"It is not a maid that you hae wedded, O wrathful he left the bed, "I am the most unhappy man, " And I hae gotten naething but a woman wi' child." "O stay, my son, into this ha', " And sport ye wi' your merrymen a'; " And I will to the secret bour, "To see how it fares wi' your paramour." The carline she was stark and sture, "O! hear me, mother, on my knee, "It fell on a summer's afternoon, " To see which suld to the grene-wood gang. "O hon! alas, for I was youngest, "For to the grene-wood I maun gae, " I hadna pu'd a flower but ane, "When by there came a gallant hende, "Wi' high coll'd hose and laigh coll'd shoon, " And he seemed to be sum king's son. "And be I maid, or be I nae, "He kept me there till the day was done. "He gae me a lock o' his yellow hair, "He gae to me a gay gold ring, "O bring that coffer unto me, O she has ta'en her thro' the ha', * Carknet-A necklace. Thus: "She threw away her rings and carknet cleen."-Harrison's Translation of Orlando Furioso-Notes on book 37th. "What did you wi' the gay gold ring, "But I wad gie a' my halls and tours, : "Now keep, my son, your ha's and tours; " Ye have that bright burd in your bours: " And keep, my son, your very life; " Ye have that lady to your wife." Now, or a month was cum and gane, The ladye bore a bonny son; PRINCE ROBERT, NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED. FROM THE RECITATION OF A LADY, NEARLY RELATED TO THE EDITOR.. PRINCE ROBERT has wedded a gay ladye, Prince Robert has wedded a gay ladye, "Your blessing, your blessing, my mother dear! "Your blessing now grant to me!" "Instead of a blessing ye sall have my curse, "And you'll get nae blessing frae me." |