not risk taking up a book until they know whether it is likely to be a paying enterprise here, and so the young author will be sacrificed.' My friend forgets that the history of modern literature records many instances of English authors becoming popular in America before the Old World had discovered their talents. A copyright law once in action, any shortcomings can be corrected in the future.' and pamphlets lie on the floor for want of shelf-his book was a success. American publishers will room, to the blow at the best interests of American book publishers and book-makers by the revision of the Forty-seventh Congress, the action of the National Legislature has been hostile to the literary interests of the United States. Millions are freely voted away for the alleged improvements of rivulets and forming harbors among mountain ridges; hundreds would be grudged-could not be obtained-for the preparation of a catalogue of all the books ever published in America. The greatest nation of book and newspaper readers on the globe does not elect reading men to enact its laws. Great Britain and Germany will have their great catalogues completed long before the utility of such a work in intellectual America will strike a majority of United States Congressmen. AMERICAN MAGAZINES IN ENGLAND. From Blackwood's Magazine. IT was exceedingly clever, what may, perhaps, be called smart, just at a moment when English authors were placed by a new efflorescence of piracy in a worse position than ever on the other side of the Atlantic, that the American periodical should have invaded our shores. But so it was. It has made, we believe, a successful invasion, and not without deserving its success. For the American magazines which England has accepted with cordiality are excellent in illustration; and if their literary qualities are not the highest they have at least a certain novelty and freshness of flavor. There are, however, certain results of their introduction which are more important than the possibly ephemeral success which a public, more free from prejudices in favor of its own than ever public was before, has awarded to them; and these are first the revelation of some American authors little or not at all known in England; and second, a full perception, hither. to possible only to a few, of the claims of America in literature. These claims we have hitherto been very charitable to, as the early clutches of a great literature about to come into being, though as yet somewhat stunted and not of lavish growth, at the laurels of fame. But few, perhaps, were aware how little consideration was was thought to be necessary, or how entirely sure our transatlantic relations were of having attained a standing-ground of certainty much above that vague platform of hope. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT. A CORRESPONDENT of the N. Y. Times is responsible for the following statement: " A propos of literature I am told that the London copyright committee who are supposed to be acting for 'the profession' in this country have accepted the American proposals in regard to international copyrighted editions circulated in America being printed in the United States. This, I am assured by one who ought to know, disperses the last point of difficulty between the two countries, and that we may really look forward to the passing of an act which will be satisfactory to authors on both sides of the Atlantic. 'The clause will be maintained,' says my informant, 'giving the author only six months for the reprinting of his book, which will work badly so far as young writers are concerned. Take Anstey and his Vice Versa" as an example: it was quite six months before he knew that BOOK STATISTICS. AN inquiry made by the Chicago Standard of the Librarian of Congress, Mr. A. R. Spofford, regarding the number of books published each year for a series of years in the United States, brought the following reply: "Permit me to say that not even an approximate answer is possible. The reason is that no possible standard exists by which those publications which are books, and those which are not books, can be discriminated. Of the 6000 to 8000 annual copyright entries of what are called books, many hundreds are such things as directories, hotel registers, trade lists, dime novels and song-books, elementary school-books, and Sunday-school literature of ali descriptions. Many hundreds more are simply reprints or new editions of old works." On which the Standard comments thus: 'It would seem to us advisable to amend the copyright law so as to require applicants for copyrights to so describe the thing to be published as to make it possible to keep intelligible statistics showing the increase of the literary productions of the country. TOPICAL CUES AND REFERENCES. Chiefly from the Literary News. INDIA.