-
tive purposes, 11. 222; gradual

abolition of, Ib. ; their representa-
tion in Parliament, 305. See also

Bode, Baron de, case of, 1. 705
Bolingbroke's ministry, 11. 138


Boothby, Mr. Justice, case of, 11.


Boroughs (nomination), use of, 1. 13;
in the hands of peers, &c., 125
Boxer, Colonel, case of, 1. 678
Bradley v. Baylis. 1. 30 n.
Breach of confidence, alleged, be-
tween Geo. IV. and his ministers,

Bribery and corruption at elections
in estigated, 1. 575; deep-seated
evil of, ii. 156; charges of, against
ministers, 473

British coast fortifications, estimates
for contracts, i. 767-770

Museum, estimates, 1. 751; par-
liamentary representative of, ii.
300, 309; opened to public in the
evenings, 715

subject, rights of, 1. 366, 379
Broad-bottom' administration, why
so called, ii. 160

Bromley, Sir R., case of, 1. 637 n.
Brougham, Lord, on a weak ministry,
1. 32; on the kingly office, 311;
resolutions on prerogative of
mercy, 566

Brudenell, Lord, case of, 1. 540
Budget, questions concerning the,

1. 711; amended or rejected by
the House of Commons, 797; by
the House of Lords, 808; local,
728; introduction of the, 787-790;
questions upon the, 789; measures
considered in the, 790; amended
and rejected by the House, 797–
799; precedents of, 799-806; the
whole resolutions included in one
Bill, 814; final statement of esti-
mated revenue and expenditure,
820; ministers charged with sub-
mitting the, 11. 461-463; proposed
by a secretary to the treasury,
463; preparation of the, at the
Treasury, 536

Business, conduct of, by ministers,
ii. 394-402

Bute administration, 11. 164

'CABAL,' origin of term, 11. 96
Cabinet, the connecting link be-
tween Crown and Parliament, 1.
3; made responsible to Parliament,
104, 106; not to withhold advice


from the sovereign, 158; objection
to appointing contending interests
in formation of, 166; formation
of the, 323; unity of responsibility
in, 494; and co-operation amongst,
11. 402-406; precedents regard-
ing ministers opposing government
measures, 406-408

Cabinet, . its origin, organisation
and functions, 89-287; when first
mentioned in history, 92; unpopu-
larity of, at first, 93; re-consti-
tuted in 1660, 94; the 'Cabal,'
96; meetings of, under Charles
II., 97; their unpopularity, 101;
subsequent condition of, 102; first
organised under William III., 118,
119, 130-132; principles of un-
animity in, 135; discords in, time
of Queen Anne, 137; Coup d'état,
at meeting of, on June 30, 1714,
138; constructed on basis of
political union, 142, 273, 402;
simultaneous changes of its mem-
bers, 145; internal condition of,
during reign of Geo. III., 146;
former custom of the sovereign to
preside at, Ib.; interior council of
the, 149, 234; history of its tran-
sition state, 150; its present
position and powers, 177–181; it
is unknown to the law, 178, 181;
definition of, 178-181; appointed
by the crown, 182; the crown
chooses the premier, who recom-
mends his colleagues, 183; stipu-
lations and conditions between
sovereign and candidates for, 184;
its numbers variable, 189; of
whom composed, 190; seat in,
without office, 192-195; case of
members of, in Queensland, ap-
pearing in house as members of
Privy Council only, 195; persons
who are ineligible for, 195; custom
of compensation to members of,
209; functions of, with relations
to crown and executive govern-
ment, 232; meetings of, 1b.; rela-
tions of prime minister with, 233-
235; questions disposed of at,
235, 237, 731; committees of,
236, 237; its position in deciding
questions between ministers and
departments, 238; deliberations
secret, 240; notes of proceedings


taken, not to be made public, 240;
how its decisions are enforced, 241;
ministerial memorandums, 242;
other ministers sometimes invited
to attend meetings of, 243; disso-
lutions of the, 245, 283; commu-
nications between the crown and
the, 247, 259; decisions of, to be
submitted for royal approval, 257;
cases of neglect of this rule, 258;
what matters require previous
sanction of crown, 259; minutes
of, sent to sovereign, 259; conclu-
sions of, 260; attempt of Geo. 1V.
to obtain individual opinions from
the, Ib.; decision of crown upon
advice of, 261; dissensions in,
276, 277-282; attendance at, to
cease on retirement from office,
286; unless invited to continue,
Ib.; proportion of ministers of the,
in each House, 311-318; who
ought to be in the Commons, 313;
advantages of a seat in the Lords,
316. See also Ministers, Privy

Cabinet dinners, 11. 147, 233 n.;
Lord Thurlow's behaviour at, 406
boxes, 11. 242, 615, 629; surrender
of keys of, on resignation of office,
285 n., 286

Canada, debates on military defence
of, 1. 436 n.
Canning, Mr., his administration, 1.
177, 255, 327; his appointment as
ambassador to Lisbon, 361; his
quarrel with Lord Castlereagh, 11.
278; his conduct in Queen Caro-
line's case, 407

Canterbury, Archbishop of, 11. 199
Canton, affair of the Arrow at, 1. 226
Cape of Good Hope and Zanzibar

mail contracts, 1. 777
Capital sentence, remission of, 1.

