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Thomson's South Africa. 2 vols. 8vo. 17. Jones's Travels in Norway. 2 vols. 8vo. Stevenson's Tour on the Continent. 2 vols. Alexander's Travels of Mirza Modeen. De Roos's Travels in the United States. Rambles in Madeira and Portugal. Post 8vo. 9s. 6d. bds. Faulkner's Rambling Notes during a Visit to Paris. 8vo. 12s. bds. Johnson's Tour on the Continent. 12mo. 6s. bds. West's Second Journal. 8vo. 5s. bds. 8vo. 17. 11s. 6d. bds. 11s. 6d. bds. 17. 10s. bds. 8vo. 17. Is. bds. 9s. bds. 8vo. 12s. bds. Andrews's Travels in South America. 2 vols. Post 8vo. 18s. bds. Raffles's Tour on the Continent. New Edition. 12mo. 6s. bds. Don Juan Van Halen's Narrative. 2 vols. 8vo. 17. 8s. bds. INDEX. A ARKWRIGHT, Sir Richard, his extraction, 7-his discovery of spinning Asia, its natural divisions well described, 47-state of society in the B Baber, character of this Emperor, 45-state of society in Asia during Banks, Sir Joseph, his character, 352-3. Bolivar, his wonderful talents, 510. Burke, his abilities as a writer, 273—his style, 274-specimens of his C Catholic Question, Dr Phillpott's absurd deference to the opinion of 253-opinions of Mr Burke and Dr Laurence, 295-7-political Civilization, its progress in Europe contrasted with Asia and Africa, Coalitions, defence of, 248 and 426-necessity of reciprocal conces- Corn Laws, injurious effects of the present existing, 401-2-the selfish Coronation Oath, review of it, 168-9-Geo. III.'s opinion of its obli- Criticism, has assumed a new form in Germany, 323-in what it D Davy's, Sir Humphry, discourses delivered before the Royal Society, 352. Doering, his character as a biographer, 177. E Education, parochial schools in Scotland, 108-129-Society for the England, present state of, bears a close resemblance to France pre- English History, letter to Elizabeth, suggesting the murder of Mary, |