Imágenes de páginas

On the 1st of Nov. was published, price 35s. by Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, ARLIAMENTARY PAPERS and ABSTRACTS for the SESSION of 1827-8; containing, carefully arranged under appropriate heads, the substance of all important Papers laid before Parliament during the Session.

These Papers consist of Reports of Committees of each House; of Financial, Mercantile, Agriculture, Legal, and Statistical returns of every description; and of Treaties and Correspondence with Foreign States, &c. &c.

In their original shape, the Papers are equal to twenty or thirty folio volumes annually; they are not printed for general distribution; and whether as regards their bulk, their expense, or their intricacy, may be considered as virtually inaccessible to the public.

In the present work, every document of importance is given entire, and by means of abridgment, abstract, and selection, the substance of all the others is faithfully conveyed to the public. The arrangement is such, that any document may be found without loss of time; and the price of the whole is scarcely more than that of an Index to the original Papers, so that even to Members possessing those Papers, it will afford great facilities of reference and research.

The Abstracts for the present year contain the Reports and numerous Returns on the subject of the Corn Trade, Foreign Trade, and Navigation; together with Tables of all Imports and Exports; the Emigration Report and Evidence, Pauper Lunatics Report and Evidence; the Report on Labourers' Wages, on Criminal Commitments and Convictions; on the Arigna Mining Company; on Education in Ireland, &c. &c.; the general Finance and East India Accounts; numerous Returns on the subject of the Poor and Poor rates; Corres. pondence and Returns relative to the Slave Trade and the Colonies; and Treaties with Foreign Powers.

The Abstracts for last year, contain the Emigration, the Chancery, and Jacob's Corn Reports, entire; the Finance Accounts, en. tire; the East India Accounts; Copious Documents relating to Ireland, the Colonies, and the Slave Trade; Correspondence with Foreign Powers, &c. &c.

The Abstracts for 1825 contain similar Accounts for that year.

The documents comprised in these vo lumes are not only interesting to the reader of the present day, but are permanently useful for the purpose of future history and research. The information they contain is of the most authentic and valuable kind, and important alike to the Merchant, the Man of Letters, and the Statesman.

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Handsomely printed in One Vol. 8vo. with a Portrait and Fac-Simile, price 9s. Bds. the SECOND EDITION of

MEMOIRS of the LIFE and

WRITINGS of LINDLEY MURRAY, in a Series of Letters, written by Himself. With a Preface, and a Continuation of the Memoirs, by ELIZABETH FRANK.

Published by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London; and Wilson and Sons, York.

"We have found in these pages attractions of a rare and truly fascinating description.”—Monthly Review, Nov 1826.

"This volume cannot fail to instruct as well as to gratify all who peruse it."-Electic Review, Dec. 1626.

"The name of Lindley Murray is so well known, and so justly respected, wherever the English lauguage is spoken, that a memoir of his truly exemplary and pious life cannot but be acceptable to the public."-Christian Observ. Nov. 1826.

"of the volume before us we cannot speak too highly, nor can we recommend it too warmly."Gent's Mag. Dec. 1826.

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This day is published, Part IX. of



GREECE; engraved in the best Line-Manner, from Drawings by H. W. WILLIAMS, Esq. Edinburgh; containing 1. Mountains of Locri Ozola. 2. Mount Olympus. 3. Fountain at Vostizza. 4. Mount Helicon. 5. Mount Citharon.

No. X. will be published in Nov. 1827. In Imperial 8vo. 12s.; Proofs on India Paper, royal 4to. 11. is.; a few Impressions taken of on India Paper, before the Descriptive Writing, 11. 11s. 6d.

Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London; and Adam Black, Edinburgh.

This day is published, in 1 Vol. 8vo.


POLITICAL ECONOMY; or, the Government, Religion, and Institutions most conducive to Individual Happiness, and to National Power. By T. R. EDMUNDS, A. B. Trinity College, Cambridge.

"Do unto others as you would they should do unto you."

Effingham Wilson, Royal Exchange.

Nearly ready for publication,


on the


CLIMATE of TORQUAY and the SOUTHERN PART of DEVONSHIRE generally, comprising an Estimate of its value as a remedial agent in Pulmonary Disorders, and Tabular Abstracts of a series of Meteorological Journals, kept in the South of Devon from 1807 to 1827. which is added, a Practical Inquiry into the comparative merits of the various Remedies and Modes of Treatment employed in the Prevention or Cure of Pulmonary Consumption. By WILLIAM SCULLY, M.D. Member Extraordinary of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh; Resident Physician at Torquay, &c.

Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London.


