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Char. Oh! Careless, you are just come in time, we are

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Char. No, no, he may do that afterwards, if he will. But Careless, you shall be auctioneer.

Care. With all my heart I handle a hammer as well as a dice box a going, a going *).

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Char. But what's the matter, my little Premium? You don't seem to relish this business.

Sir Oliv. [Affecting to laugh] Oh yes, I do, vastly; ha, ha, ha, Oh the prodigal!

Char. Very true; for when a man wants money, who the devil can he make free with if he can't with his own relations.


Sir Oliv. [Following] I'll never forgive him.

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Enter Charles, Sir Oliver, Careless, and Moses.

Char. Walk in, gentlemen, walk in; here they are

the family of the Surfaces up to the Conquest **).

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Sir Oliv. And, in my opinion, a goodly collection.

Char. Ay, there they are, done in the true spirit and style of portrait painting, and not like your modern Raphaels ***), who will make your picture independent of your no, the great merit of these are, the inveterate like


*) A going - a going

dritten! zum

gone, zum ersten, zum zweiten und **) Die Eroberung Englands durch Herzog Wilhelm von der Normandie, den 14ten Oktober 1066, in welchem Jahre dieser den Englischen König Harald gänzlich besiegte. Die Schlacht fiel bei Hastings in Sussex vor. Die Regierung der Normannischen Könige dauerte 88 Jahr. ***) Stricke von Raphael.

ness they bear to the originals. All stiff and aukward as they were, and like nothing in human nature besides.

Sir Oliv. Oh, we shall never see such figures of men


Char. I hope not

You see, Mr. Premium, what a domestic man I am; here I sit oft an evening surrounded by my To your But come, let us proceed to business pulpit, Mr. Auctioneer Oh, here's a great chair of father's that seems fit for nothing, else.


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Care. The very thing but what shall I do for a hammer, Charles? An auctioneer is nothing without a hammer. Char. A hammer! [looking round]

we here


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Sir Richard, heir to Robert

Let's see, what have

a genealogy in full, Here, Careless, you shall have no common bit of

mahogany; here's the family tree, and now you may knock down my ancestors with their own pedigree.


Sir Oliv, What an unnatural

facto parricide.

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Care, Gad, Charles, this is lucky; it will not only serve for a hammer, but à catalogue too, if we should want it. Char. True Come, here's my great uncle Sir Richard Ravelin, a marvellous good general in his day. He served in all the Duke of Marlborough's wars, and got that cut over his eye at the battle of Malplaquet *) in feathers ** like our modern captains, and regimentals, as a general should be. Premium?

He is not dressed out but enveloped in wig What say you

Mos Mr. Premium would have you speak.


Char. Why, you shall have him for ten pounds, and I'm sure that's cheap enough for a staff officer.

Sir Oliv. Heaven deliver me! his great uncle Sir Richard going for ten pounds [Aside] Well, Sir, I take him at

that price,

Char Careless, knock down my uncle Richard.

*) John Churchill Herzog und Graf von Marlborough, geb. zu Asche in Devonshire, gest. 1722, war ein gro fser Held seiner Zeit und machte sich insonderheit durch den blutigen Sieg berühmt, den er 1709 bei dem Dorfe Malplaquet im ehemaligen Französischen Hennegau, in Vereinigung mit dem Prinzen Eugen, über die vom Marschall von Villars kommandirten Franzosen erföcht. **) Feathers, Federbische auf

den Hüthen.

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Care. Going, going a-going


Char. This is a maiden sister of his, my great aunt Deborah, done by Kneller *), thought to be one of his best pictures, and esteemed a very formidable likeness. There she sits, as a shepherdess feeding her flock. You shall have her for five pounds ten **). I'm sure the sheep are worth the


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Sir Oliv. Ah, poor aunt Deborah! a woman that set such a value on herself, going for five pounds ten Well, Sir, she's mine.


Char. Knock down my aunt Deborah, Careless.
Care. Gone.

Char. Here are two cousins of theirs Moses, these pictures were done when beaux wore perriwigs, and ladies their own hair.

Sir Oliv. Yes, truly head dresses seem to have been somewhat lower in those days.

Char. Here's a grandfather of my mother's, a judge well known on the western circuit ***). What will you give for him? Mos. Four guineas.

Char. Four guineas! why you don't bid the price of his wig. Premium, you have more respect for the woolsack ****); do let me knock him down at fifteen.

Sir Oliv. By all means.

Care. Gone.

Char. Here are two brothers, William and Walter Blunt, Esqrs., both members of parliament, and great speakers; and what's very extraordinary, I believe this is the first time they were ever bought or sold.