-J. S. Cotton in the Academy, Feb. 3, reviews eleven recent books on India. AN ELECTIVE JUDICIARY-is one of the topics in Foster's Monthly Reference Lists, January. THE HOME is the subject of "Current Notes on Reading" in the National Baptist, March 8. INDIANS. "Indian Tribes in the United States" is a topic in Foster's Monthly Reference Lists, March. GEORGE WASHINGTON GREENE. A bibliography of his works is given in the Literary World, Feb. 1O. GLADSTONE." Mr. Gladstone's Career [183283]," is one of the topics in Foster's Monthly Reference Lists, March. MADAGASCAR, Tahiti; French Aggressions— are the topics of "Current Notes on Reading," in the National Baptist, Feb. 8. ALFRED DE MUSSET.-Rouquette, Paris, has published a "Bibliographie et Iconographie des Euvres d'Alfred de Musset." JOHN ESTEN COOKE-is the subject of the "World Biographies,' " in the Literary World, Feb. 10. The sketch is followed by a bibliography of Cooke's works. IRELAND.-W. Kite, in the National Baptist, Feb. 22, makes "Ireland" the subject of "Current Notes on Reading." citing some fifteen works on the subject. GEORGE ELIOT.-The Literary World. Feb. 24, publishes Collections toward a Bibliography of George Eliot (Mary Ann Cross)," for the period since her death. MEXICO.-The list of the authorities quoted in H. H. Bancroft's "History of Mexico (in vol. 4 of his "History of the Pacific States ") covers 92 pages, giving over 3000 references. ROME. An annotated list of a few of the best and most convenient works for some one that proposes," to go to Rome through the medium of books, is given in the Literary World, Feb. 24. " JAMES MONROE.-Gilman's "James Monroe," the latest volume of the American Statesmen, gives in an appendix a bibliography of Monroe and the Monroe Doctrine, prepared by J. F. Jameson. the AMERICAN HISTORY.-the second subject of Courses of Reading on Special Subjects," in the Critic-appears in its issues of Feb. 24 and March 3, and is treated by Sydney Howard Gay, in a di cursive rather than bibliographical manner. (See also English and American History for Children, under " Cues," Feb. 17.) CARTOGRAPHY.-Prof. Justin Winsor gives in the Harvard University Bulletin, January, a very valuable annotated list of editions of the original and augmented texts and translations, and of Wytfliet's Continuation, with particular reference to the development of early American cartography; and with an enumeration of cop ies in American libraries. ENGLISH BOOKS AND EDITIONS.-Barnicott & Son, Taunton, Eng., have just issued a new Catalogue of Books comprising a Selection of BIOGRAPHY.-The Literary World, March 24, Works in the various Departments of Literature." gives an index to its series of "World Biogra-ified form and with an index of authors and subIt is an excellent selection, presented in classiphies," and a list of bibliographies which accompany the biographies or that appeared in an independent form. POLITICAL ECONOMY.-Prof. W. G. Sumner contributes to the "Course of Reading on Special Subjects," in the Critic, March 10 and 17, a revision of his list published in 1880 in the Library Journal. IRVING.-The Irving "Centenary Number" of the Critic, March 31, contains articles on Washington Irving by J. H. Morse, O. W. Holmes, C. D. Warner, G. W. Curtis, E. W. Gosse, S. H. Gay, etc., and a bibliography. THEOLOGY.-J. Skinner's" Synopsis of Moral and Ascetic Theology," just published by Paul, London, contains a catalogue of ancient and modern authorities arranged according to centuries. Price, 10s. 6d. (See also, Cues, Feb. 17.) Books.-J. Brander Matthews contributes to the Critic, March 17, a chapter of "Hints for Those Who Know How to Read," which, however, might be headed more correctly Hints for Those Who Don't Know How to Handle Books." PERIODICAL LITERATURE.-The eleventh of Mr. W. M. Griswold's Q. P. Indexes (Bangor, Maine) is "A General Index to the Contemporary Review, the Fortnightly Review, and the Nineteenth Century," filling thirty-six pages, and covering the years 1865-82. CARLYLE.-Mr. W. C. Lane gives in the Harvard University Bulletin, January, an annotated record of the first instalment (Cromwell) of the Cromwell and Frederic the Great books left to the University Library in Carlyle's will, dated February 6, 1873, and received in July, 1881. ARABIAN NIGHTS.-To the works mentioned in the February issue should be added Dr. Edward William Lane's studies from "The Thousand and One Nights," which are aptly named "Arabian Society in the Middle Ages.' They are edited by his grandnephew Stanley Lane Poole. (Chatto & Windus.) BIBLIOGRAPHY.