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Preferve us, O Lord, as the apple of thy eye, and protect us under the fhadow of thy


Vouchfafe, O Lord, to keep us this night without fin.

Have mercy on us, O Lord have mercy on us. Let thy mercy, O Lord, be on us, as

we have put our truft in thee.

V. Lord hear my prayer.

Rand let my cry come to thee.

The Prayer.

TISIT, we beseech thee O Lord, this habitation, and drive far away from it all: Shares of the enemy: let thy holy angels dwell therein, to preferve us in peace, and thy bleffing be upon us for ever: Thro' our Lord Jefus Chrift. Amen.

O Angel of God, to whofe holy care I am. committed by the Supreme clemency, enlighten, defend and govern me this night from all fin and danger. Amen.

The Bleffing: May the almighty and merciful Lord, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft blefs and keep us. Ámen.


The People may anfaver the Pricfi, or fay as follows.
N the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghoft. Amen.



Will draw near thy altar, O my God, there to gain new ftrength and vigour to

my foul and by thy grace feparate me from those unbelievers, who have no truft in thee..

That grace which comforts me, when the remembrance of my fins afflict and caft me down.

That grace which lets me know there's an everlasting refuge in thy goodnefs, and that thou art ready to forgive even our greatesti fins, as foon as we fincerely acknowledge.


The People may fay the Confiteor after the Priest, or as follows..

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Confefs then, and acknowledge, O my God, not only to thee, to whom the fecrets of my heart are already known, but alfo that facred affembly of faints, which are eternally bleffed with thy prefence; to all about me, that are here prefent, groaning under the burthen of fin; that I have infinitely offended thee, in my thoughts, in my words, and in my actions: and that nothing but thy infinite mercy can equal my fins; Therefore: I beseech thofe favourites of heaven, that are: always attending thy Divine Majefty, to intercede for me: And firft, that glorious and: perpetual Virgin, thy ever-bleffed Mother; then thy pure and holy angels, and all thy faints, who are inflamed with divine charity :: And lastly, all those, who here below are endeavouring, though at a distance, to follow their great example..

After the Confiteor.

My God, who hast commanded us to pray one for another, and in thy holychurch haft given, even to finners, the power of abfolving from fin: receive with an equal bounty, the prayers of thy people for the prieft, and thofe of thy prieft for the people.

When the Prieft is going up to the Altar.


Nite, O Lord, our hearts and our wills, and remove from us every thing, that may any ways make us unfit for our appearing in thy fanctuary.

Though we are unworthy of ourfelves, yet our comfort is, we are the legitimate pofterity of thofe bleffed faints, whofe facred relicks are placed near thy holy altar. Grant then,. thro' their prayers, what thou mayeft juftly refufe us thro' the flothful tepidity of ours, and forgive us all our fins..


At the Introit.:

Or when the Priest goes firft to the Book.

RANT, Lord, we may be truly prepared for the offering this great facrifice to thee this day; and becaufe our fins alone can render us difpleafing to thee, therefore we call aloud to thee for mercy.


At the Kyrie Elefon.

AVE mercy on me, O Lord, and forgive me all my fins; and tho' I have. nothing of my own to move thy Goodness,

yet let my Importunity prevail. Have mercy on me, O Lord, have mercy on me.


At the Gloria in excelfis.

HE Glory, O my God, which may any ways be proportioned to thy Greatness, can only be paid thee in Heaven; my heart, however, defires to give thee what homage it can upon earth; and therefore with this thy Servant at the altar, and the whole congregation, I praife thee, I blefs thee, I adore and glorify thee, and give thee thanks, almighty Father, eternal Son, and Holy Ghoft moft high God and only Lord, all I expect is from thee, and I defire no longer to live, than I am live in thy fervice.

When the Prieft turns to the People, and fays, Our Lord be with you.

E thou always with us, O my God, and let thy grace never depart from us.


While the Prieft is faving the Collects, or Prayers of the Day, the People may thus join with bim.


LMIGHTY and eternal God, we humbly beseech thee, mercifully to give ear to the prayers of thy fervant, which he offers thee in the name of thy church, and in behalf of us thy people; Accept them to the honour of thy name, and good of our fouls; and grant us all thofe bleflings, which may any ways contribure to our falvation: Through our Lord Jefus Chrift, &c.

On a Sunday, or Feria, may be faid.

GOD, who never forfakeft those that put their truft in thee, mercifully hear our prayers and fince our weakness is fuch, that without thee we can do nothing, grant us the daily affiftance of thy grace, that in obferving thy commandments, we may be ever acceptable to thee: Through our Lord Jefus.

On a Feftival of a Saint.

RANT, we beseech thee, Almighty

G God, that the example. of thy faints Ꮐ

may effectually move us to reform our lives, that while we celebrate their festivals, we may also imitate their actions: Through our Lord Jefus Christ.


At the Epifle.

HOU haft taught us, O Lord, by thy Prophets and Apoftles; grant we may fo improve, by their doctrine and example, in the love of thy holy name, that we may manifeft in our lives, whofe difciples we are :: That though we live amidft corruption, we may not follow the inclinations of flesh and blood; but having mastered all our paffions, we may be directed by thy light, ftrengthened by thy grace, walk in the perfect ob-fervance of thy law, and ferve thee with clean hearts.

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