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From this time the membership increased and reached about two hundred in December, 1907. At the first annual meeting, held in Madison, December 30-31, Henry W. Farnam was elected President, John R. Commons, Secretary, Irene Osgood, Assistant Secretary, and Lucien S. Hanks, Treasurer. Owing to the resignation of Dr. Weber as Secretary, the headquarters were moved from New York City to Madison, Wis. The constitution was amended to authorize the forming of local sections in each state; the General Administrative Council was enlarged to fifty, and a Local Executive Committee was formed to coöperate with the Secretary.

The papers read at this meeting by Professors Ely, Henderson, Urdahl, and Seager form the second part of this report.


At the conference of the International Association held at Geneva, September, 1906, Robert Hunter represented the American Section. At this meeting resolutions were passed advising the different sections to take up the following subjects for investigation and report:

I. The Administration of Labor Laws.

[blocks in formation]

It has been impossible for the American Section to deal with all of these subjects. Professor Henry R. Seager has collected reports on the administration of labor bu

reaus of the States of New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Oregon. These will be published in a forthcoming bulletin of the International Office. Plans have been formulated for an investigation into industrial accidents, diseases, and poisons. Other investigations are under way, but not yet ready for publication.


Besides the Bulletin of the International Labor Office, the American Section has arranged for a Department on Labor Legislation in Charities and the Commons, to be conducted by the Secretary. Monographs and bulletins on various subjects will be prepared and printed by the Wisconsin Bureau of Labor Statistics.


The American Association for Labor Legislation is supported entirely by membership fees and voluntary subscriptions. Most of the European Sections receive subventions from their governments. The United States Government formerly contributed $200 a year to the International Association.

The work of the American Association is becoming more and more valuable to the different State Bureaus by promoting sound legislation and in establishing equality between the different states, in labor legislation. It is to be hoped that subventions may soon be received from the different State Bureaus. Several individuals, who have felt the importance of the work of the Association, have also contributed sums ranging from $3.00 to $100.00. We desire this class of subscriptions to increase constantly.



Adopted Feb. 15, 1906.

Amended Dec. 30, 1907.

At the First Annual Meeting the Constitution was amended to read as follows:


This Society shall be known as the American Association for Labor Legislation.


The aims of this Association shall be:

I. To serve as the American branch of the International Association for Labor Legislation, the aims of which are stated in the appended Article of its Statutes.

2. To promote the uniformity of labor legislation in the United States.

3. To encourage the study of labor legislation.


Members of the Association shall be elected by the Local Executive Council. Eligible to membership are individuals, societies and institutions that adhere to its aims and pay the necessary subscriptions. The minimum annual fee for individuals shall be one dollar, or three dollars if the member wishes to receive the Bulletin of the International Association. The minimum annual fee for societies and institutions shall be five dollars, and they shall receive one copy of the Bulletin, and for each two-dollar subscription an additional copy.


The officers of the Association shall be a president, ten vice-presidents, a secretary and a treasurer. There shall be also a General Administrative Council consisting of the officers and not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty other persons. The General Administrative Council shall have power to fill vacancies in its own ranks and in the list of officers; to appoint an executive committee from among its own members and such other committees as it shall deem wise; to appoint a Local Executive Council of five members to

cooperate with the secretary; to frame by-laws not inconsistent with this constitution; to choose the delegates of the Associ tion to the Committee of the International Association; to conduct the business and direct the expenditures of the Association. It shall meet at least twice a year and on each occasion shall determine the date of the succeeding meeting. Eight members shall constitute a quorum.


Local Sections of this Association may be constituted in any city or state upon certification by the secretary and the Local Executive Council. They shall be governed by the following by-laws:

SECTION 1. The name of this Association is the

Section of the American Association for Labor Legislation.

SEC. 2. Eligible to membership are members of the American Association for Labor Legislation residing in Members

of the American Association for Labor Legislation become members of this local by vote of the Executive Committee of this local section. SEC. 3. The purpose of this section is to promote the work of the American Association for Labor Legislation in general, also in special relation to the needs of the state of

SEC. 4 Expenses of this section shall be met by voluntary contributions of members and others.

SEC. 5. The officers of this section shall be a president and a secretary-treasurer, who, with three other members, shall constitute the Executive Committee.

SEC. 6. The Executive Committee shall administer the affairs of the section and report at annual or called meetings of members of the section. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to arrange programs for discussion of members, to institute and direct investigations, to take measures to increase the membership of the American Association for Labor Legislation, to promote publicity of the policies and recommendations of the American Association for Labor Legislation by publications and meetings.

SEC. 7. An annual meeting of the section for election of officers and for other business shall be held in October of each year.

SEC. 8. These by-laws may be amended at any annual or called meeting of the section, notice of the proposed amendment having been sent to each member at least one month in advance.


The annual meeting and other general meetings of members shall be called by the council and notice therefor shall be sent to members at least three weeks in advance. Societies and institutions shall be represented by two delegates each. The annual meeting shall elect the officers and other members of the council.

Amendments to the constitution after receiving the approval of the council may be adopted at any general meeting. Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum.

ARTICLE II OF THE STATUTES OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR LABOR LEGISLATION DEFINING THE AIMS OF THE ASSOCIATION. I. To serve as a bond of union to those who, in the different industrial countries believe in the necessity of protective labor legislation.

2. To organize an International Labor Office, the mission of which will be to publish in French, German and English a periodical collection of labor laws in all countries, or to lend its support to a publication of that kind. This collection will contain:

(A) The text or the contents of all laws, regulations and ordinances in force relating to the protection of workingmen in general, and notably to the labor of children and women, to the limitation of the hours of labor of male and adult workingmen, to Sunday rest, to periodic pauses, to the dangerous trades;

(B) An historical exposition relating to these laws and regulations;

(C) The gist of reports and official documents concerning the interpretation and execution of these laws and ordinances. 3. To facilitate the study of labor legislation in different countries, and, in particular, to furnish to the members of the Association information on the laws in force, and on their application in different states.

4 To promote, by the preparation of memoranda or otherwise, the study of the question how an agreement of the different labor codes, and by which methods international statistics of labor may be secured.

5. To call meetings of international congresses of labor legislation.

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