-The Monthly Notes of the L. A. U. K., February, contains Mr. Tedder's paper on "The Bibliography of 1882;" and the Library Journal, February, contains an "Index to some Recent Reference Lists," by H. J. Carr, directing to the bibliographical sources of over 100 prominent topics. jects. A new feature is the indication of the publishers by a series of numbers. ANCIENT CLASSICS.-The second part of Dr. "This Preuss' revision of " Engelmann's Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum," just published, contains the Latin writers. The first part, devoted to Greek writers, appeared in 1880. valuable bibliography," according to the Monthly Notes, "is absolutely necessary in any library possessing Greek and Latin books. BEOWULF.-In the rather supercilious notice, in the Academy of January 20, of Prof. Garnett's translation of "Beowulf," it is curtly remarked that the book contains "a fair bibliography of should impose on some of his American readthe subject.' Lest the reviewer's ignorance ers, we repeat that this bibliography is the "fullest that has ever yet been prepared"much fuller, for example, than Wülcker's in the Anglia.-Nation. POPE'S "DUNCIAD "-The fourth volume of Pope's "Poetry" in Courthope's new edition of Pope's Works (Murray) contains "The Dunciad." The Athenæum, referring to Mr. Courthope's "copious and admirable notes," says: "In addition to an elaborate and masterly introduction his notes on 'The Dunciad' fill about sixty closely printed pages. The volume contains a reprint of the first edition of 1728, and also the valuable notes on the editions of The Dunciad' which Mr. Thoms has allowed to be reprinted from Notes and Queries. LAW.-Mr. Soule's "Lawyer's Reference Manual of Law-Books and Citations" (Soule & Bugbee) is an invaluable book of reference for lawyers. The work comprehends a list of American reports, digests, and statutes, with brief and valuable notes in regard to editions and peculiarities; lists of the English, Irish, Scotch, and British colonial reports, with notes; an index of authors, etc.; an index of subjects, and an index of abbreviations. Mr. Soule has been at work upon the book for many years, and his task—a gigantic one-has been performed with care, discretion, and accuracy. We can cordially recommend it to the profession; the information it gives can be got nowhere else.-Nation. METHODISM AND LITERATURE.--Under this title F. A. Archibald has edited a volume containing the following papers: The Methodist Book Concern, by Sanford Hunt; Circulation of our Literature, by J. M. Walden ; What We Read and What We Should Read, by Rev. N. B. C. Love; Pernicious Literature, by Jas. M. Freeman; The Evils of Indiscriminate Novel-reading, by Ross C. Houghton; Methodist Biographical Literature, by W. B. Watkins; Historical Literature of Methodism, by Francis S. Hoyt; The Literature of Bible Study; Theological and Doctrinal Literature; Our Sunday-school Helps, by Newell S. Albright, etc., etc. The catalogue of books covers nearly 100 pages, and contains works of history, travel, poetry, fiction, religious works, Bible-helps, etc., selected from the publications of our best publishers. (Walden & Stowe.) FICTION READING.-Lists of Novels: Abbott, L., and others, "Hints for Home Reading ;" Hubbard, James M., "The Public Library and the School-children" [Lists of Objectionable "Best Reading' Novels]; Jones, Lynds E, [1876-1882]; Leypoldt, F., "Reading Diary of Modern Fiction;" Perkins, F. B., "Best Reading" [1876] Perkins, F. B., "Best 100 Novels" [Library Journal, 1877].—Historical Novels: Allen, W. Francis, Reader's Guide to English History" Boston Public Library, "Chronological Index to Historical Fiction."-Books for Young Readers: Buffalo Young Men's Library, "Books for Young Readers ;' Illinois School Report, 1873-4, "Books for School Libraries ;" Peoria Public School Report, 1881, "Suggested Reading" Smart, J. H., "Books and Reading for the Young.' *Consult also the catalogues of the Boston, Brooklyn, Quincy, Roxbury, and other libraries, and the following periodicals: Library News, Literary World, Literary News, Library Journal, Critic, Saturday Review, AthePUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, and others.-Library News. næum, 44 the topics touched. The system, according to Times, " a -"A Hand-book J. Trimble (Eldredge), is according to the N. Y. of English and American Literature, by Esther quite good enough in its way; far superior to many, it perhaps is the equal of the best. Its brief statements of political and social history, in connection with each literary epoch, were excellent things to do, and as a whole, the work has been compiled in a painstaking man(Holt) is, according to the Boston Advertiser ner."