| 1866 - 728 páginas
...the Parliament of Canada. 101. The Parliament of Canada, may, notwithstanding anything in this Act from Time to Time provide for the Constitution, Maintenance,...for the better Administration of the Laws of Canada. 129. Except as otherwise provided by this Act, all Laws in force in Canada, Nova Scotia, yr Xew Brunswick... | |
 | 1867 - 378 páginas
...the Parliament of Canada. 101. The Parliament of Canada may, notwithstanding anything in this Act, from time to time, provide for the constitution, maintenance,...the establishment of any additional Courts for the administration of the laws of Canada." The uniformity of laws in Ontario, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick,... | |
 | Canada. Parliament - 1889 - 496 páginas
...including the procedure in criminal mattere " ; and that (sec. 101) " The Parliament of Canada may provide for the constitution, maintenance and organization of a general Court of Appeal for Canada for the better administration of the laws of Canada." It is submitted that this Act gives to the Parliament... | |
 | Québec (Province) - 1867
...theparliament of Canada. 101. The parliament of Canada may, notwithstanding anything in this act, from to time, provide for the constitution, maintenance,...for the better administration of the laws of Canada. Creation of con. solidated revenue fund. Expenses of collection, <tc. Interest of provincial public... | |
 | John MacMullen, John Mercier McMullen - 1868 - 666 páginas
...anything in this act, from time to time, provide for the constitution, maintenance, and organisation of a general Court of Appeal for Canada, and for the...for the better administration of the laws of Canada. REVENUES — DEBTS — ASSETS— TAXATION. loz. All duties and revenues over which the respective Legislatures... | |
 | 1875 - 440 páginas
...that statute it is provided: " The parliament of Canada may, noAvithatanding any thing in thia act, from time to time provide for the constitution, maintenance...organization of a general court of appeal for Canada." Sir John A. Macdouald made two or three attempts to establish such a court, but on each occasion he... | |
 | 1901 - 542 páginas
...Parliament of Canada from time to time to provide for the constitution, maintenance, and organisation of a General Court of Appeal for Canada, and for the...for the better administration of the laws of Canada (s. 101). Pursuant to this provision, the Canadian Parliament passed an Act in 1875 to establish a... | |
 | 1872 - 384 páginas
...jurisdiction?—unless the enactment of the 101st section, which gives the Dominion the power of establishing any additional courts for the better administration of the laws of Canada, means that, notwithstanding the power so conferred on the Provincial Legislatures, the same jurisdiction... | |
 | Canada. Parliament. House of Commons - 1873 - 154 páginas
...Canada. 1OI. The Parliament of Canada may, ge notwithstanding anything in this Act, from Ap"cal,ic Time to Time, provide for the Constitution, Maintenance,...VIII.— REVENUES ; DEBTS; ASSETS; TAXATION. Creation of 1 02. All Duties and Revenues over which «Tre°venue the respective Legislatures of Canada, Nova fund.... | |
 | Nova Scotia - 1873 - 1020 páginas
...Geperat court anything in this Act, from time to time, provide for the con- ofaPPeftl'*<!stitution, maintenance, and organization of a General Court of...of the laws of Canada. VIII. — REVENUES ; DEBTS j ASSETS ; TAXATION. 102. All duties and revenues over which the respective Creation of Legislatures... | |
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