Sir Oliv. That's very extraordinary indeed! them at your own price, for the honour of parliament. Char. Well said, Premium.


Care. I'll knock 'em down at forty pounds


I'll take

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*) Gottfried Kneller, ein berühmter Porträtmaler, geb. zu Lübeck im Jahre 1648. Er begab sich nach England, wo ihn Wilhelm III zum Ritter und Baronett ernannte, und starb zu London um das Jahr 1717. **) Nämlich shillings. ***) Western circuit, s. die Anmerkungen zum ersten Theil S. 172 und S. 544- ****) Die zwölf Königlichen Richter sitzen im Parliament, wo sie indessen selten erscheinen, auf einem Wollsack, der die Gestalt einer Bank hat. Als Richter haben sie nicht Sitz und Stimme im Parliament.

Char, Here's a jolly, portly fellow; I don't know what relation he is to the family; but he was formerly mayor of Norwich, let's knock him down at eight pounds.

Sir Oliv. No, I think six is enough for a mayor.


Come, come, make it guineas *), and I'll throw you the two aldermen into the bargain.

Sir Oliv. They are mine.

Char, Careless, knock down the mayor and aldermen,
Care. Gone.

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Char. But hang it, we shall be all day at this rate; 'come, come, give me three hundred pounds, and take all on this side the room in a lump That will be the best way. Sir Oliv. Well, well, any thing to accommodate you; they are mine. But there's one portrait you have always passed over.

Care. What, that little ill-looking fellow over the settee. Sir Oliv. Yes, Sir, 'tis that I mean but I don't think him so ill-looking a fellow by any means.

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Char. That's the picture of my uncle Sir Oliver Before he went abroad it was done, and is esteemed a very great likeness

Care. That your uncle Sir Oliver! Then in my opinion you will never be friends, for he is one of the most sternlooking rogues I ever beheld; he has an unforgiving eye, and a damn'd disinheriting countenance. Don't you think so, little Premium?

Sir Oliv. Upon my soul I do not, Sir; I think it as ho nest a looking face as any in the room, dead or alive — But I suppose your uncle Oliver goes with the rest of the lumber. Char. No, hang it, the old gentleman has been very good to me, and I'll keep his picture as long as I have a room to put it in.

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Sir Oliv. The rogue's my nephew after all I forgive him every thing. [Aside.] But Sir, I have somehow taken a · fancy to that picture.

Char. I am sorry for it, master Broker, for you certainly won't have it What the devil, have you not got enough of the family?

*) Make it guineas, geben Sie eben so viele Guineen, als Sie Pfund geben wollten; eine Guinee beträgt nämlich 21 Schilling, ein Pfund nur 20.

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Sir Oliv. I forgive him every thing. [Aside.] Look'ye, Sir, I am a strange sort of a fellow, and when I take a whim

in my head I don't value money: I'll give you as much for that as for all the rest.

Char. Pr'ythee don't be troublesome part with it; and there's an end on't.

I tell you I won't

I did not

Sir Oliv. How like his father the dog is perceive it before, but I think I never saw so strong a resemblance. [Aside.] Well, Sir, here's a draft for your sum.

[Giving a bill.]

Char. Why this bill is for eight hundred pounds.
Sir Oliv. You'll not let Sir Oliver go, then.
Char. No, I tell you, once for all,


Sir Oliv. Then never mind the difference, we'll balance that some other time But give me your hand [presses it]; you are a damn'd honest fellow, Charles O lord! I beg pardon, Sir, for being so free Come along Moses. Char. But hark ye, Premium, you'll provide good lodgings for these gentlemen,


Sir Oliv. I'll send for 'em in a day or two,

Char. And pray let it be a genteel conveyance, for I assure you most of 'em have been used to ride in their own carriages,

Sir Oliv. I will for all but Oliver.

Char. For all but the honest little Nabob.

Sir Oliv. You are fixed on that.

Char. Peremptorily...

Sir Oliv. Ah the dear extravagant dog! [Aside.] Good day Sir. Come, Moses. Now let me see who dares call

him profligate.

[Exit with Moses. ]'

Care. Why, Charles, this is the very prince of brokers. Char, I wonder where Moses got acquainted with so honest a fellow. But, Careless, step into the company; I'll wait on you presently, I see old Rowley coming.

Care. But hark'ye, Charles, don't let that fellow make you part with any of that money to discharge musty old debts. Tradesmen, you know, are the most impertinent people in the world.

Char. True, and paying them would only be encourag

ing them,

Care. Well, settle your business, and make what haste [Exit.]

you can.

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