-Ten Brink's Early English Literature minute and scholarly history, reaching from the days of Hengist and Horsa to those of Wycliff. The last author described is Langland, of whose very accurate and spirited account. 'Vision Concerning Piers Plowman' there is a Landmarks of English Literature," by H. J. Nicoll (Appleton), is warmly recommended by the St. James' Gazette, which says that "it is fuller than most with respect to the later developments of English literature, and the author is at his best with a chronology as good and as full as any in this portion of his work, which is provided student can desire."-The second volume of THE ACTS.-One of the most important addi- Baldwin's "Introduction to the Study of Gentions to the literature of the Acts is the revised eral Literature," just published by John E. PotAmerican translation of Meyer's "Critical and ter & Co., is devoted to prose. The plan is the Exegetical Hand-book to the Acts" (Funk & same as is adopted, in the first volume for Wagnalls). It contains two lists of works dealpoetry. The books referred to are not arranged ing with the Acts-one by the author, the other chronologically, but grouped in classes. At the by Dr. W. Ormiston, the American editor, in- end of each division is a list of references which cluding the works referred to in his notes. are of the greatest value to the student and genSome critical remarks on the most prominent eral reader. It includes works in all departbooks are made in the preface." In the recent ments of literature which have a direct beareditorial on Helps to the Study of the Acts,' ing upon the subject treated in the preceding we, says the Sunday-School Times, "indicated pages. The style of each author is described briefly the merits and defects of that work; it is and its peculiarities are exemplified by illustranow sufficient to mention that, in spite of the tive quotations.-Perry's "English Literature characteristic faults of Canon Farrar's writing, (Appleton) is, in his own words, "by no means this work is one of the best for popular study a history of the literature of the last century; in the line of the present lessons. The new edimany important authors, like Prior and Smollett, tion (Cassell's) is certainly a marvel of cheap- have but a word given them; Fielding receives It is a duodecimo of nearly 700 pages, it no full discussion; and many other writers are contains all the notes and indexes of the larger not even mentioned. My aim, however, has editions, and it is strongly bound in cloth. To been rather to supplement the histories by pointcrown all, the price is only 75 c. [pap. 40 c.].ing out, so far as I could, the more evident laws In this cheap form Canon Farrar's book, ought to attain a very wide circulation among Sundayschool teachers and Bible-class leaders." (See also Cues, Feb. 17.) ness. ENGLISH LITERATURE.—In “A Key to a New Method for the Study of English Literature (Chicago, Griggs) Miss Louise Maertz refers, by page and chapter, to several books for the stu dent, which supplement her teaching, and which enable the instructor to enlarge upon each of *To these should be added Miss Hewins' "Books for the Young." just published, and mentioned under the "Cues in the issue for Feb. 17. that govern literature. I have accordingly tried to show the principles that went to the formation of the literature of the last century, and also the causes of its overthrow The Critic says, "The analysis is often clever, the criticism sometimes unique, while the anecdote and percontrived to work in a great mass of material, sonality are always interesting. Mr. Perry has particularly in relation to obscure writers and obscure rivulets of influence, such as diligent rummaging in old libraries supplies. He has given a piquant charm to his work, not by any means supplied in the half-dozen works lately contributed to the criticisms of English literature." NOTES ON AUTHORS. "THE 'Drawer,' that department of Harper's Magazine which for many long years has bright MR. GEORGE MACDONALD is publishing in ened life for countless American households," England a new novel called "Donal Grant. M. PAUL JANET will shortly publish, with Germer Baillière, a work on the causes of contemporary Socialism. A DUTCH authoress who writes under the name of Wallis has made a mark with a novel called In Dagen van Strijd." A translation into English, by Elizabeth Jane Irving, has been published by W. Swan Sonnenschein & Co., of London. MR. WILLIAM ANDREWS, Secretary of the Hull Literary Club, is preparing for early publication a book on bells. In addition to a his tory of bells, chapters will be devoted to customs, traditions, ringers' rules, quaint epitaphs on ringers, etc. The volume will be profusely illus trated. JOURNALISTIC NOTES. MR. HENRY JAMES has written for The Century an article both biographical and