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Writing Fluid, Inks, and Mucilage.



Perforated Card-Board, Mottoes, Book-Marks, etc.,


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Largest Assortment of Orders of Dancing, Latest Novelties in MENU CARDS, Perforated Board and Mottoes, 155 WILLIAM and 64, 66, and 68 ANN STS., New York.


PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 381 WASHINGTON ST. AND 10 BROMFIELD ST., BOSTON, MASS. Publishers for American Tract Society of Boston, jobbers of Books and Stationery, manufacturers of Congress and Government Mucilage, Irving Ink, etc.


Fac-simile of Trade-mark, Patented, Water-marked in every sheet.

Royal Irish Linen



Are now receiving at their Agency, No. 17 NORTH FIFTH ST., PHILADELPHIA, full lines of their va rious manufactures, consisting of JUVENILE and other PUBLICATIONS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, SCRAP ALBUMS of various styles, NEWSPAPER-CUTTING BOOKS, SUNDAY-SCHOOL REWARD AND BIRTHDAY CARDS, CHROMOGRAPHS. Full lines of their celebrated CHRISTMAS AND NEW-YEAR CARDS in stock and arriving by every steamer; also, large WALL TEXTS, etc. Also a full stock of their Celebrated ROYAL IRISH LINEN AND PURE FLAX PAPER, in Reams and Papeteries, to which they respectfully invite the attention of the trade, ALFRED IRELAND, Agent, U. S., 17 North 5th Street, Philadelphia.




Every Packet bears the Fac-simile of his Signature,

eth Gilloth

Manufacturers' Warehouse,



HENRY HOE, Sole Agent.

Perry & Co.'s Steel Pens.


CAUTION.-Beware of worthless imitations. Every pen is stamped Perry & Co.

A Sample Card, containing leading styles of Pens, sent by mail on receipt of 25 cents.

PERRY & CO., London.

Branch House: 112 and 114 William Street, New York.

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Or, GRANDFATHER'S STRUGGLE FOR A HOMESTEAD. 16mo, paper, 50 cents. Cloth, illustrated, $1.

This very popular author's contribution to this popular series is a well-told story of the early settlers of our country, abounding in graphic pictures of Indian fights and wild animal hunts.

Both "Our Lucky Series" and "Our Sparkling Series" have proved universally successful, and no bookseller or news-dealer should fail to secure the new books.

The Humorous Book of the Year:


And other Poems. By CHARLES F. ADAMS. 12mo, cloth, richly bound, with 65 Humorous Illustrations. Leedle Yawcob Strauss," "Dot Baby off Mine," and "Der Drummer," with kindred Poems by the same author, have become famous "from Maine to Georgia." This book contains all his poems.



A HOME BOOK. Small 4to, cloth, $1.25.

A tasty volume, which the talented author has prepared for presentation to the newly-married, but of interest to all who delight in home.



Translated from the German of CLEMENTINE HELM by ROSA SACHS. trated, $1.50.

16mo, handsomely illus

A great favorite in the original. The translation has been carefully made, and it is destined to become very popular in America.

Something really Novel and Amusing.




Fifty Full-page Silhouette Illustrations.

By J. F. Goodridge. 4to, boards, 50 cents. Cloth, $1.

Personal Relations with the President

and Secretary of State..


This speech was prepared by Mr. Sumner for the

Senate, but withheld. It is of special interest now

that Mr. Sumner has been unjustly assailed.
Paper, 30 cents.

Send orders at once to prevent disappointment.

LEE & SHEPARD, Publishers, Boston.

S. W. GREEN, Printer, 16 and 18 Jacob Street, New York.

With which is incorporated the American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular


VOL. XII., No. 25.

NEW YORK, December 22, 1877.

WHOLE NO. 310.

"A great and noble work, rich in information, eloquent and scholarly in style, earnestly devout in feeling."-LONDON LITERARY WORLD.



With 12 Engravings on Steel. In two volumes.

Price, $8.


From Bishop Beckwith, of Georgia. "Since you sent me the copy of Dr. Geikie's 'Life and Words of Christ,' I have been so little at home, that it has been impossible for me to give it the careful examination which it deserves. Still, I have read it sufficiently to satisfy me of its great value, and that you are to be congratulated for giving to the American public a work of such interest.

"As a book of history, giving a clear statement of the condition of the world prior to and at the time of our Lord's coming, it furnishes an admirable commentary upon St. Paul's declaration in Galatians, that, when the fulness of the time had come, God sent forth his Son,' etc.

"Interwoven with our Lord's life, is the history of the Jews, their customs as a religious people, and their national and domestic life. The book, therefore, is of value, not merely to the theological student or the student of history, but the family. It furnishes information which every one should possess, and which thoughtful people will be glad to gain from so agreeable a teacher. I have not been able to examine the book with reference to the author's views upon the great doctrinal questions which divide Christendom sufficiently to form a judgment as to those views; his comment upon one or two doctrinal passages, I have read, and I am led to believe and hope that he has been too wise to write in the interest of any party. If I am correct in this, it, of course, adds much to the value of what Dr. Geikie has done. Hoping that your enterprise may be crowned with success, believe me, most respectfully,

"JOHN W. BECKWITH, Bishop of Georgia." From Dr. John Hall.