New Works published by B. J. Holdsworth, 18, St. Paul's Church-yard, London; and Waugh and Innes, Edinburgh.



9. HISTORY of the TRANSMISSION of ANCIENT BOOKS to Modern Times; or, a Concise Account of the Means by which the Genuineness and Authenticity GENERAL INDEX of of Ancient Historical Works are ascertained. By ISAAC TAYLOR, Jun. Svo. 8s.

the FOURTH Edition of CALMET'S DICTIONARY of the BIBLE and the FRAGMENTS, comprising an Alphabetical list of subjects, and a methodical arrangement of Texts, illustrated or explained; to which is prefixed a SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS, or General Outline of the Work. 4to. price 5s. boards.

**The above Index is the result of much labour, and has been compiled by a competent person. A few extra copies of the Scientific Analysis have been printed, which may be had through any bookseller, on application, (gratis) by persons wishing to be made acquainted with the contents of Calmet's valuable Dictionary and the Frag


2. A DEFENCE of the MISSIONS in the Sandwich and other Islands; in reply to the Misrepresentations in a late number of the "Quarterly" on that Subject. By the REV. W. ORME. 8vo. price 3s.

In this Defence will be found some interesting and important documents on the subject supplied by the American Missionaries to the Sandwich Islands.

3. MEMOIRS, including Correspondence and other Remains of Mr. JOHN URQUHART, late of the University of St. Andrews, by the Rev. W. ORME, 2 Vols. 12mo. price 10s. boards, with a Portrait, and recommendatory Letter of Dr. CHALMERS,

4. The WIDOW'S TALE, and other POEMS, by BERNARD BARTON, 12mo. 5s. 6d. Just published.

"We should always rejoice to see this volume on any table."-Literary Gazette, March 1827. "This interesting little volume contains some of the sweetest poetry Mr. Barton has ever written." Literary Magnet, April 1827.

Also, by the same Author,

5. DEVOTIONAL VERSES, 12mo. price 68. 6d.


"Mr. Barton's style is well suited to devotional poetry. It has great swee ness and pathos, accompanied with inconsiderable degree of power, which well qualify it for the expression of the higher and purer feelings of the heart."New Monthly Magazine, March.

6. REVIEWS: by the Rev. RoBERT HALL, A.M. Now first collected in one Vol. 8vo. price 5s. Third Edition.

7. Just published, The EIGHTH

EDITION of ESSAYS, in a Series of Letters on DECISION of CHARACTER, &c. By JOHN FOSTER, author of "an Essay on the Evils of Ignorance," &c. 8vo. price 19s.

The Rev. T. F. Dibdin, in page 87 of his "Library Companion," has the following observation: "Mr. Foster's Essays are full of ingenuity and original remark. The style of them is at once terse and elegant."

8. ORIENTAL OBSERVATIONS, and OCCASIONAL CRITICISMS, illustrating several hundred passages of Scripture. By JOHN CALLOWAY, late Missionary in Ceylon. 12mo. price 3s.

M. Taylor is deserving of much praise for the publication of this volume: his design is eenprehensive; his arrangement clear; and the lizalment of the several topics that engize him, at once concise and satisfactory.”—Menthly Review, Sept. 1827.

10. A COURSE of LECTURES on the EVIDENCES of REVELATION, deävered at the Monthly Meetings of the London Congregational Union.-By the Rev. W. Orme, Dr. Collyer, Rev. H. F. Burder, Stratten, Walford, Dr. J. Pye Smith, Rev. A. Reed, Curwen, Philip, Dr. Winter, Rev. J. Morison, and the Rev. Joseph Fletcher, A.M. 1 Vol. 8vo. price 10s. 6d.

11. MORELL'S (Rev. T. of Wymondley College) ELEMENTS of the HISTORY of PHILOSOPHY and SCIENCE, from the earliest Authentic Records to the Commencement of the Eighteenth Century. 1 Vol. 8vo. price 12s.-Just published. Also, by the same Author,

STUDIES in HISTORY; containing the History of ROME, GREECE, and ENGLAND, from the earliest Records, with Original Authorities, &c. &c. and Maps. 4 Vols. 12mo. price 11. Is.

Either volume may be had separate. 12. ELEMENTS of BIBLICAL CRITICISM and INTERPRETATION, with special reference to the New Testament. Translated from the Latin of Ernesti, Keil, Beck, and Morus, and accompanied with Notes. By MOSES STUART, of Andover, America. Re-published, with additional Observations. By E. HENDERSON, Author of "Biblical Researches and Travels in Russia," &c. 12mo. price 4s.