critical on the late Anthony Trollope. The Inland Architect and Builder is the title · says the N. Y. Tribune, "is to have a new editor. Those who have enjoyed the merry humors of My Summer in a Garden,' may be sure that the 'Drawer' will lose nothing of its old interest under the management of Mr. Charles Dudley Warner." HOWARD CHALLEN, Philadelphia, has just issued the first number of The Interchange, a serial publication, giving information concerning books relating to and periodicals publishing articles on special subjects. It will give the contents of current magazines and reviews (omitting fiction and poetry), and is designed to be of mutual adspecialists desiring information respecting books vantage to publishers issuing periodicals, and to or articles of interest to them. BUSINESS NOTES. of a new monthly, published in Chicago by than twenty-seven years actively identified with Messrs. L. Muller, Jr., and R. C. McLean. A MONTHLY journal for printers and those connected with printing interests, is announced for publication in Chicago, by H. R. Boss. It will be called The Printer, and the first number is to appear in April. ERNEST F. BIRMINGHAM & Co., 140 Nassau St., N. Y., have purchased The American Queen, and announce that they will 'inaugurate a series of radical changes in its scope, appearance, and general character. " An Gaodhal is a monthly magazine devoted to the preservation and cultivation of the Irish language published at No. 814 Pacific Street, Brooklyn, by M. J. Logan, who also edits the journal. It is owned by M. J. Logan. H. J. CALVERT, N. Y., announces that he will issue hereafter instead of his illustrated magazine, a new fortnightly eight-page paper to be entitled All the Year. The paper will be issued weekly as soon as arrangements can be made. MR. HOWELLS has written a sequel to "Their Wedding Journey," which will shortly be published in the Atlantic. It is called "Niagara Revisited," and describes the bride and bridegroom of "The Wedding Journey' travelling again to the great waterfall, after many years. MR. JUSTIN MCCARTHY'S “Maid of Athens," his new novel now running in Belgravia, is to be reprinted, by arrangement, in this country in the pages of The Domestic Monthly, published by Blake & Co., 853 Broadway, N. Y. The story will be illustrated by charming designs by F. Barnard. THE business management of The Overland Monthly and Cal. Publishing Co. has been transferred by the owners to Mr. Samuel Carson, publisher and wholesale bookseller, 120 Sutter Street, San Francisco. It will be the endeavor of the new management to merit a continuance of the favor and support of all who may be interested in the magazine. ATHENS, GA.-Burke & Anderson, booksellers and stationers, dissolved partnership April 1, E. F. Anderson retiring. They are succeeded by the new firm of J. W. & E. W. Burke, who will continue the business at the old stand. Burlington, VT.-Wesley Jones, for more the business interests of Burlington, on March 13 disposed of his retail business on Jefferson Street to Wm. H. Mauro. Jr., and Jas. P. Wilson, who will continue the business without interruption. Mr. Wesley Jones, we learn from the Burling ton Hawkeye, "will close out his wholesale stock on Main Street as rapidly as possible. He has since 1866 been among the most prominent of Burlington's business men. Enterprising and energetic, he carried the book business to a volume not attained by any other dealer in the North-west, and was made President of the National Booksellers' Association. The new firm, Mauro & Wilson, need no introduction to the business men or citizens of Burlington. They have so long been identified with the business house to which they now succeed, that their customers will all be old friends and will scarcely know that a change has taken place in the house itself." NEW YORK CITY.-Theodor Berendsohn las removed his large stock of second-hand books, magazines, etc., tó No. 50 Fulton St. Mr. Berendsohn has on hand, at all times, a full stock of second-hand school-books, and is ready at all times to attend promptly and conscientiously to any pick-up orders with which he may be entrusted. PHILADELPHIA, PA.-The firm of McCauley & Butler was dissolved March 30 by mutual consent, Charles E. Butler withdrawing. Mr. James McCauley will continue the business. PORTLAND, ME.