OF FRENCH TRANSLATION: OR EXTRACTS FROM THE BEST ENGLISH AUTHORS AND ALSO PASSAGES TRANSLATED FROM CONTEMPORARY FRENCH WRITERS ARRANGED PROGRESSIVELY, WITH IDIOMATIC NOTES. BY ALPHONSE MARIETTE, M.A., PROFESSOR OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE SECOND EDITION, ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. WILLIAMS AND NORGATE, 14, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON; AND 20, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, EDINBURGH. 1860. 270. c. 206. PREFACE. I OFFER this Second Edition to students of French in this country with the more confidence, as the success of the First has exceeded my expectations. In order still further to deserve the kind welcome which this unpretending little volume has met with, I have endeavoured to render it more generally useful by arranging the extracts progressively, by giving many more idiomatic notes, by replacing several pieces by others more interesting, and also adding biographical foot-notes here and there, and an Appendix of Biographical Notices of the principal French writers of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. The selection from British and American authors in the First Part will, I think, be found as complete and varied as so small a compass could possibly admit. |