"In these volumes (Life and Words of Christ') the resources of Christian literature are not disregarded; but the results reached, and not the processes, lie on the surface.

"Assuming that Andrews, Ellicott, Neander, Langé, and others of the same class, provide for the minute and curious inquirer, the author has aimed at producing a book of continuous, easy narrative, in which the reader may, as far as possible, see the Saviour of men live and move, and may hear the

words he utters with the most vivid attainable idea of his circumstances and surroundings. The result is a work to which all Christian hearts will respond, and which will render to its readers increasingly real the wonderful works and the gracious words of the Man Christ Jesus.'

"The value of the work is enhanced to scholars by a body of 'notes,' so placed as not to distract the attention of the general reader; and a good index facilitates reference. One must regard such issues of the American press with profound satisfaction. JOHN HALL, D.D.,

"Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church."

From Bishop Littlejohn, of Long Island. "Dr. Geikie has performed his task-the most difficult in biographical literature-with great ability. His pages evince abundant and accurate learning, and, what is of even more consequence, a simple and cordial faith in the Gospel narratives, which, while enabling him to profit by the best results of modern criticism, shields him from the temptation to tone down or dilute the supernatural and divine features of the character and ministry of Christ.

"The work is noteworthy for certain special merits when compared with any previous treatment of the same theme. Its style is fresh, animated, and vigorous. Its arrangement of the subject-matter is such as to present the parts of that wonderful life of the Son of God in their due co-ordination and interdependence, thereby producing on the reader's mind the impression of a continuous organic, divinely-ordered whole from the beginning to the end.

"Dr. Geikie's Life and Words of Christ' cannot fail to win the approval and admiration of an intelligent Christian public. The more widely it shall circulate, the more it will be regarded as a most valuable addition to a branch of sacred literature which ought, in every age, to absorb the best fruits of sacred scholarship, and to command the highest gifts of human genius.

"Bishop of Long Island."

D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 & 551 Broadway, New York.



DALE'S LECTURES ON PREACHING. By Rev. R. W. DALE, of Birmingham, Eng. Delivered at YALE COLLEGE, October, 1877. CONTENTS:

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A Critical History of the American War. By ASA MAHAN, D.D., First President of Oberlin College, author of "Science of Logic," etc. This book is the first ogical analysis of campaigns and battles, and the causes of victories or defeat. 461 pp., 8vo. $3.

"It seems to me that his book will prove both interesting and instructive."-Lieut.-General M. W. SMITH, of the British Army.

Life of P. P. Bliss. By WHITTLE, MOODY and
SANKEY. With Steel Engravings of the BLISS FAMILY.
New Songs and Music. 10,000 called for within thirty days
after publication. Price, $2. By subscription only.
The Miracle of To-day; treating of the Mosaic
Account of Creation, or New Witnesses to the Oneness of
Genesis and Science. By CHAS. B. WARRING. 292 pp.,
12mo. $1.50.

Finney's Memoirs. By himself. $2.

"The most fascinating religious biography I ever read."Rev. Lyman Abbott. What a fiery John the Baptist he was!"-Rev. R. S. Storrs, D.D. "A wonderful volume it truly is."-Rev. T. L. Cuyler, D.D. "The reading of this book has stirred our blood."-Rev. T. De Witt Talmage. Abbott on the Acts of the Apostles. $1.75.

"For typographic finish, pictorial embellishment and illustration, condensation, richness, and freshness, we know nothing to equal it."-M. E. S. S. Journal, Dr. J. H. Vincent, Editor.

Abbott on Matthew and Mark. (1 vol.) $2.50.
John the Baptist. By H. R. REYNOLDS, D.D. $4.
The Priesthood. By E. MELLOR, D.D. $4.
The Vision of God. By HENRY ALLON, D.D. $2.50.
Spiritualism Explained. By ASA MAHAN, D.D.

Pilgrim Melodies (for Choirs). By J. E. SWEETSER. $1.25.

Vocal Culture. By Rev. Prof. E. P. THWING. 50c Atlas Essays. Vols. I. to III.


The Students' Common Place Book. Cyclopedia of Fact and Illustration. Interleaved for Additions. By Prof. HENRY J. Fox, D.D. This work combines a Printed Manual of Literature for handy reference, with the Blanks of an Index Rerum. 500 pp., 4to. $4.50 Poems of Consolation. A Poet's Gift to Sorrowing Mothers. Daintily embellished, 4to, full gilt. $1.50. The Working Classes in Europe, and other Essays; or, LABOR AND REPUBLICANISM. (Atlas Series, vol. III.) By THOMAS HUGHES, M.P., and other eminent writers. 183 pp., 8vo. $1.

"I should think it would make a very interesting and popular series."-H. W. Longfellow.

Formation of Religious Opinions. Hints to Young Men and Women. By Rev. RAY PALMER, D.D. 265 pp., 12mo. $1.25.

Ray Palmer's Poetical Works. $4.
True Success in Life. By RAY PALMER. $1.25.
Remember Me. RAY PALMER on The Communion.)