- punishment, report of committee
on, i. 559 n.

Caroline, Queen, case of, 1. 128; 11.

Cash account of the paymaster-
general, 11. 25

Castro v. the Queen, 1. 574 n.
Cathedrals, report of committee on
state of, 1. 433

Catholic question, 1. 123, 124, 127,
146, 150, 152, 153, 155-157, 163,


165, 172, 174, 175, 177, 184, 185,

Cattle plague, legislation on the, 1.

Censure, votes of, 11. 496-498

of officials by Parliament, ii. 217
Certificates, Bill to reduce duty on,

1. 715
Cession of territory by the crown, 1.
Chairmen of select committee on
private business, proposal to give
them salaries, ii. 459

of committees, how appointed, 1.
Chambers, legislative arguments in
favour of two, 1. 39 n.; 43 n.;
ditto in favour of a single, 40 n. ;
originally sat together, 71
Chancellor, Lord High, his office
described, 11. 804; his position as
a cabinet minister, Ib. 197; his
resignation of office, 285; ex-
chancellors serving as paid arbitra-
tors, 818 n.
Chancellor of the Exchequer, office
of, associated with first lord of
treasury, 11. 527; duties and
patronage of, 534-537; is master
of the Mint, 537. See also Budget
Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster, his
office described, ii. 828; his extra
official services, 205-210
Chaplain-General, ii. 753
Chaplains to House of Commons, 1.

Charges, annual, 1. 738

Charities, are subject to local taxes,
but not imperial, 11, 587
Charity Commission described, 11.
722; its representation in Parlia-
ment, 308; its expenses, how de-
frayed, 446

Charles I. and the House of Com-
mons, relations between, 1. 96;
his execution, 98

Charters, prerogative in granting, 1.
598-608; to universities, 599, 600
Chartist prisoners, case of the, 1. 566
Chatham, Earl of. See Pitt, W.
Checks and balances in government,
a paper on futility of, 1. 7 n.
Chief Secretary for Ireland, 11. 848.
See also Ireland

Chiltern Hundreds, 11. 349

China, employment of Indian troops


in, 1. 523 n.; enquiry into mortality
of troops in, 547
Chinese question in 1857, 1. 226
Church of England, its legal posi-
tion in England, 1. 502; in the
Colonies, 506; 11. 642; in Canada,
1. 512; in New Zealand, 513; in
foreign countries, 516; controlled
by Act of Uniformity, 517; pa-
tronage, how distributed, 618; 11.
534, 810; increased accommoda-
tion in the country, motions on,
1. 708; designation of colonial
bishops, 11. 642 n.

Church Estates Commission, 11. 307,

Churchward and Jenkins contract,
case, 1. 754, 772-776
Civil contingencies, 1. 730; 11. 20,




list, 1. 349, 350, 655, 737

- power, supremacy over military,
ii. 737

Service, principles of permanence
in, 1. 613; 11. 218; American
system, 1. 613, 614; nominations,
621; promotions, Ib.; competitive
examinations, 623, 626; appoint-
ments, 625; must not engage in
politics, 631, 633, 649; fidelity in,
632; exercise of franchise by, 632,
634; power of dismissal from,
629-631, 635; work outside of
office, 636; pensions, 637; expen-
diture, 638-642; organisation,
643; report of a commission on,
643-645, 676; regulations of sala-
ries, 646, 648, 661-667, 679; re-
tired officials subject to recall, 647;
political influence on behalf of,
forbidden, 649; pensions to widows
and orphans, 657; estimates, 743,
750, 751-753, 759, 761. See also
Public officers

Civil Service Commission, its origin,
1. 624; the office described, 11.
559; its representation in Parlia-
ment, 310, 329 n.

Clergymen of the Established Church
of Scotland ineligible to be elected
to Parliament, ii. 199; as to holy
orders disqualifying for Parliament
or Bar, 199 n.

Clerks, the, of both Houses, 1. 628
in public offices. See Public


Cloete, Hon. H., Recorder of Natal,
case of, 11. 898

Coalition (the) ministry (1783), 1.142
definition of, 1. 237

objection to, 11. 160, 168

Coast fortifications, contracts for, 1.

Cochrane, Lord, case of, 1. 585
Cockburn, Chief Justice, charge in
case of Nelson and Brand, 1. 548-

Colenso controversy, 1. 508-510
Colleges, see Universities

Collier, Sir A. P., case of, 1. 678
Colonial appeals to Privy Council,
11. 677

— bishops, 1. 511, 515


church, position of the, 1. 506;
11. 642

defences, 1. 435

governors, appointment of, 11.