13. SELECTIONS from WORKS of Dr. JOHN OWEN. By the Rev. W. WILSON, D.D. With a Portrait and Memoir. 2 Vols. price 6s. boards, or 78. done up in a superior way.

"We are glad to find that the favourable reception given to the Editor's Selections from Archbishop Leighton, has induced him to extend his plan to other authors; and a very large class of theological readers will warmly appland his choice of Owen."-Electic Review, Sept. 1826.

14. SELECTIONS from the WORKS of the Rev. JOHN HOWE A.M. by the 2 Vols. 18mo. Rev. W. WILSON, D.D. price 6s. boards, or 7s. Cone up in a superior way.

Also, price 3, 6d. each, SELECTIONS from the WORKS of BISHOP HALL, DR. Doddridge, and ARCHBISHOP LEIGHTON.

15. ALLBUT'S ELEMENTS of USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, in Geography, Astronomy, Botany, Geology, Chronology, Natural Philosophy, and other Sciences. 14th Edition, revised and much improved. With eight superior Engravings. 12mo. price 4s. 6d. neatly half-bound.

"Such a work as this,-an Encyclopædia to a youthful Mind-would have been to us a treasury of delight had we met with it in our boyish days, and we therefore feel it a duty to recommend the present revised edition of an excellent compilation to the notice of Parents and Teachers."- Eclec. Rev. July 1627.


16. A VOCABULARY to CEDIPUS TYRANNUS of SOPHOCLES, on the plan of the Charterhouse Vocabularies, with Notes, Explanations, and References. By G. HUGHES, M.A. 12mo. 2s. 6d. bound.

17. SMITH'S (Dr. J. PYE) FOUR DISCOURSES on the Sacrifice, Priesthood, the Atonement, and the Redemption of Christ. 8vo. Second Edition, much enlarged, price 5s.

Also, by the same Author,

The SCRIPTURE TESTIMONY to the MESSIAH. 3 Vols. 8vo. 11. 14s.

18. JULIAN the APOSTATE, a Dramatic Poem. By SIR AUBREY DE VERE HUNT, Bart. 8vo. 2d Edit. 8s. 6d.

"It displays more dramatic invention, and contains fin r poetry, than any production with which it can tairly be brought into comparison. Lord Byron produced nothing equal to it, and Scott has nothing so intellectual or so elevated among his exquisite sketches.”—Eclectic Review, Nov.

19. MEMOIR of the late MISS JANE TAYLOR, by her Brother, ISAAC TAYLOR, Jun. with Extracts from her Correspondence, and Poetical Remains, 2 Vols. 12mo. Second Edition, price 12s.

20. On IDOLATRY, a POEM, by the Rev. WILLIAM SWAN, Missionary. With a Preface by the Rev. GREVILLE EWING. 12mo. 5s. 6d.-Just published.

"There is an ease, a freedom from mannerism, a refreshing simplicity in the versification, which reminds us of Dryden, Churchill, and Cowper, rather than of the style of modern poets."-Eclec tic, May 1827.

21. ELEMENTS of THOUGHT, or, First Lessons in the Knowledge of the Mind. By ISAAC TAYLOR, Jun. 12mo. 2d Edit. revised and enlarged, price 4s. 6d.

22. The LIFE of the Rev. PHILIP HENRY, A.M. By the Rev. MATTHEW HENRY, V.D.M. Enlarged with important additions, Notes, &c. by J. B. WILLIAMS, F.A.S. 1 Vol. 8vo. price 15s. with Portraits.

"We should hope that we have few readers to whom it can be necessary to recommend one of the most valuable pieces of biography extant."— Electic Review, April.

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56 Engravings on Wood, by the first Artists. Crown 8vo. 28s. bds.; Demy 8vo., with the Plates mounted on India Paper, 48s. bds. Proof Impressions of the Plates on large India Paper, for the Illustration of Histories of London, &c. 31s. 63. in a Portfolio.

"These Chronicles' deserve a place in every Library and will long remain a sterling record, both for literary recreation and reference." Literary Gazette. See also, The Times, Courier, Gentleman's and New Monthly Magazines, &c. &c.

Smith, Elder, and Co. 65, Cornhill.

This day is published, price 28s. Bds. with Two Maps, and Portraits of all the Incas, and Montezuma,


ISTORICAL REof PERU, MEXICO, BOGOTA, NATCHES, SEARCHES on the CONQUEST and TALOMECO, in the Thirteenth Century, by the MONGOLS, accompanied with Elephants; and the Local Agreement of History and Tradition with the Remains of Elephants and Mastodontes found in the New World: containing-Invasion of Japan from China-A Violent Storm- Mongols, with Elephants; land in Peru, and in Cali. History of Peru and Mexico, to the Conquest fornia- Very Numerous Identifications-by Spain-Grandeur of the Incas, and of Montezuma-On Quadrupeds supposed extinct-Wild Elephants in America -Tapirs in Asia-Description of two living Unicorns in Africa. By JOHN RANKING.

Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London.

Of whom may be had, by the same Author, HISTORICAL RESEARCHES on the WARS and SPORTS of the MONGOLS and ROMANS, in which Elephants and Wild Beasts were employed or Slain; and the Remarkable Local Agreement of History with the Remains of such Animals found in Europe and Siberia. With a Map In 1 Vol. 4to. 31. 3s. Bds.

23. A BIOGRAPHICAL POR- and Ten Plates.

M.A. Oxford. By his Son, JOHN HOWARD
HINTON, MA. Price 10s. 6d.


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This day is published, a New Edition, considerably enlarged, in 2 Vols. 8vo. price 11. 58. Bds. of



and ART; being a Familiar Introduction to Natural Philosophy and Chemistry: together with their Application to a Variety of Elegant and Useful Arts. By JOHN IMISON. A new Edition, considerably enlarged, and adapted to the Improved State of Science. By THOMAS WEBSTER, Sec. G.S.

Printed for C. and J. Rivington; J. CuBrown, and Green; T. Cadell; S. Bagster; thell; J. Nunn; Longman, Rees, Orme, J. Booth J. Booker; J. Murray; J. Richardson; Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy; Baynes and Son, Harding and Co.; Sherwood and Co., G. B. Whittaker; T. Tegg; Simpkin and Marshall; and E. Edwards.

This day is published, in a Series of Twelve Plates, with descriptive Letterpress, in royal 4to. price 21s. Bds. or India proofs, 11. 11s. 6d. Bds.


[blocks in formation]

PESTRE; displayed in Lodges, Gardeners' Houses, and other Buildings, composed of simple and economical forms In the modern or Italian style; introducing a picturesque mode of Roofing. By T. F. HUNT, Architect.

Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London.

Of whom may be had, by the same Author,

HALF A DOZEN HINTS on PICTURESQUE DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE, in a Series of Designs for Gate Lodges, Gamekeepers' Cottages, and other Rural Residences. 2d Edit. in 4to. 15s. Bds. or 21s. India Proofs, Bds.

DESIGNS for PARSONAGEHOUSES, ALMS-HOUSES, &c. &c. In a Series of Twenty-one Plates, with descriptive Letter-press, in rl. 4to. 21s. Bds. or India proofs, 11. 11s. 6d. Bds.

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This day is published, the 18th Edition considerably improved, price 18s. Bds. er 18s. 6d. hf.-bd. parchment back,





Aranged upon a plan entirely novel, and the whole re-modelled, augmented, and improved, by the addition of numerous new Roads and new admeasurements, with original and correct accounts of Noblemen and Gentlemen's Seats, Antiquities, Romantic Scenery, Curiosities, and other remarkable objects throughout the kingdom. Also, a Table of Population, Rates of Postage, and the times of the Arrival and Departure of the Mails.

Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green; J. M. Richardson: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy; J. Booker; C. Chapple; J. Martin; G. B. Whittaker; J. Sharpe; W. Reynolds; Simpkin and Marshall; E. Mogg; and J. Thomson.


This day is published, in f. c. 8vo. 8s. Bds. HE PELICAN ISLAND,


in 9 Cantos; and other Poems. By J. MONTGOMERY.

Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London.

Of whom may be had, by the same Author, SONGS of ZION, being IMITATIONS of PSALMS. The 2d Edit. in foolscap 8vo. price 58.

GREENLAND, and other Poems 3d Edit. 8s. Bds.

The WORLD before the FLOOD, 7th Edit. 9s.

The WEST INDIES, and other Poems, 6th Edit, 6s.

The WANDERER of SWITZER. LAND, 10th Edit. 6s.

Or the above, in 4 Vols. with uniform

AN EXPLANATION of the Tities, 21. Is. Bda.



containing 1st. Analysis and Refutation of Dr. Middleton's Theory.-2d. An Analysis of Matthiæ's Dissertation.-3d. An Appli cation of the Article to Obscure Passages in the New Testament. By JOHN JONES, LL.D. M.R.S.L.

This day is published, in 8vo. 78. 6d. Bds.



PORTS on WOODS and PLANTATIONS; showing a method to plant, rear, and recover all Woods. Plantatious, and Timber Trees, of every soil and situa

Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, tion, in Britain and Ireland; containing and Green, London.