Battles of the Revolution. By Gen. H. B. CAR
RINGTON, U.S.A. 800 pp., royal 8vo. $6.

"Will fill an important place in the history not yet occu pied."-W. M. Evarts.

Principles and Acts of the Revolution. By H. NILES. (Reprint.) 522 pp., royal 8vo. $3.

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Barnes Centenary History: One Hundred Years of American Independence. Superbly illustrated. 700 pp., 8vo. $6.

History of New York City. By Mrs. MARTHA J. LAMB. Volume I. now ready (subscription). $10. History of Liberty. By JOHN F. AIKEN. $1. Lives of the Signers. By N. DWIGHT. $1.50. Seven Historic Ages. By ARTHUR GILMAN. $1.

Publishers' Principal Warehouse,


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Special positions, $5 per page extra. Applications for special pages will be honored in order of receipt. A deduction at the rate of $4 per page, throughout these terms, for each re-insertion of standing matter. Pages for re-insertion must be ordered kept standing. This makes rates for yearly standing pages as low as $8 after first insertion.

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HURD & HOUGHTON have just ready the promised volume of discourses on home and its relations, a subject always full of interest, by Dr. Charles H. Hall, of Brooklyn, a vigorous and incisive thinker. The title of the book is" The Church of the Household."

"THE Birth of Jesus," by Rev. H. A. Miles, just ready at Lockwood, Brooks & Co.'s, would be a good holiday gift to a rationalist. It is heterodox, but entirely reverent; thoughtful, suggestive, and very well worth reading by any one who is not afraid to see what can be said on the other side.

HARPER & BROTHERS, by vigorous enterprise, have succeeded in pushing through a second and larger edition of Prime's "Pottery and Porcelain" in time for holiday trade. The immediate success of this book, exhausting the first edition at once, is the more remarkable in view of the large number of publications this season, on this or similar subjects.

DODD, MEAD & Co. have had remarkable success with their Lubke's "History of Art," of which the second volume is now ready, just in the nick of time. The edition is almost entirely exhausted by wholesale orders, and those who have occasion to order copies must do so in a hurry. The second volume is much larger than the first, and contains special chapters and many plates found in neither the German nor English editions.

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THE last two publications of G. P. Putnam's Sons, for the year 1877, will be the third volume of their "Select British Essayists;" comprising "The Tatler," Guardian," and "Freeholder," and Mr. Frothingham's "Life of. Gerrit Smith." This last possesses special interest as the biography of a man of exceptional originality of character, and-of an active philanthropic life, and also as throwing light on the history of the anti-slavery movement. It con-. tains some valuable correspondence of the antislavery leaders, including some previously unpublished letters of Charles Sumner. A fine portrait of Gerrit Smith has been engraved for the book by Bannister, and it contains also some further illustrations on wood.

THE most important work on Ireland and its interests issued in many years, "Sullivan's New Ireland," is just published by J. B. Lippincott & Co., to meet the demand, in a new and cheap edition, price $1. It throws a great deal of light on Fenianism, and on that Irish party in Parliament to which Mr. Sullivan belongs, and is therefore of great value to all. intelligent Irishmen, and not less so to the many Americans who have sympathized with the Irish in their struggle with the English rule. "The Ladye Chase," is the title of alittle volume by Bishop A. C. Coxe, author of Thoughts on the Service," Impressions of England," etc., now republished as entirely revised by the author.

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LEE & SHEPARD have now ready the longannounced book, "The Simple Truth," by Rev. Robert Collyer, intended primarily, as a gift by a clergyman to the happy couples he marries, to help them keep happy and grow happier. Everybody who knows Mr. Collyer will readily imagine how hearty, manly, and helpful a book it must be. They also have ready"Princess Eve," said to be an engaging story, translated from the German of Clementine Helm by Rosa Sachs, and equipped with good illustrations; and the speech that Senator Sumner prepared describing his Personal Relations with the President and Secretary of State," a speech which he never delivered, and which may very properly be printed now, when, as his friends believe, he is very unjustly criticised and purposely misrepresented.


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J. R. OSGOOD & Co. publish this week C. and Michael-Angelo," of which we spoke last C. Perkins' admirable volume on "Raphael week; a duodecimo edition of "Child-Life in Pictures," twenty-four Heliotype engravings of Pictures by Reynolds, Greuze, Eddis, Landseer, and others; Col. Waring's travel sketches in eastern France, "The Bride of the Rhine; or, Two Hundred Miles in a Row Boat on the Moselle," charming in description and beautiful with abundant pictures; 44 Manners and Customs of Ye Harvard Student," a series of cartoons by Francis Gilbert Attwood, representing, with some caricature and a deal of underlying truth, the less studious and quiet life and habits of some of the blithe young men at Cambridge-not a coarse book, but a humorous. and enjoyable one; and, as the new volume ... the English and Foreign Philosophical Library "Outlines of the History of Religion to the Supremacy of the Universal Religions," thoughtful and important work by Prof. C. P. Tiele, of Holland, translated by J. Estlin Carpenter.


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