-Aurin L. Dresser, on the 26th ult., issued a circular to his creditors asking for a composition. Mr. Dresser has been very sick for the year past, and is obliged to go south for his health. On account of his sickness he was unable to attend to his business personally, hence his embarrassment. OBITUARY. GEORGE W. DAVIDS. GEORGE W. DAVIDS, of the firm of Thaddeus Davids & Co., the well-known ink manufacturers, Nos. 127 and 129 William St., N. Y., died at the Grand Union Hotel on April 4, under circumstances that lead to the belief that he committed suicide. The police insist upon this, although there is no known cause which might have influenced this action, and although his friends claim that Mr. Davids was in the habit of using laudanum medicinally, and may have taken an overdose. Mr. Davids was born in this city in 1835, received a common-school education, went into business with his father, and soon became a member of the firm. His domestic relations are said to have been of the happiest, and his temperament a cheerful one, although of late he suffered from gout. Mr. Davids was Treasurer of the Stationers' Board of Trade, and one of the trustees of the Board of Trade and Transportation. GOOD WORDS. From the Library News. Spinoza's Ethics," by Hale White, who had the advice and assistance of Dr. J. Hutchinson Sterling, of Edinburgh. P. BLAKISTON, SON & Co. have in preparation a work on "The Cinchona Barks, Pharmacognostically Considered," by Friedrich A. Flückiger, of Strassburg, translated, with some additional notes, by Prof. Frederick B. Power. The work will contain eight handsome lithographic plates. WILLIAM J. CAMPBELL, 740 Sansom St., Philadelphia, has purchased the balance of the edi tion of Wm. Nelson West's valuable work, "Digest of the Laws and Ordinances Governing the City of Philadelphia, and in Force on the First Day of January, 1882." The price has been reduced from $6 to $4. TRÜBNER'S Literary Record, of London, says: "It seems almost incredible that within a generation the site of Chicago should have been the haunt of wild beasts, and that to-day such books should be published there as the 'German Philosophical Classics for English Readers,' con FROM a bibliographical standpoint—that is, as treating books as, books, whether they be scientific, literary, or otherwise--the regular literary journals will not satisfy the inquirer wishing to know at least the name of each book that is being published on certain subjects. For that in-taining Kant, Hegel, and others." formation he should turn to the journals published for that purpose. Of these the Literary News and Publishers' Weekly are the chief. Each has features not possessed by the other, and each has its special admirers. Both are trustworthy and comprehensive. On the other hand all those interested in libraries and those wishing information as to the choice of books, from men competent to judge, should devote themselves to the Library Journal. Its articles are written with a perfect knowledge of the wants of the public and excellent judg. ment as to the value of the publications in regard to which it expresses an opinion. It is a trustworthy guide, especially for those who have access to public libraries, and wish to be advised in regard to the selection of books. LITERARY AND TRADE NOTES. THE great edition of the Carlyle-Emerson correspondence has already been exhausted, both in England and America, and the London publishers have cabled to James R. Osgood & Co. for a fresh supply. ON the 31st ult. the safe of E. B. Treat, the well-known publisher, was robbed of $20,000 in bonds and securities. The loss is an annoying one to Mr. Treat, because some of the stolen bonds were only held by him in trust. THE Nation accuses Madame de ClermontTonnerre of omissions, transpositions, additions, and alterations in her translation of Parkman's 'Jesuits in America"-the changes being such as would naturally commend themselves to a devout Romanist. MACMILLAN & Co. will publish shortly a new edition of Dr. James Martineau's recent work, 'A Study of Spinoza," and a new translation of G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, we understand, are not likely to have many copies of their Memorial edition of the "Life and Letters of Washington Irving" unsubscribed for, by the time the first volume is ready for delivery. In their retail department alone, Mr. Irving Putnam has already taken orders for over one hundred sets. A. J. HOLMAN & Co., Phila., will shortly publish their new catalogue for the spring season, 1883. Some changes have been made in their line of Bibles, which is now more complete than ever. Many new numbers and styles have been added to the list. Their line of photograph albums has been extended, and the firm report a growing demand for them. AN English-Spanish and Spanish-English Dictionary is begun by Nestor Ponce de Leon, at No. 40 Broadway, containing the words and phrases used in the applied sciences, industrial arts, fine arts, mechanics, etc. The "Diccionario Tecnologico" shows for its first part 48 pages, large octavo, and goes as far as ba digeun." The price of each part is 50 cents. in book-form. |