[blocks in formation]

demonstrative proof of the great profits to be derived from Planting; means of ascertaining the comparative Tanning principles of all kinds of Barks; with plans for employing the Operatives, and improving the Waste Lands of Great Britain and Ireland. In a Letter to the Right Hon. ROBERT PEEL. BY ROBERT MONTEATH, Author of the Forester's Guide, and Profitable Planter, &c.

Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London; J. Chalmers, Dundee; W. Curry and Co. Dublin; Smith and Son, Glasgow; J. Foreman, Stirling; C. Sidey and Son, Perth; and Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh.

Early in November will be published, price 12s. elegantly bound,

This day are published, in 1 thick Vol. 12mo. 9s. boards,


FOR 1828.


This highly popular work, which, next to the "Forget-me-not," led the way to the present excellence of the English Annuals, will be published this year with advantages far superior to those of any former volume. Its Embellishments will consist of the most beautiful specimens of Art, which are executed by Engravers of the highest character; and the Literary department will comprise the Prose and Poetical contributions of the most Eminent writers of the present day. The Illustrations have been chosen from pictures of first-rate merit, several of which have been painted expressly for the "Friendship's Offering;" and the greatest care has been taken to render the Literary contents as spirited, interesting, and varied as possible. The proprietors trust, there fore, that the volume for 1828 will be found not only deserving the high favour which the work has already received, but fully equal to its various competitors. The present volume will be delivered at the usual price of Twelve Shillings, in a peculiar and unrivalled style of Binding, uniting the qualities of elegance and durability in a manner never before attempted in publications of

this class.

A few sets of Proofs are taken from the Plates, on India and French papers; for which, early application to the publishers will be necessary.

ELECT SPECIMENS of ENGLISH POETRY, from the Reign of Queen Elizabeth to the present Time; with an Introduction. By GEORGE WALKER, M.A. late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; Head Master of the Grammar School, Leeds.

By the same Author,

SELECT SPECIMENS of ENGLISH PROSE, from the Reign of Queen Elizabeth to the present time, with an Introduction. 9s. boards.

"The two compilations contain sever Lof the finest masterpieces of our language, and can hardly fail, we imagine, of becoming highly popular."Monthly Review.

London: printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green; and Robinson and Hernaman, Leeds.

On Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1828, will be published, price is. the First Number of the


Literature, Religion, & Philosophy. CONTENTS:-I. Confessions of an Infidel, Part 1. II. On Prejudice in Philosophy. III. Toplady's Marginal Notes on Wesley, with Comments. IV. On Periodical Literature. V. Poetry-A Christmas Chaunt. VI. Review Philosophical Evidences of Christianity, by Renn Hampton. VII. Poetry-The Music of the Spheres. VIII. On the Structure and Economy of GlowWorms. IX. Poetry-Ode to the Poppy, by Lady O'Niel. X. Review-Blanco White versus Popery. XI. Review-Thought not a Function of the Brain. XII. A Sea-shore Reverie Stanzas for Music. XIII. The Miser. XIV. Notices of New Publications. -Latest Literary and Philosophical Intel

Published by Smith, Elder, and Co. 65, ligence, &c. &c. &c. Cornhill, London.

15: All Communications to be sent. Post Paid, before the 5th of the current month, if intended for early insertion.

London: John Stephens, City-Road. Sold

This day is published, in 2 Vols. 8vo. price also by Simpkin and Marshall, Stationers'

[blocks in formation]

Court; Sherwood and Co. Paternoster-Row; and all Booksellers throughout the kingdom.

and This day is published, the Second Edition, revised, 14s. Bds. of

Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green.

Of whom may be had,

A LEGACY for YOUNG LADIES; consisting of Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose and Verse. By the late Mrs. BARBAULD. In 1 Vol. 12mo. price 7s. 6d. Bds.

MEMOIRS of the COURT of QUEEN ELIZABETH. By LUCY AIKIN. 6th Edit. 2 Vols. 8vo. 11. 5s. Bds.

MEMOIRS of the COURT of KING JAMES the FIRST. By LUCY AIKIN. 2 Vols. 8vo. 3d Eait. 11. 4s. Bds.

N INQUIRY concerning

Functions usually denominated Constitutional Irritation. By BENJAMIN TRAVERS, F.R S. Senior Surgeon to St. Thomas's Hospital, and President of the Medico-Chirurgical and Hunterian Societies of London, &c.

Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London.

In the Press, and will speedily be published, HE Collected WORKS of the Rev. S. PARR, LL D. Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Curate of Hatton, &c. The whole preceded by Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by JOHN JOHNSTONE, M.D.

In 6 Vols. 8vo.

Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London.

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