-judges, 11. 880-909. See also

secretary, office of, 11. 637-642;
patronage of, 641; business of
office, 645

- self-government, 11. 640
Colonies, Church of England in, 1.

Combermere v. Dickson, 1. 347 n.,
498 n.

Commander-in-chief, office of, 1. 122,
528; motion to reduce salary of,
671; formerly associated with seat
in cabinet, 11. 201; definition of
duties of, 747-749
Commissions: of enquiry, 1. 431;
permanent and temporary, their
representation in Parliament, ii.
305, 326; the issue and control of
royal, statutory and departmental,
431-452; their scope and powers,
434; appointment of, 435; choice
of members of, 437-440; compen-
sation to, 441; compulsory powers
of, 442; extraordinary powers of,
443; internal proceedings of, 445;
expenses of, 446; secretary of,
447; in relation to Parliament, 448,

Committee of the whole House
(Lords), statutory provision given
to continue proceedings of a cer-
tain, after prorogation or dissolu-
tion of Parliament, 11. 863


Committee of Supply, appointment of
1. 732; proceedings in, 751; discus-
sion on military and naval estimates
before first vote, 752; civil service
estimates in, Ib.; effect of debates
in, 762; resolutions reported from,
785; who may propose votes in,
11. 461


intrusions of, in concerns of execu-
tive government, 1. 419; select,
on public questions, 428-439;
nature and constitution of, 429,
430; result of enquiries of, 431;
precedents of proceedings of com-
mittees, 432-439; have not power
to recommend compensation to
individuals for losses unless by
previous sanction of the Crown,
692; in Cape of Good Hope, can-
not recommend grants of land,
699; departmental, 11. 450. See
also Supply

standing orders relating to, ii.
924. See also Select Committees
Commons, House of, relations be-
tween House of Lords and, 1. 37;
position of the, 43; decides the
fate of ministries, 44; rising power
of the, 71, 72; when its power
was fully attained, 73; early
efforts to check the Privy Coun-
cil, 76; advise increase of the
council, 79; emancipated from
control of the crown by abolition
of nomination boroughs, &c., 136;
right to express opinion on choice
of ministers by the sovereign, 197;
right to advise the crown, 417;
defects of, 418; encroachments of,
421; cannot lay restrictions on
exercise of royal prerogative, 425 ;
does not vote money unless re-
quired by the crown, 689; and
only on application of the crown,
699; resolutions or address in
favour of particular expenditure,
699; law of eligibility for, 11. 321
Commune concilium regni, 1. 60, 65
Competitive examination, system of,
1. 623, 626, 676; 11. 534
Comptroller and auditor-general,

office of, 11. 569; assistant, Ib.
'Confederate rams,' case of, 1. 574 n.
Confidential reports, 1. 442; papers
withheld from Parliament, 359,
360. See Secrets of state


Conscience clause, in trust deeds of
schools, 11. 705
'Conservative' and 'Liberal,' origin
of terms, 1. 137 n.
Consolidated Fund, 1. 733, 737
Consort, Prince, death of the, 1. 288;
his aid to the Queen, 289; house-
hold of, 293; as private secretary
to the Queen, 298; constitutional
position of, 299-304; his services,
Constitution, contrast between
theory and practice of the, 1. 6;
Mr. Disraeli on the, 25; growth of,
104; defined, 384; harmonious
working of monarchical, aristo-
cratic and democratic elements in,
11. 520

Constitutional government, defini-
tion of, 1. 1, 384; development,
69; review of the history of, from
Norman Conquest to William of
Orange, 102; epoch of, 1782, 138
Contracts, entered into by public
departments, i. 488-493; control
of, by Parliament, 488, 490, 766-
784; s. o. concerning, 490; 11.
926; that require approval of
House of Commons, 1. 493; for
public service, in excess of esti-
mates, 766, 768; require sanction
of Parliament, 767; for military
works, Ib.; for new works, 769;
postal, 771, 776-784; packet and
telegraphic, 771

Control over revenue, 11. 2-27
Convictions, erroneous, 1. 585–588
Convocation of bishops and clergy, 1.


Copyhold, Inclosure and Tithe Com-
mission, expenses of, 11. 446

Corn Laws, repeal of the, 1. 208-
210, 212-214, 216

Coronation oath, 1. 57 n., 260. See
also Sovereign

Corporate vested rights in United
States, 1. 606

Corporations, power to create, 1.
598, 601; private, 602; power of
Parliament to dissolve, 603; pre-
cedents concerning, 603–606
Correspondence, private and confi-
dential, publication of, 1. 360 n.;
motion for, 441

Corrupt practices, 1.575

Council of state (1648-53), 1. 98

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